How to Protect Your Skin from Premature Aging Due to Solar Rays

We are all entranced by the great outdoors. From heading off to the beach with a handful of friends to taking a hike in a nearby forest, such activities are healthy and they represent excellent ways to clear the mind. However, we also need to remember that some of these very same elements can cause harm when taken to extremes.

This is particularly the case in terms of the effects of the sun on our skin. Were you aware that up to 80 percent of skin aging can be attributed to ultraviolet rays? If you hope to remain looking young and vibrant, it pays to take a closer look at what steps you can take to safeguard your skin. We will begin by examining what types of damage the sun can cause before moving on to discuss the benefits of professional mineral sunscreen products.

Why Does the Sun Cause Our Skin to Age?

First and foremost, we should point out that occasional exposure to the sun is healthy, as it enables our bodies to produce vitamin D. The only issue is that these very same ultraviolet rays can negatively impact our skin when taken to excess.

UV rays penetrate the upper layer of the skin (known as the epidermis) and interact with the cells found throughout the dermis. The damaging effects of ultraviolet can begin to break down fibers throughout this layer known as elastin. As you may have already guessed, elastin is a compound which allows the skin to remain flexible and pliable. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays can therefore cause skin to sag, stretch and lose its pliable nature.

Powerful Sunscreen Ointments to Safeguard Your Skin

Although the impacts above should never be taken lightly, there are ways in which you can protect the health and vibrant nature of your skin throughout the year. One of the most effective products is known as Eryfotona Actinica. Manufactured by the professionals at ISDIN, this topical ointment provides several potent benefits including:

  • It contains naturally occurring enzymes which help the skin repair.
  • A lightweight formulation will allow fast absorption into the skin.
  • This product can be used throughout the day and any time of the year.
  • A silky smooth consistency provides the ideal base when applying subsequent makeup.
  • Other skin-friendly ingredients such as zinc oxide and vitamin E are equally potent anti-ageing compounds.

Not only can this product help to reduce the effects of solar rays, but it enables your skin to shine with a natural luster. The all-natural composition of Eryfotona Actinica is also advantageous if you suffer from allergies or sensitive skin.

We all require the sun to survive and there is certainly nothing wrong with absorbing its rays on occasion. However, the phrase “too much of a good thing” is completely relevant here. Limiting your exposure and utilizing powerful sunscreen treatments is the best way to ensure that little is left to chance.