Laundry Masher Reviews 2022: (Latest Update) Is This Laundry Washing Ball Scam or Legit?

The invention of the Laundry Masher has helped bring about a safer and better means of carrying out your laundry activities as this product helps in cleaning and disinfecting your clothes. Unlike detergents, the Laundry Masher does not contain harmful chemicals which can cause skin reactions or allergies to those that have sensitive skins. The product is quite affordable and can be purchased online. It does not only save costs but can also save your energy too. Everything you need to know about the Laundry Masher will fully be explained in this product review. 

What is The Laundry Masher? 

The Laundry Masher is a new invention which can serve as a better replacement for detergents. The Laundry Masher is a rubberlike softball sphere filled with numerous nano silver infused ceramic beads and very effective disinfection and cleaning of your dirty clothes. The good thing about this product is that there are no forms of side effects which are experienced after using the Laundry Masher. The use of the Laundry Masher does not cause any form of discoloration or bleaching of your clothes or fabrics. The use of this product is very beneficial and the cost of getting the Laundry Masher is quite affordable. They can be gotten at discounted prices when you purchase them online. 

 Laundry Masher is very compatible with all kinds of washing machines. Another amazing thing about the Laundry Masher is that they are good for every individual. They can be used by those who have very sensitive skin, those with allergies, or react to the strong chemicals which are commonly found in detergents. The Laundry Masher has various designs which it can come in. So you can get anyone that suits or catches your attention. The specially made Nano Silver Infused Ceramic Beads which are found in the Laundry Masher reacts with the water and this helps in the reduction of negative ions as well as help to clean and disinfect your clothes.

MUST SEE: Click Here To Buy Laundry Masher @ Special Discount Directly From The Manufacturer’s Official Website

Features of The Laundry Masher (Laundry Masher Reviews)

Affordability: This is one of the features of The Laundry Masher that should be considered. It is best to know the cost of purchase of a product before you finally decide on whether to get the product or not. Unlike other traditionally used Laundry Mashers, The Laundry Masher is of top notch quality and very affordable too. The cost of getting the Laundry Masher is very less. Usually,  there are discounts which are attached to the prices. These discounts are only eligible to customers who buy the product online via the authentic buy link of the producer. 

  • Nanosilver Infused Ceramic Beads: Here is another feature of the Laundry Masher. The Laundry Masher contains specially designed nano silver infused ceramic beads which are known to possess hypoallergenic, antimicrobial, and non-chemical properties. These Nano silver infused ceramic beads help reduce the number of negative ions in your laundry water and also helps in the killing of bacteria and other germs. Also, the Laundry Masher helps remove odors from your clothes too.
  • Flexibility: Most laundry kind of softball pellets are usually cloth or fabric selective. Unlike other commonly used laundry balls, the Laundry Masher can be used on any kind of fabric and it is very compatible with all kinds of washing machines. This is what brings about the flexibility of the Laundry Masher. The Laundry Masher works effectively with any cloth or washing machine you use it with. 
  • Durability: Before getting a product, you need to know how long the product can get to serve you. Some softball pellets are not durable. Unlike the commonly used ones, the Laundry Masher is very durable. When you purchase the Laundry Masher, you can make use of this product for over 200 washes and this product will last for that number of laundry purposes. This is why the Laundry Masher is very durable and it is advisable that every home makes use of this product. 
  • Small-Size & Lightweight: The Laundry Masher is lightweight and small when it comes to its size. With this feature, you can easily transfer the product to wherever you want to make use of it.  The Laundry Masher is quite effective and can help out with a perfect clean for your dirty clothes. This Laundry Masher is of top quality and it is far better than other commonly used types of laundry mashers. This Laundry Masher is the best buy if you ever decide on getting it. 
  • Chemical-Free: Another amazing feature of the Laundry Masher is that the product does not contain any harmful chemical.  Usually, detergents contain very harsh chemicals which can cause skin irritation or allergies. If you want to avoid this kind of issue, then you should make use of the Laundry Mashers for your laundry activities. These rubberlike pellets  are very safe to use and there are no side effects which are experienced after their use. They are very natural and good for every individual. 
  • Eco-friendly: The Laundry Masher is very safe both in health and it is environmentally friendly. One of the components of the Laundry Masher is that the product is made of reusable plastic or rubberlike materials. Detergents usually contain very harsh or harmful chemicals. Unlike these commonly used detergents, the Laundry Masher does not contain harsh chemicals. In fact this product is very safe for use. 

Benefits of The Laundry Masher (Laundry Masher Reviews)

  • Hypoallergenic: One of the amazing benefits of the Laundry Masher is that the product has hypoallergenic properties. This means that when you make use of this masher, you will not get any side effects, skin allergy or skin reaction after its use.  They are very safe for people with sensitive skin or those that have skin allergies. Just in case you have a sensitive skin, you can replace the use of detergents with the use of the Laundry Masher. The softball pellets of the Laundry Masher are very suitable for those that have eczema, ringworm and psoriasis.  
  • Cloth-Friendly: The Laundry Masher is very gentle on clothes. This product is very different from detergents. There are no chemicals contained in the Laundry Masher unlike detergents that have very harsh chemicals contained in them. The Laundry Mashers are very safe to use on all kinds of fabric. The texture and normal colors of clothes are usually kept intact and maintained whenever you use the Laundry Masher for laundries. They make your clothes cleaner, brighter and free from all kinds of germs.
  • Cost Saving: One of the other benefits of using the Laundry Masher is that the product helps save your cost of spendings. Unlike detergents which require quite some amount for you to purchase constantly, the Laundry Masher is very affordable and helps save your costs. This is because you can use the Laundry Masher for 200 different washes. This makes this product quite durable as it can be used over and over again. This is very amazing. 
  • Easy Usage: You cannot talk about the benefits of the Laundry Masher without saying how easy it is to make use of the Laundry Masher. The Laundry Masher is very easy to use, all you need to do is to insert them into the water you will use for your laundry then switch on your washing machine. The Laundry Masher will do the rest of the job for you. Quite easy isn’t it? Yeah, this is why you should make use of this product. 
  • Antimicrobial Properties: The antimicrobial benefits of the Laundry Masher is another major benefit of using the Laundry Masher. When you make use of the Laundry Masher in your laundry, it has very effective antimicrobial properties and this helps to kill every microorganism or germs which are harbored in your clothes.   When you make use of the Laundry Masher, you can be rest assured that your clothes will be free from germs and also be very clean. 
  • For all Skins: Unlike detergents which can only be used by strong or allergy-free skins, the Laundry Masher can be used by all kinds of skins. This means that if you have a sensitive skin or allergic skin, you can make use of the Laundry Masher for your laundry and you will not encounter any form of side effects. This is because the Laundry Masher has hypoallergenic properties and does not bring about side effects. 

Pros and Cons of The Laundry Masher  (Laundry Masher Reviews)


  • The Laundry Masher is very affordable and can be purchased at discounted prices. 
  • The Laundry Masher can withstand a large amount of load. 
  • Saves your energy because it requires less work and gives out maximum effect. 
  • The Laundry Masher is very compatible with all kinds of washing machines.
  • Has a very pleasant smell which does not bring about any form of allergy. 
  • Hypo-allergenic in nature and does not cause any kind of side effects after use. 
  • Contains Ceramic infused pellets which absorb odor and eliminate all dirts on your clothes .
  • The Laundry Masher can serve you for over 200 washes. 
  • Consumes less water during laundry unlike detergents. 
  • The ceramic beads of the Laundry Masher are rubberlike in nature and coated with nano silver. 
  • Pleasant fabric scent to help improve the scent of your clothes after washing. 
  • Helps to kill microorganisms and other germs which can harbor on your clothes. 
  • Does not contain any kind of chemicals unlike detergents.
  • Very Eco-Friendly and quite safe to use within your environment. 


  • The Laundry Masher is quite limited in supply and this is due to a limit in the stock available.  You cannot purchase this product in local or retail stores around your vicinity. The demand and supply of the Laundry Masher is based on a first come, first serve basis. 
  • The Laundry Masher can only be bought online via the use of the origin purchase link of the producer. This is the best and most guaranteed method of purchase for the Laundry Masher. You will get the product at discounted prices when you use this method of purchase. 
  • There is a policy which is attributed to every online purchase. This policy is known as the 30-day money back guarantee policy and it is only accessible to customers who make a purchase of the Laundry Masher with the use of the authentic purchase link of the producer. 

MUST SEE: Click Here To Buy Laundry Masher @ 50 % Discount Directly From The Official Website.

Technical Specifications of The Laundry Masher(Laundry Masher Reviews

Here are the technical specifications of the laundry Masher. They include:

  • Size of The Laundry Masher – 64 x 93.5 x 65.5mm.
  • Weight of The Laundry Masher – 99g.
  • Shock absorbing thermoplastic rubber (TPR) external with polypropylene (PP) mesh core release style decreases disclosure.
  • Nano silver coatings and the pellets are rubberlike in nature.
  • Height 107 mm and 63 mm width.
  • Shock absorbing vented design for reduced rattling

How Does The Laundry Masher Operate Effectively(Laundry Masher Reviews)

There are several ways by which you can make use of the Laundry Masher so as to properly utilize the product. Here are the ways by which the Laundry Masher carry out its functions:

  • The Laundry Masher contains several hundreds of ceramic balls which are rubber-like in nature. These rubber-like balls increase the pH level (acidity or alkalinity) of the water when they are inserted into the water for laundry. This is one of the unique ways by which the amazing functions of the Laundry Masher can be experienced.
  • Usually, the Laundry Masher has  numerous Nano Silver Infused Ceramic Beads which are embedded in them. These ceramic beads create a reaction with the water to help with cleaning clothes very quickly. Usually there’s  a mechanical action which is generated with the use of these pellets. These help in proper disinfection and cleaning of dirty clothes. 
  • Laundry Masher rubber-like balls help decrease the amount of negative ions which are present in the water. These rubber-like balls help create a kind of hydrogen peroxide effect which helps remove stubborn dirts and make your clothes cleaner. This makes the Laundry Masher way better when being compared to other commonly used laundry mashers. 
  • The level of acidity or alkalinity of the water usually has an effect on your laundry. Once the water is too acidic or basic, it can bring about the damage of your clothes or linens. Also, this can bring about discoloration or bleach out your clothes. With the use of the Laundry Masher, you can maintain an optimum level of pH of your water that is very okay to wash with. The Laundry Masher can increase the pH level of the water for laundry to 6.5 or 6.9.
  • One of the ways by which the Laundry Masher carries out its function is that this product does not select the kind of washing machine which it can carry out its functions in. This means that the Laundry Masher is suitable for all kinds of washing machine and you will get exactly the same kind of results too. The Laundry Masher can help replace detergents too as these detergents can be quite hazardous due to their chemical compositions.
  • When you insert the Laundry Masher laundry balls into your water, they move around your washing machine, these pellets help to eliminate every kind of negative ions present in the water which creates a natural effect similar to Hydrogen Peroxide. These readily can help detergents to form lather er with soaps.
  • When you put the Laundry Masher pellets into your washing machine, that’s all you need to do before the Laundry Masher can do its work effectively. Also, how this works is that water can get across the pellets and this triggers the pellets since the product is coated with nano silver. So with the use of the Laundry Masher, you can get your dirty clothes disinfected and squeaky clean too.

Who is The Laundry Masher Suitable For?(Laundry Masher Reviews)

The Laundry Masher is actually a product that can be used by every home and every individual, most especially the people that engage in carrying out laundry activities. The Laundry Masher is not meant for only a category of people. Those who are suitable to make use of the Laundry Masher are:

  • Every individual that has kids needs to make use of this product for their laundry activities. This is quite important because the Laundry Masher brings about total care of your children during laundry activities. Kids usually have delicate or sensitive skins so it is very necessary for you to make use of products that are not hazardous to them. This is why the Laundry Masher is very important. 
  • Also, Laundry workers are to be considered if you intend to list people who are meant to use the Laundry Masher.  This is because the Laundry Masher can save cost and it can last you for about 200 washes before you get another one. It helps you save energy because you do not need to put in physical efforts before your clothes can get clean and be free from germs. All you need to do is just to insert them in your laundry water and it will do the rest of the work.
  • Another category of people who should make use of the Laundry Masher are students. This is because the Laundry Masher is not only effective but also, it can help save cost. This is one of the reasons why students make wide use of this product. The Laundry Masher can be used several and this can last you for about 200 wash before you decide on getting another new Laundry Masher. 

Prices and Where To Purchase The Laundry Masher (Laundry Masher Reviews)

The Laundry Masher is a super quality kind of masher which is recognised all over the world. This wonderful Laundry Masher has a standard place where you can purchase the actual brand of the product. You cannot buy the Laundry Masher in local or retail stores located within your vicinity. Also, it is of best interest for you to know that the  Laundry Masher is very limited in stock and its purchase is based on a first come, first serve basis. Purchasing the original Laundry Masher will require you to make use of the producer’s original buy link to purchase this product. This is because the Laundry Masher can only be purchased online with the use of the original buy link of the producer. 

During a purchase with the use of this buy link, the link will direct you to the company’s official website,  this is the right and safest place where you can carry out every purchase and necessary transactions before you can get the original Laundry Masher. Normally, there are other little benefits which are eligible to only customers that make use of the original buy link of the producer to make a purchase of the Laundry Masher and these benefits are:

  • Customers that make use of the original buy link of the producer to purchase the Laundry Masher will be eligible to get this laundry masher at discounted prices depending on the quantity you need. This has helped in the reduction of the cost of the product and also, it has helped increase the purchasing power of customers and this has encouraged them to purchase more of the product for use.
  • The online method of purchase using the producer’s authentic buy link is the best and most secure method of purchasing the Laundry Masher.  Customers are risk-free from online scams when you make use of this authentic buy link for your purchase.  Customers are also guaranteed of getting the original Laundry Masher when you use the online method of purchase. 
  • The online method of purchase of the Laundry Masher is quite safe and secured. The wonderful aspect about this method is that customers do not need to worry about how long it will take the product to be delivered. All you need to do is to ensure you pay every necessary payment, the Laundry Masher will be delivered to you at your desired destination.

The cost of purchasing The Laundry Masher varies and the prices depend on the discounts which are usually attached to them. The discounts vary according to the quantity of the Laundry Masher you desire to purchase. These are the actual prices of the Laundry Masher:

  • 1x Laundry Masher Pineapple (Save 35%) = $24.95 (Savings $13.43)
  • 2x Laundry Masher Pineapple (Save 35%) = $49.99 (Savings $26.78)
  • 3x Laundry Masher Pineapple (Save 51%) = $55.99 (Savings $59.16)
  • 4x Laundry Masher Pineapple +Save 55%) = $68.99 (Savings $84.55)


30-Day Money Back Guarantee Policy  (Laundry Masher Reviews)

It is of great interest for you to know that there is a policy which is only eligible to customers who make any online purchase of the Laundry Masher.  This amazing policy is referred to as the 30-Day money back guarantee. What this policy entails is that customers can decide to return the Laundry Masher within 30 days of purchase if the product fails to meet up to the expectations of that customer.  You should know that there are appropriate steps to take before you can be eligible to get a refund of your money. They include:

  • Please, ensure that you do not spoil or forcefully tear off the packaging of the Laundry Masher. In other words,  this means that the Laundry Masher should remain intact in its packaging as at the time of returning the product back to the company for a refund.
  • Ensure that the timeframe at which you decide to return the Laundry Masher does not exceed the period of 30 days. This means that you can only get a refund of your money once you return the Laundry Masher within the period of 30 days after you might have received the product on delivery.
  • It is best to make sure that you contact the company’s customer care operatives so that they can rightly guide you on the right method by which you can return the Laundry Masher. This helps to make your refund process faster and better.

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ on The Laundry Masher(Laundry Masher Reviews)

Q1 – Can the Laundry Masher be used by those that have sensitive skins?

Ans: Yes, those who have sensitive skins can make use of the Laundry Masher because it is hypoallergenic in nature. 

Q2 – Where can I purchase the Laundry Masher?

Ans: The Laundry Masher can be purchased online with the use of the authentic buy link of the producer.

Q3 – Can the Laundry Masher be used for all kinds of clothes?

Ans: Yes, the Laundry Masher can be used for all kinds of clothes or fabrics. It is also suitable for all kinds of washing machines. 

Q4- How durable is the Laundry Masher when I make use of it?

Ans: When you make use of the Laundry Masher, the product can last for about 200 washes before you can decide on getting another one. 

Final Verdict on The Laundry Masher  (Laundry Masher Reviews)

When it comes to effective cleaning and disinfection of clothes and fabrics, the Laundry Masher is quite effective and the best product for you to use. The product is very affordable and everything it is composed of is natural. The Laundry Masher does not contain any form of harsh chemicals. The product is hypoallergenic in nature and also has antimicrobial features which helps in the killing of germs and harmful microorganisms.