Rarible: A Marketplace for NFTs on Ethereum

Rarible is a decentralized marketplace that operates on the Ethereum blockchain and facilitates the buying and selling of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). These tokens are digital assets that are unique and valuable due to their immutability and transparency on the blockchain. Rarible has gained significant popularity as a platform for buying and selling NFTs due to its user-friendly interface, low fees, and diverse range of digital assets available for sale. In addition, websites like https://immediatetradepro.com/ will assist traders in their trading journey.

The process of buying and selling NFTs on Rarible is straightforward. Users can create their NFTs and list them for sale, or they can browse the marketplace to purchase existing NFTs. Rarible supports various payment methods, including cryptocurrencies, credit/debit cards, and PayPal.

One of the main advantages of using Rarible is its low fees. The platform charges a small fee for each transaction, which is significantly lower than traditional art marketplaces that can charge up to 50% in fees. Additionally, Rarible allows artists and creators to earn royalties on their NFTs, ensuring that they receive ongoing compensation for their work.

Another benefit of Rarible is its wide selection of digital assets. The platform supports various types of NFTs, including artwork, music, videos, gaming assets, and more. This diversity of assets attracts a broad audience of buyers and sellers, contributing to the platform’s growth and popularity.

What is Rarible?

Rarible is a prominent decentralized platform that facilitates the purchase and sale of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Launched in January 2020, it has rapidly emerged as one of the leading platforms within the NFT ecosystem. The primary purpose of Rarible is to provide users with a seamless experience in creating, selling, and purchasing NFTs.

Operating on the Ethereum blockchain, Rarible leverages the advantages of a decentralized network, ensuring transparency and security for all transactions. By utilizing blockchain technology, Rarible establishes a permanent and immutable record of ownership for each NFT, enhancing trust and authenticity within the marketplace.

The platform offers a wide range of digital assets that can be tokenized as NFTs, including artwork, music, videos, virtual real estate, and more. Users have the freedom to mint their own NFTs, allowing them to tokenize their creative works and establish ownership rights. Additionally, Rarible serves as a marketplace where individuals can explore and purchase existing NFTs created by other artists and creators.

Rarible’s popularity can be attributed to its user-friendly interface, enabling even those with limited technical knowledge to participate in the NFT market. Its intuitive design and streamlined processes have attracted a diverse community of artists, collectors, and enthusiasts.

The decentralized nature of Rarible distinguishes it from traditional platforms, as it removes the need for intermediaries or central authorities. This decentralization empowers users, giving them full control over their NFTs and eliminating unnecessary fees or restrictions often associated with centralized platforms.

How Does Rarible Work?

Rarible is a decentralized platform, which means that it is not controlled by any single entity. It is built on the Ethereum blockchain, which allows for secure, transparent, and fast transactions. To use Rarible, users must first create an Ethereum wallet. Once the wallet is created, users can connect it to Rarible and start buying and selling NFTs. 

To create an NFT on Rarible, users must first upload a digital asset. This asset can be anything from a piece of art to a tweet. Once the asset is uploaded, users can add a description and set the price for their NFT. Once the NFT is created, it is added to the Rarible marketplace, where it can be purchased by other users.

Benefits of Using Rarible

There are several benefits to using Rarible to buy and sell NFTs. First, the platform is easy to use. It is designed to be user-friendly, even for those who are new to the NFT space. Second, Rarible has low fees. Unlike other platforms that charge high fees for transactions, Rarible charges a flat fee of 2.5% on all transactions. Third, Rarible has a wide selection of NFTs. Whether you’re looking for art, music, or collectibles, you’re sure to find it on Rarible.


Rarible is a decentralized marketplace built on the Ethereum blockchain for buying and selling NFTs. It is easy to use, has low fees, and has a wide selection of digital assets. Whether you’re an artist looking to sell your work or a collector looking to buy unique digital assets, Rarible is the perfect platform for you.


Image Credit: Photo by Andrey Metelev on Unsplash