Ronn Torossian On Newsworthy Story Angles for Companies

Ronn Torossian believes that using press releases, targeting local TV stations and media outlets, and social media platforms are just some of the ways companies invest in public relations. Companies use these public relations strategies to generate a positive brand image and bolster sales.

Public relations managers need to make creative and innovative content and share it from a unique perspective to inspire positive media coverage for the company’s brand. The stories a company chooses to communicate with its audience need to portray company growth and the incorporation of an optimistic company or business practices to elicit positive feedback from the world.

It is not hard to figure out a new and unique way to present a company to the world because there are numerous sources of ideas on the internet. The only thing public relations officers need to do is figure out what the target audience is looking for in a brand and create unique content that has a direct impact on the target audience. Here are some corporate social responsibility (CSR) tenets that every organization should focus on.

  • Research and Studies

Ronn Torossian advises companies to invest in finding newsworthy content for the audience through research and studies on current and emerging trends. The research is compiled into a report file that is accessed as an e-book or white paper for easy reading. Research shows that companies who invest in collecting their data have a special advantage in demonstrating their expertise to the audience. These businesses can position themselves as industry leaders by displaying a deeper understanding of pertinent industry trends.

So what are some topics that media outlets love to work with? Here are a few topics and themes your business can explore for positive public response:

  • Job Creation

Creating job opportunities is a valued contribution to society in any community. New jobs mean the local community can benefit from company activities in more ways than one. If your company is providing new job opportunities by launching new company projects, this is a great topic to present to any relevant media outlet. Let the audience see how the company is genuinely contributing to improved living standards in the community.

  • Environment Protection

Most companies worldwide, including mega companies like Google and Amazon, are investing millions of dollars into curbing emissions to protect the environment. They do this by recycling and reusing materials in the production lines. These companies also use less water and power in the manufacturing lines. More creative ways of saving the environment involve setting money aside for funding tree planting projects.

  • Give Back to the Community

If your company has the resources, a few trips to the local community can give you a few ideas of ways your company can give back to the community. One way is by building or investing in the construction of schools and hospitals. 

Your company can also invest in cleaning up the environment and creating waste disposal systems for the community. It is essential to spread the word to all relevant media outlets, so they are present throughout the process, taking good digital and written records of it.

Final Thoughts

Public relations puts the company and brand name in the sight of the community, helping to remain relevant through services and products offered. In this way, public relations is considered a lifeline between the company and the target market.