Lawsuit Filed Against Grubhub for Wrongful Death of Maricopa County Judge

The tragic death of Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Rosa Mroz has prompted her family to take legal action against Grubhub as of December 2023, alleging wrongful death after she was fatally struck by a car while crossing a Phoenix street. The incident, which occurred on February 2, 2022, has left her loved ones devastated and determined to seek justice for her untimely passing.

Initial reports from the Phoenix police indicate that on the fateful morning, Judge Mroz was crossing the intersection of 56th Street and Camelback Road when she was struck by a black Hyundai. Despite being in critical condition, she fought bravely for several days before succumbing to her injuries on February 5. The driver of the Hyundai remained at the scene to cooperate with authorities.

Distracted Driving Strikes Again

Heartbreakingly, it’s alleged that the driver responsible for the accident was distracted by his phone while en route to fulfill a Grubhub order. This revelation has sparked outrage and raised serious concerns about the dangers of distracted driving, not only among delivery drivers but also for all motorists and pedestrians sharing the roadways.

In a poignant statement, Robert Mroz, Judge Mroz’s widower husband, expressed the profound loss felt by their family and emphasized Rosa’s dedication to her loved ones. He shared, “Rosa herself would tell you that her love for her friends and family was her greatest accomplishment. Our family is completely devastated by this loss. We are sharing Rosa’s story to warn others of the dangers of distracted driving.”

Distracted driving has become a leading cause of traffic accidents and fatalities across the United States, posing a significant threat to public safety. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), distracted driving claimed the lives of over 3,000 people in 2020 alone, with countless more suffering life-altering injuries. Distractions behind the wheel can take many forms, including texting or talking on a cell phone, adjusting music or navigation systems, eating or drinking, and engaging in other activities that divert attention from the road.

Research has shown that distracted driving significantly impairs drivers’ ability to react to hazards, increases the likelihood of collisions, and contributes to a wide range of traffic-related incidents. Moreover, the consequences of distracted driving extend beyond individual tragedies, impacting families, communities, and society as a whole. The economic costs associated with traffic accidents, including medical expenses, property damage, and lost productivity, amount to billions of dollars annually.

The Lawsuit

The lawsuit, filed in the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, is a poignant reminder of the devastating consequences of distracted driving. The Mroz family seeks accountability and hopes to raise awareness about the risks associated with distracted driving.

Co-counsel Robert Glassman underscored the profound impact of Judge Mroz’s passing, describing her as an extraordinary individual whose legacy will endure. He stated, “Judge Mroz was an incredible wife, mother, and daughter and a pioneering public servant whose death has impacted all who knew and loved her.”

Grubhub’s Response

In response to inquiries about the Phoenix wrongful death lawsuit, a spokesperson for Grubhub extended condolences to Judge Mroz’s family and affirmed the company’s commitment to safety. The spokesperson stated, “Our deepest condolences go out to the friends and family of Hon. Rosa Mroz during this incredibly tragic situation.” Additionally, Grubhub emphasized its dedication to reviewing and enhancing safety practices to ensure the well-being of consumers, restaurants, and delivery partners.

The company highlighted its rigorous background checks, including driving records, as part of its efforts to prioritize safety. However, the incident serves as a stark reminder of the need for continued vigilance and accountability in addressing the risks associated with distracted driving.

As the legal proceedings unfold, the Mroz family’s lawsuit against Grubhub serves as a poignant reminder of the profound impact of distracted driving and the importance of prioritizing safety on our roadways. Through their advocacy, they hope to honor Judge Rosa Mroz’s memory and prevent similar tragedies from befalling others in the future.

Moving forward, it is incumbent upon all stakeholders—government agencies, law enforcement authorities, transportation officials, technology companies, and the public—to redouble their efforts to combat distracted driving and promote safer roads for everyone. This requires a multi-faceted approach encompassing legislative action, enforcement efforts, public education campaigns, and technological innovations aimed at reducing distractions and fostering responsible driving behavior.

Ultimately, the fight against distracted driving is a shared responsibility that requires collective action and unwavering commitment from all segments of society. By working together to address this critical issue, we can honor the memory of Judge Rosa Mroz and strive towards a future where every road user can travel safely and without fear of harm.