How to Stay Focused: 5 Helpful Tips

Do you have ADHD or ADD? In the past, one might have felt quite alone with this condition. Today, however, there has been a 123% increase in ADHD diagnoses. We live in a more distracted world than ever before. Everywhere we go there are a plethora of things demanding our attention from our smartphones and smartwatches to our smart homes. The average person struggles to figure out how to stay focused.

We’re here to help. Read on as we discuss some mental wellness tips on how to focus. Soon, you’ll have a healthy mind and mindset when tackling focus-intensive tasks. 

How to Stay Focused Tip #1: Eliminate Electronic Distractions

Phone manufacturers designed your smartphone to distract you on purpose. There’s a reason the notification light blinks and the screen lights up when your friend messages you. A phone needs to get your attention, otherwise, you might miss critical information.

So, don’t let your phone distract you. Turn it off, or leave it in another room. If you can’t do that, at least turn it on silent mode and flip it upside down.

#2: Don’t Multitask

The human mind cannot multitask. You can switch rapidly between tasks, sure, but this hinders your performance in each individual thing you do.

So, keep things simple. Do only one thing at a time to maximize your focus.

#3: Eat Well and Sleep Well

Eating and sleeping well is just good practice in general, but it can help with focus too. Staying alert and staying on target depends in great part on your mental acuity.

That mental acuity goes down the crapper the less you sleep and the worse you eat. Get a full eight hours and stay away from McDonald’s.

#4: Find a Quiet, Distraction-Free Place

Sometimes, the issue is not your phone, but rather your friends and your environment. With that being the case, find a place where you can study or work in peace and quiet.

Identify what tends to be your most common distractions. The television, your chatty roommate, and so on. Once you know what those things are, stay away from them as much as possible.

#5: Take Supplements

Even with the above, you may require a little boost on the medical side. Not feeling energetic could be a result of a body in need of some essential supplements for focus and concentration.

Find out what worksand doesn’t workfor you. A tall glass of espresso might do the trick to keep you laser-focused during an overnight study sesh. But if caffeine has your heart going 100 mph and doing backflips, try something else.

Time to Get to Work

Knowing how to stay focused is something people will have to actively work on in a world of smartphones. In most cases, it’s about changing your habits: keeping the phone away, and doing only one thing at a time. However, you may require better eating habits and some additional supplements.

Follow our blog for more helpful ways on keeping a healthy mind in this frenetic world.


Image By: Pexels