Keeping Your Bike Safe In The City: Tips For Modern Cyclists

Cycling is a fun way to exercise and reach your destination without having to spend money on fuel or brave the horrors of crowded shared public transport systems. 

Still, there are some downsides to cycling, including the danger of injury, damage to your bike or theft. 

In cities, these issues are exacerbated thanks to the crowded nature of the area. The more people there are, the more traffic there is and the increased risk of theft for your bike. It’s dangerous everywhere, but cities can be scary places for a cyclist. 

Some US cities are more dangerous than others for cyclists, but wherever you’re based, you still need to be cautious and work to reduce the chances of an accident, injury or theft. 

You’ll never be able to completely stop any chances of an accident, as that’s the nature of them. However, you can improve your personal safety and reduce the chance of losing your precious bike or having to pay expensive medical bills. 

To help, we’ve created this handy guide to cycling in cities for today’s cyclists who are dealing with modern threats to their safety. 

Learn The Safe Bike Parking Spaces

Every city has areas that are safer for cyclists when it comes to bike thefts. For example, some areas will have CCTV and local businesses to act as witnesses to thefts, while others will be more deserted at certain times of the day or night. Also, some areas will have designated bike parking, which is designed to be anti-theft. In other areas, you might have to lock your bike up against a lamp post or a railing, which can easily be manipulated and isn’t as secure as an actual bike storage facility. So, it would help if you learned about the safest areas to park your bike and avoid anywhere that has seen a spate of thefts recently. While you can never entirely prevent bike theft, you can reduce the chance that your precious bicycle will be stolen by choosing the right place to store it. If you’re new to a city, then speak to your fellow cyclists to find out the best places to park your bike. For established city-dwellers, there will always be new places to store your bike, so keep a lookout and find the best places to keep it while you run errands and spend time enjoying the city. 

Invest In A Quality Bike Lock

Even the best bike parking spaces require a robust bike lock. If you’ve bought an expensive bike, it pays to ensure that you get the best lock on the market. That doesn’t necessarily mean that you need the most expensive one, but you should try to find one that meets your needs, like if you own a drop bar bike, and will ensure the security of your bike. There are many types of bike locks on the market, ranging from alarmed locks to discreet wheel locks, to smart locks that come with an app and unlock using your fingerprint. Some locks also come with a tracking device, so if they’re still attached when a bike is taken, you’ll be able to track it down and pass the information over to law enforcement professionals. Explore the best bike locks currently available to find one that will suit your needs. Consider upgrading your bike lock every few months, to ensure that your bike is always safe and uses the best bike security tech on the market. 

Take Out Comprehensive Insurance

It’s not just theft that can cause issues with your bike in the city. Potholes, rouge drivers and other issues could lead to an accident. Whatever happens, taking out comprehensive bike insurance from dedicated providers like Velosurance will mean that if the worst happens, you’re covered. As they only offer bike insurance, you’ll be able to find an option that suits your needs and know that you’ll get professional support from individuals who understand bikes if you take out a policy with this provider. You can then make the most of your bike knowing that it’s covered in case of an emergency when you’re traversing the city. You can tailor your cover to suit your needs and ensure that you make the right decision based on your lifestyle and the value of your cycling set-up. 

Wear The Right Safety Gear At All Times

When you’re taking a short ride, it’s easy to think that you don’t need to bother with all your safety gear. That’s not the case, as even a short ride could potentially be dangerous in a city, especially if you are cycling on a busy interstate. As such, you should always wear your cycle safety gear, and check it regularly to ensure that it still works correctly. Bike helmets should be replaced after even a small crash, or every five years if you don’t fall during that time. You should also always have the correct lights on your bike and wear reflective clothing, even when it seems light outside. The sun could suddenly fade and you might find that you’re suddenly less visible, which will increase your chances of getting into an accident. So, always wear reflective gear and carry spare lights and batteries to ensure that you’re always clearly visible to cars, pedestrians and your fellow cyclists.  

Find Local Bike Safety Initiatives

Talking about all these issues and the challenges that cyclists face, it’s easy to think that biking in a city is a dangerous pastime. However, while it does have its downsides, there are also many benefits to cycling. Alongside the obvious, such as the health benefits and cost savings, is the sense of community that many cyclists work hard to cultivate. Cyclists love to wave to each other and signal any upcoming dangers, and they also love to talk about their bikes with others. That’s why there are so many online communities and forums for cyclists. In many cities, there are also local cycling initiatives and schemes that can help you improve your safety. These might include cycle maps provided by the local government, free cycle safety courses or even local initiatives created by individuals. For example, in New York, a group of delivery drivers have banded together to help prevent the theft of the e-bikes they rely on for their livelihoods and reduce cycling traffic accidents. Use cycling groups online or local notice boards to find out about schemes in your city and see if you can join them to get support and learn new skills. 

Keep Adapting And Learning

While there are always new bike safety solutions and gadgets, there are also new ways for criminals to steal bikes. Also, changes to road safety laws can affect your ability to cycle safely around your home city. So, you need to make sure you stay up to date with the latest developments in and around your city, and that you check out great new bike tech. This article should help you to start finding ways to stay safe when cycling in the city, but you need to make sure that you keep learning and adapting. From new gadgets and types of bike locks, to expanded cycle lanes or new rules on cycling in your city, you should try to stay current and find new ways to be safe as a city cyclist. Consider joining local forums or social media groups that share updates on cycling in your area, and following blogs by passionate bikers. You’ll then be able to ensure that you’re always as safe as possible and enjoy cycling around the city. 


Image Credit: Photo by Josh Bean on Unsplash