Septoplasty vs Rhinoplasty: What’s the Difference?

Rhinoplasty is commonly referred to as a nose job. If you are currently dealing with a deviated septum, you may require septoplasty. There is some overlap between septoplasty and rhinoplasty.

Perhaps the biggest difference is that septoplasty focuses more on restoring structure, whereas rhinoplasty focuses more on the cosmetic or aesthetic benefits of a nose job.

Rhinoplasty vs Septoplasty

Rhinoplasty may allow patients to rectify their nasal symmetry, shape, and size. If you feel that your nostrils are too wide or large or you are suffering from nasal asymmetry, then rhinoplasty may help.

Rhinoplasty may be closed or open in nature. With an open procedure, a fine scar will form across the columella but will eventually fade away with time. With a closed procedure, no external incision is made, so there is no scarring. Not everyone can achieve the results they want with a closed rhinoplasty.

Septoplasty focuses on functional issues that involve the nose. Examples include a deviated or crooked septum. If you have trouble breathing due to septum issues, your surgeon may recommend a septoplasty procedure.

In addition, a septoplasty may also be open or closed, depending on the extent and complexity of the deviation. During a closed septoplasty, a tiny cut is made in the inner lining of the patient’s nose.

The inner lining is known as the mucosa, and the surgeon makes the incision to reach the bone and cartilage of the patient’s septum. In some cases, certain components of the septum may be extracted.

Certain sections may be trimmed or repositioned. Severe cases may require a complete reconstruction using grafts. 

It is also possible to combine elements of a septoplasty and a rhinoplasty. For example, if you have a deviated septum and a noticeably crooked nose, both nasal procedures may be combined to address aesthetic and pragmatic concerns. However, a septoplasty will focus on repairing a deviated septum and will usually leave the external shape of the patient’s nose as is.

The Top Benefits of Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty

If you are thinking of getting both procedures done at some point, then your surgeon may recommend that you get both methods done at once: This is known as a septorhinoplasty. 

By having both operations done in one session, you will be saving yourself, and the hospital or clinic quite a bit of resources and time. The operation room will only need to be used once, and you will only require the anesthesiologist’s services once. 

All of this translates to a lower cost for you as well.

Moreover, getting a single operation instead of two will reduce the risk of complications. Recovery time is also reduced when you have both procedures done at once. With rhinoplasty, it can take up to a year to heal fully.

A septoplasty procedure can take up to 2 months to fully heal. By getting both done at once, you will reduce your healing time significantly. Getting both operations done in one session will not cause your recovery time to stack.

Another benefit is the convenience of getting both procedures done in one session. Think of the time you will save that would have gone towards booking multiple appointments, consultations, and follow-ups.

If you opted to get both done separately, you would need to wait several months for the surgical site to heal before undergoing the second procedure fully.

As can be seen, there are many benefits of rhinoplasty, but if you also have multiple issues that you wish to treat at once, like a crooked nose and difficulty breathing through it then getting a septorhinoplasty and a rhinoplasty at the same time may be the wiser choice.

Getting Both Plastic Surgeries: Is it safe?

When you combine both surgical procedures, certain tasks will only need to be performed once. The risk of infection will also be lowered when you opt for one bigger procedure over two separate ones. Any anesthesia risks will also be reduced, as you will only need to be put under one time.

Your surgeon can fix several issues and enhance multiple areas with a single operation if they combine rhinoplasty and septoplasty techniques.

In sum, it is safe to have both procedures done at once. You will save time and money and reduce the risk of surgical complications by having a single operation instead of two. 

All of your nose-related issues can be solved in one procedure, allowing you to return to your normal quality of life much quicker.

Closing Thoughts

It is important that you eat a healthy and balanced diet and that you get plenty of rest to accelerate the healing process. Please follow your surgeon’s post-surgery guidelines, and attend all follow-up appointments as needed.


What’s the Difference Between Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty? (