How To “Read” Body Language?

5 Clues To Understanding People Better With Funchatt

Body language is a form of non-verbal communication. It can be hard to tell what the other person means or wants to do next if you can’t read and interpret their body language. Silence is part of nonverbal communication. For example, if you chat with a friend face-to-face or on a social media and communication platform such as Funchatt, and they go quiet after something you said, it may mean something.

So what is nonverbal communication, or body language?

Nonverbal communication refers to any method of conveying messages or information from one speaker to another without using words. Anything from gestures to physical looks to emotions expressions can be included. Body language is a type of non-verbal communication that includes postures, gestures, facial expressions, physical touch, physical signs, and eye movement.

Most people have had moments when words fail them. They become too shy, nervous, or emotionally overwhelmed to speak and think clearly. Body language speaks for us in these situations. Because conversations are two-sided, the other person is usually left to read those nonverbals.

Here is how to read body language and understand people better:

  • Differentiate between positive and negative body language

Just like messages in verbal communication, body language can be negative or positive. For example, the tension in the body is a familiar “negative” interpretation that can be triggered by anger or discomfort. Positive body language, on the other hand, such as resting comfortably or relaxing, can imply happiness and trust.

  • Focus on the voice pitch

The pitch of a person’s voice can change based on their mood. When a person is sad, for instance, their voice tends to dampen. This means they’ll speak at a slower pace and in a lower octave. Happier people have peppier, faster, or more cheerful voices.

  • Check breathing patterns

People who are upset tend to be gloomy, some will have their faces starting to redden. This response is triggered by rapid breathing. Whenever you are in a fight, for example, your brain produces hormones that make your heart beat faster and increase your blood pressure. When this happens your breathing will become shallow very fast.

  • Look at finger movements

When you see someone’s fingers with a slight curve, it may indicate that they are relaxed. People don’t usually walk around with their fingers fully extended. When the fingers have the normal curvature without extension, then you can tell someone is in good spirits.

  • Pay attention to their lean

Someone may lean towards you if they are willing to take part in the conversation. When two people are flirting, the space between them becomes increasingly smaller. However, if someone is scared or unmotivated, they may lean back.

  • Focus on the grip

In stressful situations, one person may extend their fingertips, while another may tighten their grip or clench their fists. If someone is already holding a cup or a glass, they may begin to grip it more tightly. This means they have a lot of energy that your body needs to release.

  • Focus on movements

Unusual movements may be a sign of stress or nervousness. If you notice someone is moving more than they should, then you can tell something is bothering them. Some signs you should look out for include chewing on the lips, jiggling of the foot, and wringing of the hands.

  • Check how they smile

We are all used to the fact that when someone smiles, it means they are happy. However, not all smiles mean someone is happy. 

There are different types of smiles as you can see in this article:

  • Duchenne: This is a genuine, happy smile, and you can tell since it typically involves revealing teeth. It’s pleasant to see this kind of smile even in pictures on Funchatt, right? 
  • Social: This type of smile is also known as a non-enjoyment smile, usually lacks teeth and is used to express basic decency and politeness rather than joy and happiness.
  • Dominance: With only one corner of the mouth raised, this lopsided smile resembles a smirk and can be used to express confidence.
  • Focus on the bigger picture

The final point is possibly the most important. Focusing on facial expressions can be good but they aren’t always accurate. When people experience a particular emotion but don’t want others to know, they attempt to conceal it. Other cues, such as body language and pitch, tend to reveal how they truly feel. When reading someone’s emotional state, you must pay close attention to the bigger picture. It’s critical to understand the bigger picture whether you’re communicating virtually on social platforms like Funchatt or in person.

Wrapping up,

Body language is an essential part of how people communicate when they are unable to express themselves verbally. Learning to read body language signs can help us better understand others.

Understanding body language does not mean you can read minds. However, it can help you make more informed decisions about what the other person you are speaking with is going through or may do next.

To communicate more effectively, you need to practice. Join Funchatt today and find your community!