Slim Sweets Gummies Reviews – FITera Slim Sweets Bring Weight Loss Results?

Losing weight is a losing battle for many people. Not only is it hard to introduce exercise when we weigh a lot, but it’s also very difficult to shape up our eating habits. All sorts of processed food, junk food, and sweets are available to us with the tap of a button these days. Plus, our bodies have gotten used to mostly sedentary forms of entertainment such as watching television, surfing the internet, or even just reading. 

However, it stands to reason that everyone should strive to remain within a healthy weight range. It’s not all about looking good and acceptable in the eyes of society. Fitting into the clothes we like; staving off health issues, and just feeling comfortable in our own bodies is highly important as well. It’s no surprise that obese and heavily overweight people are probe to depressive thoughts. Even if they don’t have judgmental people around them, having too much weight will cause both physical and mental health issues. Here are just a few problems that excess weight will give most folks: 

  • A higher tendency of contracting Type 2 diabetes, which can weaken organ function, nerve function, and prevent us from leading a normal lifestyle. 
  • A higher chance of getting PCOS, high blood pressure, cardiovascular issues, strokes, etc. These problems will lead to more issues such as infertility, excessive fatigue, brain fog, and more. 
  • The inability to run around and be active with our loved ones, especially kids and grandkids. This can seriously cut down on important family binding time
  • The inability to stay very active in other home or work tasks throughout the day; carrying all that extra weight around is bound to tire anyone out. Such difficulties can make it hard to stay on top of things, which could lead to an untidy, disorganized home and missed opportunities at work
  • Excess weight also leads to unhealthy digestion–this may result in several uncomfortable and embarrassing issues such as irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, constipation, etc.

The above reasons are probably more than enough to justify losing excess weight on our bodies. However, even if we are motivated enough, the results just might not come as quickly as we want them to. Even after eating healthy, skipping all our favorite foods, and focusing on exercise, some people may not see any difference in their weight. Others may see a difference for some time, but then experience a weight loss plateau where the exercise and diet regimen become ineffective for further weight reduction. 

In cases like these, it’s evident that we need a push to get started on the journey and stay there until our weight is within the recommended range. This is where offerings like SlimSweets become relevant. Let’s now look at what these are and how they can help us lose weight even when things seem hopeless: 

About SlimSweets

SlimSweets is a supplement in the form of a gummy. It’s made up of natural ingredients that are selected and formulated to assist people in losing weight. They’re meant to be taken daily and are distributed through their official website called

The recommended dosage of these gummies is taking one twice a day daily. 

The manufacturers behind SlimSweets have specially made and marketed this supplement to people over the age of 40. This is mainly due to the body’s metabolism slowing down at that age, which makes losing weight much harder than before. 

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Who are the People Behind SlimSweets? 

SlimSweets gummies are manufactured and distributed by a nutritional supplement company by the name of Prosper Wellness. This company is quite well known in the market, as they also operate under the brand Fitera. The founder of this company is Kris Berg, and he describes SlimSweets as being a breakthrough that might boost metabolism to the level of a 20-something year old. 

For Kris Berg, the main motivation to create SlimSweets was his own struggle with weight loss. At the age of 37, Berg’s doctor told him that he was borderline diabetic, with heart issues to boot. In a nutshell, Berg’s body had the health level of someone who was 80 years old, not under 40. What was most alarming was that the doctor predicted Berg’s death before the age of 45 if he continued with this kind of health? 

Kriss Berg did start trying to lose weight right after these dire warnings. He began with a fat loss plan designed by the doctor but was unable to lose weight even after two weeks of hard work. For the next few months, he tried several other traditional and trendy weight loss methods, but nothing seemed to work much. 

After all that effort, Kris concluded that while exercising and a healthy diet are essential, the metabolism of our body is what will help us lose weight. 

With good metabolism, some folks can burn around 40 percent of what they eat even without trying to. At the same time, they will also be more active and energetic since the food they eat is being utilized properly instead of being mostly converted into excess fat. 

Must Read: Does Slim Sweets Dietary Supplement Work For Everyone?

Benefits and Advantages of SlimSweets Gummies

It might seem a bit far-fetched to say that chewing a couple of gummies each day can aid in significant weight loss. However, the official website gives us a lot of assurance in that regard. Below are just a few of the advantages we can expect by consuming SlimSweets gummies on a daily basis: 

  • With the inclusion and working of Paradixine, we can look forward to a hopefully more active metabolism. 
  • With the ingredient 5-HTP, we may hope to enhance our serotonin levels. Serotonin is the happy chemical of the brain, so having a decent amount of it can alleviate depressive thoughts and also prevent one from feeling isolated, judged, or worthless. The same ingredient also helps in relieving or staving off hunger, so we don’t feel tempted to eat at the wrong hours. 
  • If the supplement interacts as intended with our body, it can result in an immediate boost of energy and an overall more stable mood–the effect is like that of caffeine without the jitters or other unwanted effects. 
  • The flavor of the gummies is a yummy goji berry one, which can satisfy our sweet cravings while providing health benefits instead of harm.

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The Working of SlimSweets

With all these advantages of SlimSweets, we need to understand the working of these gummy supplements before placing any order for them. After all, eating a couple of gummies seems counterintuitive to losing weight instead of effective or healthy. 

The working of SlimSweets is through the ingredients it’s made up of. As we’ve mentioned earlier, the main aim of these gummies is to assist people in enhancing metabolism and hence losing weight more easily than before.

The target of SlimSweets is the two main types of fat that are stored in our bodies and may affect metabolism. These are brown fat and white fat. Let’s have a closer look at each type in turn:  

  • White Fat:  White fat is what stores the extra calories in our food. The more of this kind of fat we have, the slower our body will be able to break down and utilize the calories consumed. This means a slow metabolism and a higher tendency to put on excess pounds
  • Brown fat: Cells of brown fat are relatively better for our health than white ones. With more brown fat cells in our body, our metabolism is likely to be faster and won’t let much fat deposits build up

Many people who have a faster than usual metabolism for their age are blessed with high levels of brown fat. With the regular intake of SlimSweets, we might be able to activate our brown fat better. Hopefully, this will result in a faster burning of calories than with more white fat. 

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The working of SlimSweets is also due to the utilization of two brain chemicals that control hunger among other functions. The makers of SlimSweets state that these chemicals might control the hunger switch in the brain. By targeting such chemicals, the ingredients in SlimSweets help us to eat less automatically and hence control portions to lose weight. Here’s a brief discussion on these chemicals now: 

  • Dopamine: Also known as one of the ‘happy’ chemicals, dopamine is what makes us feel good. It’s released from the brain as a sort of reward; basically, it’s the good feeling we get from consuming food or taking part in other pleasant activities. The eating that triggers dopamine is a main factor in causing a lot of weight gain
  • Serotonin: Serotonin is a chemical that works to cancel the dopamine effects. It helps the body to know when it has consumed enough food, hence helping to control appetite. 

The ideal situation is when serotonin and dopamine are both balanced with each other. We eat to feel the good effects of dopamine, while serotonin helps us to know when it’s time to stop. 

What’s unfortunate is that we tend to simply eat and eat in search of that good feeling from dopamine. This results in an imbalance between these two chemicals, resulting in overeating and the negative results that follow. 

This is the main problem that the makers behind SlimSweets seek to deal with. They maintain that carbohydrates are not the main culprit when it comes to excessive weight gain. 

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Slim Sweets Ingredients

The ultimate goal of the makers of SlimSweets was not to lose weight through just exercise and diet, but to focus on giving the body some natural ingredients that can help to support the balance of dopamine and serotonin. Along with this, the aim is also to optimize metabolism and activate plus increase brown fat. 

Of course, the ingredients are what help SlimSweets achieve these goals. Let’s have a look at them right now: 

  • Grains of Paradise or Paradoxine: This is a sort of natural West African grain. It has a high level of paradoxine, which is instrumental in activating brown fat within the human body. It might even help in converting white fat to brown, thus starting a fat-burning process inside to provide both energy and healthy weight loss
  • Griffonia Simplicifolia: This is another natural extract with its roots in Africa. It’s been utilized as a way to deal with several health issues for many centuries. We now know that this ingredient is rich in 5-HTP, which can help to suppress hunger and cravings. 5-HTP converts to serotonin for the brain, helping us eat less naturally
  • Monk fruit extract: This is mainly for giving a sweet and pleasant flavor to the gummies without the need for sugar 

The ingredient list for SlimSweets seems to stop here, which is a pleasant surprise. There are no cheap fillers here, just two main active ingredients that have been known to reduce appetite naturally and enhance metabolism for a summer, healthier body. However, there are a few other ingredients in much smaller quantities that haven’t been released by the SlimSweets company yet. 

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We can learn about the science behind the ingredients of SlimSweets from studies that have been conducted on them. However, the safest way to go is to consult a doctor and ask them whether SlimSweets is suitable for us to take or not. Despite the healthy and natural ingredients, there might be some allergy triggers or something that can adversely interact with existing medication. A doctor who is familiar with our medical history and situation can better guide us about taking this supplement. They might even tweak the dosage for added benefit. 


With the purchase of 6 bottles package the Fitera Slim Sweets Gummy Supplement website also gives bonuses for additional help. The first bonus contains books and DVD’s that helps with fat loss. The books are fast track to fat loss:

  • 5 simple keys to fat loss
  • Top 10 success stories meals and workouts
  • Top 5 meals, snacks and desserts

The DVD comes with the book 5 simple keys to fat loss with same name. to help people with weight loss. 

Then select payment options, shipment options and shipment address and then confirm the order. The order may take 5-7 business days. 

Refund policy:

The Fitera Slim Sweets Gummy Supplement purchase comes with a lifetime guarantee of refund policy. If the supplement doesn’t work for people who needed help, or the results are unsatisfactory and do not satisfy the individual using them, then it can be returned anytime even after, years the supplement will be returned. Just file in complaint for refund of the Fitera Slim Sweets Gummy Supplement bottles and the refund will be made. 

About The Company

Slim Sweets is made by Prosper Wellness, a Colorado-based company owned and run by Kriss Berg. It also operates under the name of FITera.

Here is the physical address of the company to confirm its status.

Mailing Address: 1990 Depew Street, Edgewater, CO 80214

The company has an active customer support system to help customers with their issues. If you have questions, write your concern and email it at the following address, and a representative from the company will contact you within 34-48 hours with a solution.



At just $69 a bottle, it does seem like SlimSweets is a reasonable and useful option for those struggling with weight loss. Its focus is simple; enhance metabolism and reduce calorie intake by using the proper ingredients. By ordering the gold package of three bottles, we can get a lowered price of $46 per bottle. The platinum package is even better, with 6 bottles $37.50. It’s better to get multiple units of these yummy gummies, but we can’t guarantee that the deals will remain the same for long. The stock might even sell out very quickly, so let’s head to the official website and place an order right now!

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Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here are not even remotely substitutes for sound medical or financial advice from a licensed healthcare provider or certified financial advisor. Make sure to consult with a professional physician or financial consultant before making any purchasing decision if you use medications or have concerns following the review details shared above. Individual results may vary as the statements regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or Health Canada. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA, or Health Canada approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or provide any kind of get-rich money scheme.