Musicians Changing from Smoking to Vaping

At some point in pop culture, the habit of smoking seemed both cool and defiant. Individuals that engaged in smoking were looking to sport a classy, unique, and eccentric look. Tobacco-filled cigarettes were associated with popular musicians like Bob Dylan and Keith Richards, which influenced their fans to take up smoking as a lifestyle or fun habit.

Nevertheless, in recent years, musicians have begun turning to vaping instead of smoking. One of the chief reasons is the health benefits associated with vaping. Thus, there has also been an observed increase in the number of vapers. Obviously this is significantly correlated to musicians embracing vaping.

Many fans try to model their habits based on the personalities and views of their idols. That’s why trends seen in music videos do spread rapidly to the broader population. In the same way, people use delta 8 carts for vaping when they see celebrities doing the same.

Musicians That Switched from Smoking to Vaping

Several musicians have switched from the bad habit of smoking to vaping. The most popular ones include Dave Navarro, Johnny Depp, and Ronnie Wood.

Tobacco-filled cigarettes ruled the rock music video scene in the 70s and 80s. However, the 2020s have seen more celebrities embracing delta 8 carts to facilitate vaping. Some musicians have even begun to champion the vaping cause. For instance, Navarro has stated severally in the media that vaping presents ex-smokers with many health benefits.

Studies have revealed that e-cigarettes are significantly less harmful than conventional cigarettes. This should influence musicians’ choices. Some musicians have even declared that taking up vaping has helped their lives tremendously.

In most public spaces, smoking has been banned. This prevents musicians from engaging in the activity on stage. Sometimes, fans have to wait longer than usual just to see their favorite musicians because they’re smoking.

The Importance of Vaping to Musicians

Like Keith Richards, many musicians can’t get into the public-performance mood without taking nicotine. At some point, Richards had to get an exemption from different countries to engage in the habit on stage. Nevertheless, with vaping, several musicians can copy the smoking motion without being exposed to legal complications.

Vaping has permeated music and the larger pop culture. The musicians that have switched from smoking to vaping have started introducing some form of monetization associated with the activity. For example, some musicians get their fans to purchase vape juice brands to get their music tracks free.

On the business end, some musicians have begun to leverage the vape juice market by introducing their flavors and vape mods. The popularity of these musicians can prompt their fans to change their smoking habits. Over time, the seemingly positive correlational relationship would be examined to determine how much musicians influence their fans to take up vaping.

Another key purpose for musicians to transform their smoking habits into vaping is the number of smoking-related deaths. At least half a million deaths in the US result from tobacco-related infections.

Some of these infections include bronchitis, asthma, and cancer. If a musician switches from smoking to vaping, the risk associated with these diseases would be significantly reduced.

The Influence of Smoking on Music

To some extent, smoking influences the way musicians practice their craft. That’s why musicians today prefer to display a delta 8 cart with them in a music video rather than a cigarette.

A few decades ago, smoking was part of music and frequently featured one way or the other in the industry. If you check through the lyrics of tracks made in the 70s and 80s, you’ll hear mentions of cigarettes. Music videos also had musicians drawing heavily on cigarettes, with several performing in smoke-filled venues.

However, the ban on smoking in public spaces has influenced the world of music. This is because music automatically adjusts to trends in society. Hence, artists have had to churn out music that displays society in a good light.

Fans have also started to call out artists who include smoking in their lyrics or videos. The adverse health effects of smoking are now well-known, and fans expect musicians to do better by not promoting smoking.

Musicians now prefer to be spotted in music videos with expensive e-cigarettes as a display of wealth. This, in turn, influences the fans to quit smoking and take up vaping. Generally, the popularity of smoking in music videos has become less, with more vapes showing up.


Smoking used to be seen as an activity by rebel youths and ‘cool’ people. However, with the health dangers of smoking now made prominent, musicians have begun to turn to vape as a healthier activity.

Artists like Dave Navarro and Johnny Depp have given up smoking for vaping. Vaping has also started to show up in music videos. The vaping trend is expected to permeate society faster because of the association with celebrities.

Photo by Chiara Summer on Unsplash