Step-by-Step Guide To Become A Food Blogger

Do you wish to become a flood blogger but unsure of how and where to start? It can be quite a daunting feeling but fret not. We are here to guide you with all the tips and tricks to make a successful career in food blogging.

So, if you have the zeal and zest to share your love for food with your audience, tell them about your secret recipes, restaurants you travel to, and the food you eat, and document it all aesthetically, this guide will prove beneficial for you.

Here, we will discuss a step-by-step guide to start your journey as a food blogger and make moolah from it.

Let us get started and address it below.

But, before we get to it, what is a food blog?

What can you include in it?

Continue reading to find out.

What is a food blog?

A food blog can be an Instagram page or a website full of textual, pictorial, and video content on food. It may be handled by a single food blogger or a group of bloggers collaborating to create content for one page.

You can find several kinds of content on such blogs – reviews of a restaurant in different cities or countries they visit, their self-invented food recipes, healthy eating tips, weight loss tips, and other engaging content around food.

While you need nothing to start your food blogging career on Instagram, if you hope to commence a website, you will have to buy a hosting and domain to present topics you love. 

Step 1 – Select the niche for the blog.

First things first, consider the niche for which you will create the blog. On the online platform, you can find more than 570 million blogs. Of this, several are food blogs too. So, if you wish to stand out, you need to be specific about the niche you will cover.

Most people believe if they cover several niches, they can see a higher footfall as they will attract a wider audience. As much as it is true, there is an underlying problem – You cannot outperform or stand out in this stiff competition.    

On the contrary, when you focus on one niche, instead of mindlessly competing with all sorts of food bloggers, you now compete with just a few.

Thus, it makes it easier for the specific audience to know what kind of content you generate, and they will engage with you only if your niche appeals to them. It also increases the chances of repeat footfalls. 

Now, let us come to an important question – How can you decide on the niche?

Understand the various kinds of niches and blogs that you can venture into. It depends on what interests you the best. These days there is the surging popularity of diets that help you lose weight – keto, low-carb, high-protein diets. Some food bloggers also explore the different aspects of intermittent fasting.

Of course, you can opt for something already catching the audience’s attention, but it pays off better to stick to things you are passionate about.

Regardless of what niche you pick, if it is not something that interests you, you may stop liking it, and then it can be challenging to produce content and engage your audience.  

Step 2 – Have your website ready.

Though Instagram food blogs are dominant these days, it is always better to have a website. So, if you are into design and development, you can create your website. If not, you can fall back on WordPress websites, which are ideally very straightforward to build.

Alternatively, you can also hire a designer to do the task for you. Ensure the website is highly interactive, intuitive, engaging, and responsive. 

Step 3 – Buy a domain name and hosting.

Think of what you will call your food blog, and then buy a domain name for the website. Keep it short and memorable. Next, purchase hosting, and get your blog live.

Step 4 – Publish content.

Now that the website is live, you can start pushing content to engage the audience. Ensure that the content is 100% original, real, and authentic. Include food pictures to support your content. You can even take food photography classes to click top-quality pictures. Readers love when you cook something and share recipes with them.

So, make this trend a regular on your blog. Be careful with the SEO of your blog. Your blog should use the right keywords. It helps it show on the top when someone seeks food content.

Also, make your images and headlines SEO-friendly. You can find some top food photography class suggestions on TangoLearn

Step 5 – Promote and publicize.

Once your content is ready and live, take measures to ensure that more people see your content. So, promote it via different advertising and marketing channels. You can share the content on all your social media channels.

You want maximum people to see what you post, so include sharing buttons to all the content. Also, allow people to subscribe to your content, so they get notified anytime you post something new. 

Step 6 – Monetize

Most things we do in life are for compensation. So, if you want food blogging to be your full-time career prospect, you should make money out of it too. As you generate more content, your audience will grow.

So, you can use your blog as a medium to make money. Initially, it can be an excellent supplementary income, but with time if your blog gains popularity, it can be your primary income.

Some ways to make money with the blog are affiliate marketing, brand sponsorships, and promoting someone else’s products and ads. 

So, these are all the tips to start your career as a food blogger. Have more recommendations to share? Please provide your suggestions in the comments below.