Passover Hotels in Europe – Is It Really Cheaper?

A lot of Jewish travelers are looking for affordable ways to have a destination vacation for Passover 2022. It is understandable since the last two years presented so many travel restrictions and complications that most people had to stay home for Passover. Now it is time to travel again, but finances are slightly strained so Jewish travelers are looking for ways to save some money, but still take the vacation they desire, are Passover programs in Europe the answer?

Are European Hotels Cheaper?

There are parts of Europe where the hotel accommodations will be cheaper than they are in other places in Europe and in other countries. In Croatia, Greece, and Spain, for instance, the average nightly cost of a hotel room is far less than the same size hotel room in California, Florida or the Bahamas.

When you are looking at the cost of the hotel room you must also consider the other factors before you determine if the lower hotel prices are going to save you a lot of money.

#1. The travel expenses to get to the areas of Europe with the lower hotel costs may be far greater than the expenses to get to other Passover program locations. If you have to take a plane and fly for 7 to 9 hours to reach your destination, then you will likely have to hire a car to take you from the airport to the hotel, then you may not save a single cent. You may even have to pay more than you would have if you had chosen a program with a higher priced hotel.

#2. The hotels that offer the deeply discounted prices may not be offering the same packages as the other hotels. Do not compare apples and oranges. You can look at the price the hotel is charging, but you also have to look at all of the perks and amenities that the hotels offer.

Many Pesach programs offer all food and beverages, including wine and snacks at no additional cost. The low-rate hotels may not offer this so you would have to factor in the cost of three meals a day, plus snacks and drinks, plus the cost of the seder meal. Foods for Pesach is restricted so you have to buy more expensive items, and in another country finding the perfect foods may be challenging for you.

#3. Entertainment and activities are a normal part of the Passover programs. Kids clubs, sitters, nightly shows and concerts are normally included in the price of the program. Make sure you are not giving up such entertainment when you decide to stay in a cheaper hotel.

How to Make Sure the Hotel Rate is Saving you Money

In order to determine if the cheaper hotels are actually saving you money you are going to need to do a little research.

Make a list

Choose the different locations you think you might enjoy spending Pesach at. Write those locations down so you can compare them closely to find the destination that is most affordable and will be the most enjoyable for your family.

Include the following on your list:

  • The cost of the hotel for each night or the weekly cost of the hotel if they offer one (sometimes you get a discount by booking the room for a full week)
  • The size of the room (you do not want to be comparing a deluxe suite with sleeping accommodations, kitchenette, dining area and living room with a simple bedroom.
  • Check to see what other things are included with the cost of the package. Food dining, snacks, entertainment, free wif-fi and such.
  • See what attractions and activities are in close proximity to the hotel you are considering
  • How much will travel to the hotel cost
  • How much will travel to the attractions cost
  • Narrow the list to three destinations that you find affordable and interesting (if you are traveling with children you will want to make sure the hotel is kid friendly. You do not want to visit an establishment that offers adult only swimming and romantic picnics if you are going to have your children with you.)’Read the reviews from previous guests. What other people have to sat may help you narrow your list of hotels down greatly.
  • Then decide on which place offers the greatest value and interest to your family

Other Considerations

Covid is getting better but there are still come places that the disease is rearing its ugly head and causing trouble. You must check to make sure whether the hotel you are considering requires you to be vaccinated before the visit, or if the area you are staying is allowing people from your country to visit.

Knowing what mandates and requirements are in place will help you to be prepared and to have the proper documentation to show to authorities when you travel.

Always carry a mask with you even if you are vaccinated fully against the virus. You mind find mask mandates are in place at attractions you want to visit or in local shops. It is best to have your mask with you at all times so if you need it, you can wear it and if you do not you will have it handy.

Seder Considerations

Seder is a very important part of the Passover holiday. You need to see how the hotel you are planning to visit handles the seder meal for their Jewish guests. Some hotels offer a group seder and some offer both a group seder or individual seder meals for their guests.

Think about how you want to celebrate and that will help you eliminate hotels that may not offer the type of observance that you prefer.

Final Thoughts

Finding the perfect destination, hotel accommodations, and Passover program is important. Finding the right price is a factor in your decision, but do not base your entire choice on just the cost of the hotel room. Consider everything involved, and remember that you are making cherished memories that will be more valuable than gold. And if you decided to stay in the US, you can visit this page for some great Pesach Programs in Florida

Photo by Oswald Elsaboath on Unsplash