How To Protect Your E-bike Battery In Summer


Summer heat is felt by everyone already as temperatures approach as high as 20 degrees Celsius these days. Conjectures are the coming months will be hotter. The bright summer days will have you looking to ride out to the places you have noticed but never had time to visit and places you have missed going on your e-bike.

Things can feel cumbersome when you begin facing challenges like sunburn and dehydration. It means your outdoor activities have to be perfectly planned if you are going to be enjoying them. If you will be cycling, you may feel the effects of the heat less because you will be riding through different winds too. This means you have to plan to protect your electrical bike battery.

However you intend to use your e-bike this summer, your aim should be to get the right amount of workouts. But how do you do this when your e-bike is also at risk of heat exposure? Before you embark on riding out in this blistering heat, here are some tips to protect yourself and your battery from the harsh effects of the heat. Or, at least, to lessen them.

Want To Enjoy Riding Your E-bike This Summer?

  • Avoid Charging In The Sun

While your e-bike is still at home, you should endeavor to park it in a shady, cool place. All charging should occur in the shade. You should avoid doing this in the sun because your battery will probably get hotter than it will charge.

There is a default setting in most batteries, making them unable to convert energy when they get too hot. What happens is that it will shut down and spend about an hour or more cooling itself down. If your battery begins to feel hot, carry yourcargo bikes to a cool part of your environment immediately. Whether inside the house or simply under the cool shade of a tree, your battery will thank you for it.

  • Try Riding During The Dawn

If you notice, it gets brighter earlier these days. This provides a sweet way to work out while beating the heat. Avoid riding during the hottest parts of the day so that you can worry less about the effects of the sun on yourself or your e-bike battery. Create a plan to get about 2 to 3 hours of workout and still protect your equipment this summer.

Set an alarm so that you wake up early. Seize the day!

  • Check Your Battery Before Riding 

You should check the body and terminals of your battery as you go out to catch winds this summer. Check your battery terminals regularly before riding for signs of corrosion. The corrosion creeping in tends to look like a greenish film. Place your palm on the battery to feel if the temperature reads hot or warm. A hot battery is probably damaged.

Replacing it should be carried out with the original battery manufactured for the e-bike. Using other manufacturers’ batteries to power your e-bike will likely shorten the battery life and range of the battery.

  • Store Water And Energy

Your body has to be right for you to enjoy your ride in the sun. This is because you will get dehydrated a lot faster. Apart from the loss of water in your body, the sun will be dishing out a good dose of heat to go with it. This is why you should have your water with you and still plan your route around places where you can easily refill if you run out. If there is none, have enough water with you then.

Also, eat before setting out to boost your energy levels. Keep a snack handy or plan on a snack route because you must conserve energy by all means. Instead of boring water, pack some sports drinks that contain electrolytes like sodium. Drink freely as need be to stay hydrated, and you can pour some water on yourself to cool off.

  • Avoid Riding In The Sun

When temperatures sear above 100 degrees Celsius, it is a clear sign that you should limit your riding time. It does not matter that the e-bike is in motion, the battery will shut down if it gets too hot. If you encounter this, stay calm. This is due to a default setting in-built to preserve batteries. In an hour, it will have cooled off if you find shade immediately.

If it is necessary that you ride and you cannot avoid it, ride for a short time only and look for shade. Or you can ride along routes with shade, such as a route with lots of trees. Better still, take a ride in the woods where you have enough shade. Have a plan like this to give you a little edge over the sun.

  • Avoid Riding On The Beach

This one is for those that want to go to the beach with their e-bikes. Saltwater is especially bad for your commuter bike battery and chain, and you should not go near the water at all on your e-bike. What you should bear in mind is that salt water conducts electricity and is corrosive to the battery terminals. It will weaken your chain and cause rusting.

If you fear your e-bike may have been exposed to salt or saltwater, you should check your battery and chain immediately and remove it. Clean the battery with a freshwater dampened piece of cloth. There will be a chalky residue on the chain showing salt exposure. Clean this off with engine oil and try to lubricate your chain more often till the salt wears off. 

In Conclusion

Summer is the best time of the year to get on your e-bike and enjoy the fresh air, sun, and beautiful surroundings. If you will be riding this summer, however, you should be intentional about preserving your e-bike battery and yourself. You should have a charging plan in place that does not involve prolonged exposure to the sun. You should have a plan to ride through routes with enough shade.

We have provided tips like these and more to help you have a better picture in mind for when you get riding this summer.