New Business Owners: 5 Benefits of Using Headhunters

Are you looking for a job? Are you finding it difficult to find the perfect opportunity? If so, you may want to consider working with a headhunter. Headhunters can help connect you with some of the best job opportunities available. In fact, there are many benefits to using a headhunter when looking for a new job. Here are five of them: 

They Have Extensive Networks of Contacts

The first benefit on this list, if you have been considering using the services of a headhunter, would be that they have an extensive network of contacts. This within itself is a major benefit. However, this is so beneficial because it means you have access to a much wider talent pool.

According to headhunting agency TalentHero, most recruitment agencies have a limited talent pool because they only post advertisements and people who are looking for a job reply to them.

Headhunters, on the other hand, have access to quite literally everyone on an international level. Meaning if you’re looking to hire talent from Finland, you can easily do that by using headhunting services provided by InHunt World and their local offices, for example. They even have access to those looking to change their jobs, which is around 20% of workers.

They Can Help You Target Your Search

Another big benefit of using the services of a headhunter or a headhunting agency would be that they can help you target your search. For example, if you were to contrast this to a recruitment agency, quite literally anyone can apply to the advertisement. While this might sound great, it means you’d need to go through piles and piles of CVs, forms, applications, and more.

However, when using a headhunter, they will be targeting a specific group of potential applicants. In other words, everyone that the headhunter approaches will be a quality candidate that will most likely be a perfect fit for your position.

Opportunity for Discreet Hiring

Another reason that you should be using the services of a headhunter is the fact that they allow for the opportunity for discreet hiring. If you are a new business owner, you might not be aware that the business world is quite cutthroat, and other businesses are always looking for an opportunity to get ahead.

As such, if an important role within your company is vacant, this might seem like a weakness to your competition. If you don’t want people to know that you are missing an important employee, making use of a headhunter is of the highest importance.

Find the Right Person for the Job

Of all the benefits of using a headhunter, one of the biggest is that you will be able to find the right person for the job. This is because the very nature of headhunters means that anyone they look at or approach will be highly talented.

Headhunters or executive searches will seek candidates for executive or senior-level jobs or approach already employed candidates for whichever role you are looking for. This is especially helpful if the role you are looking for an employee is rather specialized, since the more specialized the role is, the fewer people would be a perfect fit for it.

They Have Insider Knowledge About Companies 

Finally, the last benefit of using headhunters to find the best employees would be that they have insider knowledge about companies. As mentioned above, about 20% of employees are currently looking for another job, and that number could be higher if those employees were presented with a better opportunity.

As such, if you are looking for a specialized employee but they are already employed, headhunters would be a great way to get them to your business since they have insider knowledge about companies and can craft a specific offer attractive enough.

When to Use a Headhunter

Finally, the last question you have, if you are a new business owner and are thinking of using headhunters to find an employee, would be, “when should you use a headhunter?” The most common situation in which you would use a headhunter will be if your internal recruiters are not finding people for the job.

The two most common situations in which you would use a headhunter would be if you were looking to fill a high-profile position or if you have been searching for an employee for a high-profile position without having any luck.