Tobacco Free Nicotine Pouches as Alternatives to Smoking

Nicotine pouches first emerged on the market in 2015 and have grown in popularity ever since. They were first produced in the US but are modeled on the Swedish product –  Snus which is a smokeless tobacco product. There are different versions of  nicotine pouches and various brands available in Europe and the USA. Nicotine pouches, also known as all white, follow the simple Swedish design and contain just a few  ingredients. This article explains what they are and considers why they’re so popular. Read further information here.

What are tobacco free nicotine pouches?

Nicotine pouches are tobacco and smoke free products that are made from laboratory produced synthetic nicotine. They are consumed orally and are placed in the mouth between the upper lip and the gum. The pouch gradually releases nicotine which the gum absorbs. Users sometimes experience a buzzing sensation when the nicotine is delivered into the gum. The effects last for up to an hour. The original nicotine pouch is odor free and tastes neutral but there’s a range of flavors and aromas to sample. They are packaged in cute little tubs that can be stored anywhere so no need to put them in the fridge. They’re legal to purchase in Europe and in the US.

What ingredients are in nicotine pouches?

Nicotine pouches come in little bags of white powder. The bags are shaped like little pillows and are made from cellulose. The ingredients in the powder consist of synthetic nicotine, fibers, water, sweeteners and flavorings. Some pouches might also contain citric acid and stabilizers, so check the ingredients on the tub as they vary.The fibers are plant based1- 3-9mg

Why have nicotine pouches become so popular?

Reasons for their rising popularity are suggested below:

  • Free from tobacco
  • Handy tubs mean you can store them anywhere
  • You can consume them everywhere
  • They’re hands free
  • Convenient and cheap
  • Effects may last up to an hour
  • Easy to bin
  • No staining teeth or fingertips
  • Not a fire risk
  • No fumbling around for matches or lighters
  • No danger of harming friends and family with second hand smoke
  • Aftertaste is neutral or pleasant
  • Odor free
  • Range of flavors, sizes and strengths

How do I choose the nicotine pouch that suits me?

As a first time user it’s maybe best to opt for a mini or slim nicotine pouch that will fit subtly between your gum and lip. Choose a low strength pouch too, until you get used to using them. The variety of flavors is great though mint is a refreshing  flavor that leaves a great taste in your mouth.