Laser Tattoo Removal: Your Questions Answered

Maybe you loved your tattoo when you first had it done, but you’ve changed your mind about it. Perhaps you never really liked it, or it was a rash, regrettable decision. It could even be that you still love the look of your tattoo but it’s causing skin issues and it’s just not worth the discomfort. 

Whatever the reason for getting your tattoo removed, you will probably have a number of questions about the process and the experience, as well as the kind of results you can expect. 

To shed some light on the potential of your tattoo removal journey, we’ll answer some of the most common questions in this short guide. Whether it’s body art removal or reversing cosmetic tattoos, here are some insights into the world of modern laser tattoo removal. 

Does Laser Tattoo Removal Hurt? 

This is often the top concern for anyone considering laser tattoo removal. After all, if you’ve experienced a painful tattoo application, you’ll likely be wary of going through something similar again. It’s true that, in the past, there were stories about tattoo removal being even more painful than having the tattoo done in the first place. Luckily, things have changed dramatically in recent years. 

Thanks to developments in laser technology, the latest tattoo removal techniques are much gentler and kinder to the skin. This not only makes the experience more tolerable, it also reduces the risk of skin damage and scarring. If you haven’t looked into what’s possible with modern tattoo removal techniques in recent years, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how much has changed and how it can be a much more positive experience these days. 

How Long Does It Take To Remove A Tattoo? 

In the past, the timeframe for complete tattoo removal could run into years. With the latest tech, these timelines have been reduced considerably. So you can now expect a much more rapid timescale for the complete removal of a tattoo. 

Because the latest lasers are much kinder to skin, there is less damage, and as a result, the skin heals much more quickly in between sessions. Since the frequency of treatments depends on the time it takes for skin to heal, the new technology has paved the way for more frequent treatments within a given time period. 

There are some other factors that can impact how long it takes to completely remove a tattoo, such as skin type, overall wellness, and the type of tattoo itself. As a general guide, however, it’s possible to have repeat treatments just two or three weeks apart. Depending on how many sessions are required for your particular tattoo, this means that a complete removal can now be achieved in a matter of months. 

How Much Does Laser Tattoo Removal Cost? 

The specialist tattoo removal experts of the past used to be regarded as a premium service aimed at the world’s rich and famous. Thankfully, the modern world of tattoo removal is much more accessible to people from all walks of life. The advancements in technology have made it possible to offer affordable options to a wide range of budgets. There are also some clinics leading the way with payment plans or a monthly subscription service, to make tattoo removal even more of an affordable option. 

As you might expect, the exact prices for tattoo removal will vary depending on the individual tattoo, as well as some other factors. For example, the more intense or complex a required treatment procedure, the more likely it is to cost more than the average price range. The size of the tattoo can also affect the cost – as you can imagine, it will cost less to remove a small cosmetic tattoo than it would to remove an entire sleeve or larger surface area. 

It’s natural to want to know what costs you can expect before you commit to your tattoo removal journey, which is why most top providers will be more than happy to arrange a free consultation. This is your chance to find out exactly what you can expect, in terms of timescales and prices, so that you can make the right decision for you. These appointments can also be a good opportunity to ask any questions you have, or voice any concerns about the process. 

If you take the step to book a consultation appointment, you’ll find that the modern world of tattoo removal is a much more relaxed and welcoming place than the old stereotypes would suggest. Then you can make an informed decision about getting rid of that unwanted ink and moving on with your life.