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Behold Meta’s brand new app Threads. With a shining success of millions of sign ups within the first few hours, Threads surely made the headline. But what does it mean for brand owners?
Any business depends on successful brand building. Thanks to digital marketing, a union of industry and social media, marketers are now busier than ever. They take every opportunity presented by social media apps to build and make their brand strong.
Meta’s Threads is no different. Because experts are predicting that Threads is going to revolutionize the world of marketing as we know it. I am sure, as a brand owner, you are already trying to stay on top of this game. So, let’s not wait anymore and unveil the secrets to win the race of Brand building by maximizing your reach on Threads.
Meta’s Threads: Where Instagram Meets Twitter
Threads is just like Twitter, a short-text based communication app where you can share photos and videos up to 5 minutes also. There is a character limitation of 500 placed on text you share on this app.
So, everything is pretty much similar like Twitter, right? Yes and No. As Meta originally created Threads as a way to increase their revenue observing the users’ dissatisfaction on recent twitter changes, Threads has made sure to eliminate those ‘bugs’
What does that mean? Well, it means, Threads does not have:
- A subscription Fee
- A Rate Limit
Instead, it has all the loved features of Twitter as well as the ambience of Instagram!
Threads offer a seamless integration to Instagram where users can transfer their data to this app. Threads is currently letting users to migrate their followers and blocks list, user information, verification status among other things.
So Threads naturally has users coming from Instagram as well as flocking over from Twitter making the number of users more than 100 million. This is a great opportunity for Marketers. How so? Let’s know about it.
Marketing Opportunity in Threads
Threads has opened up a whole new world of playing field in terms of digital marketing. It offers the already familiar audience due to its integration with Instagram as well as a huge number of former Twitter users.
So, leveraging the existing followers from instagram and a new community of new audience, Threads is giving a heads up to the marketers. The familiarity of it, the exciting new aspects of it, and the early adopting stage of it, all can come handy to brand owners and digital marketers if only they know how to grab it.
The possibilities include:
- Kick starting with familiar audiences
- Opening doors to a new set of audiences
- Scopes for real time marketing
- Better visuals with more photos
- Super-personalization possibility of products
- Freedom of fewer limitations and visibility
How to Use Threads For Brand Building?
As brand owners or brand builders what can you do for your brand with the help of Meta’s Threads? Well, the future is still revealing itself. But the stats share some exciting promises!
We have learned what Threads can promise and do for your brand. But how can you as a brand owner, marketer or builder can make use of those opportunities?
Here’s a how-to guide for you to amplify your brand’s reach using what Threads can offer:
Be The First
The saying ‘early bird gets the worm’ has never been truer than it is now. The on-set of something brings a lot of attention. Be one the few firsts to use that.
As the Threads is still at it earliest stage, the competition is fewer than it will be within a while. As many new users are coming here, you will have a fresh set of eyes including the existing market. You will also have a chance to effectively redesign your brand.
Listen to the Target Audience
Twitter was really the birthing place of trends. And marketers used that to their own advantage all the time. As Twitter’s real time marketing is also very present in Threads, look for your chance.
Your audience will let you know what they want. Don’t miss out the chance to use any trends for integrating it in your brand. And also try to predict future trends as well to stay ahead of your competitors. Which will require you to listen to your target audience and work for their interest.
Use Instagram’s Appeal
The expensive and appealing visual of Instagram is also a possibility in Threads. In addition to users requiring to have an Instagram account, Threads also offer a photo limit of 10 like instagram.
This can be used to effectively tell your story despite being limited characters of texts. And visual storytelling appeals to more people which was a key factor behind Instagram’s huge marketing success.
Try Bite-Size Brand Marketing
The concise message will reach more people and be more fruitful than Facebook or LinkedIn’s huge essays. Microblogging can be very helpful if done right.
Short yet impactful messages from your brand that will call people to action is the future of digital marketing. So team up with your SEO copywriters as it’s their time to shine!
Be Visible and Engage with the Community
Thread is already offering you amazing visibility. With no rate limits and huge audience base, all you need to do is make good content that will put you on the algorithm of the users. Because, in threads, it’s the users who decide how their feeds will be.
Final Words
Now that you are all updated about Threads possible impacts on brand building, what are you waiting for? All you need to do is sign up for Threads and start using it for your brand’s success.
But wait, you will be needing more followers, won’t you? Worry not, as SocialWick has your back here. With the real followers who will like and reshare your contents, you can kickstart your business brand on Threads like a pro. Buy real followers, likes and reshares from social wick to reach potential customers before your competitors.
Don’t delay anymore because this is the right time. Just get onboard with Threads and take your brand to the apex of success.
Featured Image Credit: Meta