How to Write a Last Minute Essay

Is there a student that hasn’t experienced the stress of forgetting the deadline for submitting an essay? We are pretty sure that everyone has experienced this worst student real-life nightmare. 

Students always suffer from stress and anxiety due to short deadlines, tight schedules, and constant academic pressure. That’s the reason why they forget about the essay they have to hand in two days’ time. 

To lend a little helping hand, we are here to provide some guidance on how to write a last-minute essay.

Step-by-step Guide to Last Minute Writing

You may be a student that always plans, but lately, you’ve been racing against time trying to juggle everything. Everyone repeats that you need to plan ahead, but that is not an option at this point. 

So what are the choices?

You can contact professional essay help online and have your essay done in the shortest time possible. 

Or you can read and follow the steps we have for you and try to do it yourself.

Step 1: Breathe!

Take a moment and breathe! Filling yourself with self-anger and guilt won’t help at this point. Stop the anxiety and panic attacks and focus your mind to work towards writing the essay. Gaining control over yourself is the first thing to completing the task. 

Step 2: No Distractions

A last-minute essay requires your undivided attention! You have a very limited time to complete the assignment so remove all possible distractions like television, phone, internet, and music. Let people know you are not available and don’t wish to be disturbed until you complete the urgent assignment. 

Step 3: Set Mini-Deadlines

To avoid both exhaustion and burnout, you can break the writing process with mini-deadlines. You can set a goal to finish three sections in three hours and then take a short break. Sitting in front of the computer for eight straight hours will not be productive. You may be under pressure, but you should allow yourself time to refresh your mind and clear your thoughts. Lack of time doesn’t mean lack of quality!

Step 4: Create an Outline

This step may seem unnecessary at this point but it is very important. It’s a way to organize the chaos in your mind and glide through the writing process. A well-prepared outline is a lifesaver in these situations. 

Step 5: Research

Lack of time doesn’t mean you should cut back on research. You can’t seriously think that you can write an essay without doing any research! Essay research doesn’t take that long, so don’t make any excuses to skip this important step. 

At the same time, stray away from procrastination! Don’t use the research as an excuse not to start working. If you are missing any information you can always go back and do more research.  

Step 6: Write

When you are under enormous pressure, even the best topic will seem ghastly.
In normal circumstances, you may have congratulated the professor on the brilliant topic and started writing the minute you left class. 

Well, since it’s not the first essay you’ve written, get in a writing mindset and start.

Don’t write just for the sake of completing the essay on time! The reader should be attracted by an interesting introduction. Keep their attention by providing interesting facts and information throughout the essay. 

Make sure you include the citation references as you write. Don’t leave these for the ending because you might end up forgetting them altogether. 

Step 7: Almost there

Okay, you wrote the last words on the essay, but that doesn’t mean you are done. Time to read it – over and over again! Correct any spelling mistakes, grammar errors, and wrong sentence structures. 

Editing and proofreading are just as important as writing. It will be ridiculous to send the first draft you have of the essay after investing so much effort into it. 

Last Minute Essay – Done!

Now that you are done, don’t you feel proud of yourself? If you followed each of the above steps we provided, you are holding an essay that is ready for submission. 

Regardless of the time, you have to complete your essay, never turn to take someone else’s work. Why submit to plagiarizing when you know you can do it yourself or ask for professional help? 

Next time you are faced with an emergency of this kind, stop yourself and breathe. There is a solution for every problem and you always have this guide to shine a light on your writing. 

Photo by Dan Counsell on Unsplash