The 7-Step Guide to Writing an Essay

Writing an essay isn’t the easiest thing to do in the world, especially if you have very little experience with it and no mentor or teacher to help you along the way. If you’re stuck on your next essay and need some tips to make sure it gets you good grades, read on! Here are seven simple steps that will help you write the perfect essay every time.

Picking Your Topic

Picking your topic may seem like the easiest step, but it is actually one of the most difficult. The key is to start with a broad subject and then narrow down as you go along.  Write down every idea that comes to mind on paper so you can compare them later. Keep in mind who will be reading the essay: someone who already knows a lot about what you’re writing about or someone who knows nothing? To pick topics at times, it requires someone to write my essay for me.


Researching your topic is the most important part of writing your essay. If you don’t do your research, you will be unable to write a good essay. The key is to do as much research as possible on your topic.  However, it is important that you find credible sources for your information. These are sources such as textbooks, articles in scientific journals, or reputable newspapers and magazines. You want to use the best sources available, because if you use unreliable sources, your credibility as a writer may suffer.

Making an Outline

Making an outline of the essay before writing it is a good way to plan out what you want to say. It’s also very helpful for structuring your essay, which will make it easier for you and your readers to understand. Start by coming up with three or four main points that you want to cover in your essay. Try not go over five, as this may make it difficult for your reader or make them lose interest. Next, think about how you can relate these points back to your thesis statement. For example, if one point is going to be solutions then how can you mention how these solutions address the problem?

Introducing Your Essay

Introducing your essay can seem intimidating at first, but it doesn’t have to be.  The next step in your essay will be making sure that you have a clear thesis statement. Your introduction should answer the question of what you are writing about and why anyone should care. You might start with In this essay I will discuss X or In this essay I plan to show Y. Keep in mind that the word I is not necessary and often distracts from the point of your essay.

Writing the Body of Your Essay

Writing the body of your essay is where you make your argument. A body essay has four paragraphs, each presenting a different part of the argument. The first paragraph should include a compelling introduction that draws readers in and makes them want to keep reading. It should also be clear what your thesis statement is from this paragraph. 

Wrapping Up Your Essay

Wrapping up your essay can be a difficult task. If you have some time, take a break and then come back and edit what you’ve written so far. The more editing you do before finishing the draft, the better it will turn out in the end. Once you are satisfied with what you have written, try reading it aloud to get a feel for how your writing sounds. Now comes time for any last minute edits or changes that need to be made. Have someone else read over your essay as well to see if they notice anything that needs to be changed. Sometimes we’re too close to our own work and cannot see everything that needs attention. Remember: always spell check!

Editing and Proofreading

Editing and proofreading are the final steps in the process. These are often taken for granted, but they are essential in making sure that your essay is error free. Here are some tips on how to perfect your editing and proofreading skills -Read over your work out loud: Reading aloud will help you spot errors that may have been overlooked when you were reading silently.