Industries Growing in Ohio

Ohio has seen a sharp increase in growth of its industries recently. There’s many reasons for this, with a recovering economy being one of the main drivers. We’ve taken a look at some of the fastest growing Ohio industries right now. 

Online Gambling

The legalization of online gambling has sparked a rapid rise in betting across the USA. This is the case in Ohio, where online casinos and sportsbooks have grown very big very quickly. Part of the reason for this, is that some of the biggest names in the online gambling world have opened sites in the region. So, you can find the top online casinos in Michigan and start playing at one of your favorite sites with ease.

This is more than just a case of the sites growing in size. It’s managed to increase the tax revenue for the state as well. It means that infrastructure has seen more investment. This has placed more money in the pockets of Ohio residents, which has in turn, allowed businesses within the state to flourish.


This has two facets to it. The first is a byproduct of there being more tax revenue in the state. It means that the state government has been able to invest much more into the transport across the state. So far, more building work has been carried out which has helped the transport links in Ohio to significantly improve. It means that not only is there a lot more construction work available for workers, but it also means that getting to jobs is a lot easier for people living in Ohio.

This has helped other areas of the industrial world to continue growing in a big way. As workers are able to get to jobs far more easily, they have access to much more choice. It makes Ohio a much more worker friendly state. This means there is a lot more disposable income available to help support other industries.

Of course, there are other aspects to transport as well. It’s not just public transport and highways being upgraded that has made the industry thrive. It’s also seen the electric car industry grow within Ohio as well. More and more charging points, showrooms and even factories have popped up within Ohio which has made it a strong area for the burgeoning industry. 


Finance is a huge industry across the entire country. With the rise in other industries, the finance industry has also seen some growth. Part of this, is how accountants have had to deal with the growth of business in the state. With more successful businesses, it means that there’s been a lot more work for accountants in the state. 

It’s in other areas as well. With more disposable income for people within Ohio, it means that there is more money for investment. This has allowed people to assess different financial brokers to make investments. Brokers and other providers of financial services have seen a sharp rise in their business, which has helped the industry to continue to grow. 

Other local businesses

The number of local businesses has been increasing in Ohio in recent years, and one of the main industries is the repair industry so far. Since electronic gadget manufacturers provide repair services at a high cost, people tend to choose local repair stores to get their gadgets fixed. Especially, the number of repair stores in Mentor Ohio has been growing due to increasing demand in that area.