What is a better time to make new resolutions than the arrival of the new year? Now that 2023 is here, let us take this opportunity to change our lifestyles, give up bad habits and improve our well-being. If you are focused on leading a healthy lifestyle, your new year’s resolutions must include eating a healthier diet, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. While it’s true that hardly a few manage to follow their resolutions till the end, here are a few resolutions to stay fit in the year ahead.
1. Lose weight and keep it off
If you have been facing major health issues due to increasing wealth, you must focus on losing weight. Losing about ten percent of your body weight helps you lower the risk of high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and other cardiac diseases.
If you have made up your mind to lose weight this new year, make a routine to exercise regularly, eat healthy foods only, and follow weight loss tips that really work. You can even buy a treadmill and run on it regularly.
2. Eat a healthy diet
You won’t lose weight if you do not stop consuming fast foods. What you eat and how you eat both determine whether your food habits are healthy. Get your daily dose of nutrition from green vegetables and fruits. Make sure to consume foods with a high fiber content, low calories, and rich in vitamins and minerals. Foods that contain fiber will make your tummy feel fuller, which will help you lose weight.
Eating faster can cause people to overeat. Therefore, eat slowly and chew carefully. You must focus on the food instead of watching TV series or listening to songs while eating. Enjoy the flavors and textures of the meal.
3. Walk to Every Destination Within 1 Mile
The more physical activity you do daily, the fitter you stay. This new year, make it a point to walk to the nearest destination for errands. Do not drive even the nearest distances.
Walking instead of driving can help you improve your mood and lower the risks of heart disease. There’s another resolution you can make. Every time you use your phone, try using your feet. For instance, when answering a phone call, get up and stand aside and talk. Do not sit on your bed and continue gossiping with your peers for hours. You can also consider marching around while talking on the phone.
4. Take steps to reduce stress
This new year, keep your work stress away. Stress isn’t good for your health, and if you prioritize health now, you mustn’t take the stress. Don’t let your stress get out of control.
Whenever you feel tense, breathe slowly. Get out for a walk. Listen to music and calm your mind. Continuous stress can affect your well-being severely. Therefore look for healthy ways to lower stress.
5. Stay Hydrated
The next important resolution worth keeping this new year is staying hydrated. Your system benefits from sufficient hydration. If your body becomes dehydrated, there can be symptoms of mild fatigue, exhaustion, muscle cramps, headaches, dry mouth, etc.
Do you know the ideal amount of water you must drink regularly? That varies from person to person and depends on factors like the level of activity you do daily and the climatic conditions prevailing in your area. In general, 124 oz of fluids is the minimum for men, while 92 oz is the minimum for women.
6. Get sufficient sleep
Sound sleep at night is extremely necessary to stay fit. It improves your emotional well-being and immune system and keeps you in a good mood throughout the day. You must maintain minimum screen time before going off to bed. Make sure to create a silent environment while retiring to bed. If you usually have difficulty falling asleep, you must go through steps to relax and reduce stress.
7. Create a plan to stop smoking
If you are a smoker, this is your time to quit smoking. Smoking harms your health terribly, and before it’s too late, you must change your bad habits. Smoking tobacco can cause cancer and ulcers and can lead to nicotine addiction. If you consume tobacco, it is high time to quit it.
These are some healthy new year resolutions you can make to stay better. Make sure you follow these resolutions daily and don’t give up. You do not have to set high expectations. Remember that consistency is the key. You will slowly get a better life if you stick to your resolutions.
Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash