Read This If You Want to Switch to 100% Commission Brokerage

Have you considered switching to a 100% commission brokerage where real estate agents can make the greatest money instead of your current conventional agency?

Perhaps you are a brand-new real estate agent and looking for increasing your brokerage income after learning that standard brokerages are insufficient for you.

If you want to determine whether being a 100% commission real estate agent is the best option for you, you must read this post and compare 100% commission split brokerages with standard real estate brokerages. You may also visit the website at the same time.

How brokerages of 100% real estate differ?

A 100% commission real estate also needs to consider the services that various brokerages provide. Different 100% businesses offer different benefits. When determining whether to join a 100% commission real estate firm, weigh the following benefits and drawbacks:


Real estate markets are dynamic. Over time, certain markets rise quickly while others face a decline. Will the brokerage with 100% commission you are considering joining offer stability?


Costs are a factor in both the positives and negatives of 100% commission real estate. Real estate brokers that work on a 100% commission may not demand the same fees. The top three fees are as follows:

  • Flat fee per closing
  • Monthly “Desk” fee
  • Yearly Fee

Depending on the agent’s level of output, each choice has advantages and disadvantages.

Hidden Fees

The benefits and drawbacks of 100% commission real estate also take into account hidden fees. Before switching to a new brokerage, the hidden fees must be disclosed. Typical examples of hidden costs are:

  • Administrative fee
  • Compliance fee
  • E&O fee
  • File review fee
  • Franchise fee
  • Technology fee
  • Training fee


Many new businesses fail to account for all of their overhead expenses in comparison to their revenue. When reserves run low and shortfalls arise, the broker has no choice except to shut the doors. Ask the brokerage about their history to find out if they have endured both good and poor economic times. 


How popular is the broker? Does he or she uphold a positive reputation in the industry? Think over the broker’s accomplishments, professional certifications, accolades, and reputation in the community.


Not all insurance policies offer the same advantages. Take into account the following provisions of the brokerage insurance policy:

  • Coverage amount
  • Coverages 
  • Deductible
  • Exclusions
  • All other perils coverage
  • Insurer representation


Some 100% brokers do nothing but collect checks. A difficult-to-contact broker does the agents no favors. Inexperienced brokers lack the knowledge necessary to support their agents.


The effectiveness of running a modern brokerage depends on its infrastructure. Finding out what cutting-edge technology tools your broker offers can help you determine whether the brokerage will support your growth.

Brand Name

Sign up with a 100% brokerage with a reputable name. Never meet a new client who doubts the reliability of your real estate agency. 

Strategic partners

Don’t rely on a business that obtained the service provider contract from your broker by outbidding the competition. Don’t let the bottom line override the requirements of you and your clientele.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash