The IRS WISP: A Comprehensive Guide to Creating a Written Information Security Plan

In today’s digital landscape, data security is of utmost importance, especially for organizations handling sensitive information like accounting firms. The IRS WISP (Written Information Security Plan) is a crucial component of a robust data security strategy. In this article, we will delve into the IRS WISP and provide a step-by-step guide on how to create one for your accounting firm.

Understanding the IRS WISP:

The IRS WISP is a written document that outlines how an organization protects sensitive information, including client data, financial records, and employee information. It serves as a roadmap for implementing security measures and establishing protocols to mitigate the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access.

Creating an IRS WISP:

Assess Your Current Security Measures:

Begin by evaluating your existing security practices, including physical security, access controls, network security, and employee training. Identify any vulnerabilities or areas for improvement.

Identify Risks and Threats:

Conduct a comprehensive risk assessment to identify potential threats to your data security. This may include external threats such as hackers, as well as internal risks like employee negligence or unauthorized access.

Define Security Policies and Procedures:

Develop clear and concise policies and procedures that address each identified risk. These policies should cover areas such as data encryption, password management, incident response, and employee awareness training.

Implement Technical Safeguards:

Implement appropriate technical safeguards to protect your systems and data. This may include firewalls, antivirus software, intrusion detection systems, and regular system updates.

Establish Physical Security Measures:

Ensure that physical access to your premises and sensitive areas is restricted. Install surveillance systems, use access control mechanisms, and establish visitor management protocols.

Train Employees:

Provide comprehensive training to your employees on data security best practices, including the proper handling of sensitive information, password security, and recognizing phishing attempts.

Regularly Monitor and Update:

Data security is an ongoing process. Regularly monitor your systems for vulnerabilities, conduct audits, and update your WISP as needed to adapt to new threats and technologies.

Download the Free IRS WISP Template:

Creating an IRS WISP can be a complex task. To help you get started, Tech 4 Accountants offers a free IRS WISP template that you can download and customize for your accounting firm. This template provides a solid foundation for creating a comprehensive WISP and ensures compliance with IRS regulations.


Protecting sensitive information is paramount for accounting firms, and the IRS WISP plays a crucial role in ensuring data security. By following the steps outlined in this guide and utilizing the free IRS WISP template provided by Tech 4 Accountants, you can create a robust Written Information Security Plan that safeguards your clients’ data and helps your firm maintain compliance with IRS regulations.

Remember, data security is an ongoing commitment. Regularly review and update your IRS WISP to adapt to evolving threats and technologies, and stay proactive in safeguarding your organization’s valuable information.

Download the free IRS WISP template from Tech 4 Accountants today and take a proactive stance towards data security in your accounting firm.