NFL Betting: Best Ways to Bet on Football Online!

Football has always been one of the favorite sports in America, and the popularity of the betting market has been at an all-time high, especially when it comes to the NFL (National Football League). Placing bets throughout NFL football season can be profitable and fun, especially if the bettors put in their effort and time. Let’s find out how to take a better shot at earning money from the NFL betting seasons.

How Does Online NFL Betting Works?

To have a better understanding of how online NFL betting sites work, certain terminologies need to be understood. Vigorish or vig refers to the amount charged by sportsbooks for allowing bettors to wager. It also goes by the name ‘juice,’ which is how sportsbooks make money. The default betting odds for NFL total wagers and spread is -110, which adjusts automatically after the initial release. Bettors who place a winning bet of $110 at -110 odds will receive back $100 winnings plus the stake amount or 90.9% of the initial wager. The amount of ‘vig’ is the difference between doubling the money, which is $10 or 9.1%. Note that the vigorish amount varies depending on the betting odds; hence, many professional handicappers look for the best prices. 

Basic Strategies to Bet on NFL Games Online!

Money/Bankroll Management

When betting on the NFL, it is rational to set aside a part of the budget that the players can afford to lose. Let’s call this the bankroll. A general rule for NFL betting is to use 2% to 5% of the bankroll for every bet. One common mistake that beginners make is to increase the bet size when they start winning or chasing after bigger bets. Note that NFL seasons are pretty long, and to gain from the entire course of a season, bettors need to handle their money/bankroll smartly. 

Look For Weekly Edges

Bettors who bet on every game during the NFL season can face disaster in the long run. It is important to find better weekly edges and rationally capitalize on them. There is no need to force NFL bets just to have some action to make the games more enthralling. In order to earn a substantial profit from the NFL betting season, it is wise to find only a few good games every weekend and bet on them with 2% to 5% of the bankroll mentioned above. 

Line Shopping

It is important to carry out line shopping to enjoy the best opportunities of earning money from the NFL betting season. In simple language, line shopping is checking different sportsbooks to compare the pay lines on the games that the bettors prefer. Find a few of the best sportsbooks with the NFL and compare each line before making any bet. This strategy helps to win additional wagers and guides the bettors to the winning season. 

Bet Sober and Don’t Tilt

Players must bet sober. Drinking impairs the players’ judgment while betting, which can substantially affect the winnings. In addition to this, players are also recommended not to tilt. Note that even the best handicappers tend to lose most of the time. Do not let emotions take the upper hand. Many bettors allow emotions to take over after they experience a few bad losses. Have a clear and sound mind while making NFL bets. 

Locations And Time Zones Matter

One of the key strategies that are often overlooked is the home-field advantage. In terms of statistics, home teams tend to win more (say, around 60% of the time). There are two main factors concerning the home-field advantage – 

  • Home teams always have the maximum number of supporters on their side from the crowd. 
  • The visiting team deals with fatigue resulting from traveling.

Plan For The Long Term, Not The Short Term

The NFL season is grueling and long, with several opportunities for the bettors to capitalize on. While this may be an advantage, most bettors fail to keep this in mind and go for only short-term goals. With this, they can avoid essential strategies like money or bankroll management as they are only concerned about short-term profits. Such players can either make thousands during the weekend or lose it only because they did not strategize properly. 

Limit The Number Of Selections In Your Parlay

There is no doubt that parlays are exciting where a 10-game winning streak is unmatchable. Nevertheless, the reality is that parlays have several selections with a lower probability of winning. Hence, it is wise to limit them to only a few selections, ranging from 2 to 5. This is not a hard and fast rule as parlays can exceed the above recommendation, but the bottom line is to reduce the stake amount on parlays and to consider them as only fun-filled wagers.

Related Article: Best Sportsbook Sites

Benefits of Betting on NFL

NFL betting can bring utmost excitement and potentially make betting on the season extremely profitable. With various betting styles, benefits of the postseason, and excellent competitive games, betting on the NFL should be on the radar even for those who are not yet NFL fans. One of the greatest benefits of NFL betting is that players can sign up for a quality bonus offer that is exclusively given to the new bettors. In addition, various promotions encourage bettors to participate in NFL betting by placing bigger bets. These promotions are commonly available in the form of boosts or bet matches. 

Another great benefit of NFL betting is the competitive odds that show how a sportsbook communicates its payouts and certain bets. 


To sum up, NFL betting can bring great excitement and make sports betting extremely profitable. This can sometimes be challenging, and without good betting tips and strategies, an average bettor may even make consecutive losses. With the best strategies and a clear understanding of how NFL betting works, you can also have a better shot at making profits during the NFL season.