This Is Why Couples Who Workout Together Are More Likely To Stay Together

We’ve all seen those “power couples” on Instagram who work out together and fling one another in the air doing couples yoga and all sorts of other impressive moves. The problem with that is we also know that most people’s social media accounts are not an accurate representation of their day to day lives. Just because it all appears to be perfect, that doesn’t necessarily make it so. However, those couples who work out together, looking all loved up with their big smiles, likely are incredibly happy in their relationship, according to Cupid’s Light. It’s not always the case of course, but there are a lot of strong points that suggest couples who workout together are more likely to stay together. Here’s why…

Physiological arousal

Participating in physical challenges and activities leads to increased feelings of satisfaction. When you add your partner into the mix, due to the physiological arousal that goes with it, conquering said challenges together can also lead to increased feelings of attraction. 

Push one another harder

Working out together can not only boost your performance, but drive you to master new skills and abilities. Having someone alongside you in a workout is always helpful, particularly if you struggle to push yourself beyond your limits. When that person is your romantic partner, it can strengthen your bond as you smash through new milestones and challenges together.

Coordinate your bond

When working out with your partner, you coordinate your actions together. Particularly if working out to music, you will maintain a certain rhythm during your exercises, eventually finding balance with one another and ‘syncing up’. This can be seen in couple’s yoga where couples anticipate one another’s movements with impressive accuracy. These non-verbal matching exercises (aka mimicry) can make you feel emotionally matched with your partner thus creating a stronger bond between you both. 

That synchronicity will translate well in all aspects of your relationship – particularly the physical. If your love live has been challenging over the years, then you may wish to consider working out together. It doesn’t have to be intense, even if it’s one or two yoga sessions a week, the mere act of exercising together can work wonders in bringing you closer. 

Further to that, you can find couple’s sex toys online that will help you further nurture that bond – when you’re so well in sync, anticipating each other’s sexual needs will feel more natural. 

More energy

The more you work out, the more energy you will have. Of course, after a long workout you will be exhausted. However, over time, your strength and stamina will improve and you will feel more energised throughout the day. This boost in energy and performance can take your sex life to greater heights, particularly when you find yourselves in the mood more often and at similar times.  

Self-esteem boost

The key to a healthy sexual relationship is to be happy in your own skin. If both you and your partner workout regularly, you will start to develop more positive feelings about your bodies, particularly as you build muscle and shed weight. This will help you to get your sex life back on track and start enjoying each other’s bodies, as well as your own. There’s nothing sexier than body confidence and it will rub off on both of you, that’s for sure.