How to Properly Study for the MCAT

Are you ready to take the MCAT and achieve your medical school dreams? With the right preparation and study plan, you can ace the MCAT and get one step closer to becoming a doctor!

As you may know, the MCAT is coming up soon. If you’re like most premed students, you’re probably wondering how you’re going to ever have time to properly prepare for it.

Don’t worry, we’re here to help. In this guide, we’ll provide you with some helpful tips and tricks on how to properly study for the MCAT so that you can maximize your success that will help you maximize your time.

By following our advice, you’ll be able to walk into the MCAT feeling confident and prepared. Let’s get started.

What is the MCAT?‍

The Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) is a standardized exam that is required for admission to medical schools in the United States and Canada. The exam covers a range of subjects, including biology, chemistry, physics, and organic chemistry, as well as critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

The MCAT is designed to assess your knowledge of the subjects that are relevant to the practice of medicine, as well as your critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Medical schools use the MCAT scores as one of the factors in their admissions decisions, along with your GPA, letters of recommendation, and personal statement.

The MCAT is a multiple-choice exam that is administered by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). It is offered multiple times per year at testing centers around the United States and internationally.

Overall, the MCAT is an important exam for aspiring medical students and is a crucial part of the medical school admissions process.

How to Properly Study for the MCAT

The best way to study for the MCAT is to start by creating a study schedule and sticking to it. This will help you stay on track and ensure that you are covering all of the material that will be on the exam.

When creating your study schedule, make sure to allow yourself enough time to cover all of the material and to review any areas that you are struggling with. It’s a good idea to use a variety of study materials, such as MCAT prep books, and practice tests, and use online resources, like taking MCAT courses from Medic Mind, to help you prepare.

Follow these 5 steps to effectively and properly study for the MCAT:

  • Developing a Consistent Study Plan

One of the most important things you can do when studying for the MCAT is to develop a consistent study plan. This means carving out time each and every day to study and being disciplined about it.

The amount of time you need to dedicate to studying will depend on how much time you have before your test date, but a general rule of thumb is to study for at least 3-4 hours per day, 5-6 days per week is enough. And if you can swing it, I would recommend taking a week or two off before the exam to really hunker down and focus on studying.

When it comes to actually sitting down and studying, there are a few different approaches you can take. Some people prefer to just crack open their MCAT prep books and start reading, while others like to listen to audio recordings, attend live lectures, or take MCAT tutoring from Medic Mind. There is no right or wrong way to study – it’s just all about finding what works best for you.

Personally, I like to start each study session by reviewing my notes from the previous day. This helps me jog my memory and get back into the groove of things. Then I move on to reading through my textbook or watching video lectures. And finally, I close out each session by doing some practice problems or questions.

  • Understanding the MCAT Format and Structure

The MCAT is a challenging test, and it’s important that you familiarize yourself with the format and structure. 

Four Sections of the MCAT:

  • The 1st one is about the Psychological, Biological, and Social Foundations of Behavior- (95 mins) 
  • The 2nd one is about the Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems- (95 mins) 
  • The 3rd one is about the Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems- (95 mins) 
  • The 4th one is about Critical Analysis and logic Chops( MCAT CARS)- (90 mins) ‍‍‍ 

Each of these four sections of the MCAT score range is between 118 to 132, the standard being 125. Overall, the total test score ranges from 472 to 528, with a standard of 500. ‍

Subjects you may be tested on:

  • Biology 
  • Physics 
  • Organic Chemistry 
  • Research styles and statistics 
  • Psychology 
  • Sociology 
  • Ethics Philosophy 
  • Cultural Studies 
  • Humanities 
  • Biochemistry 

There are numerous possibilities of what you’ll be tested on so make sure you’re well set. These sections are frequently integrated, meaning that subjects aren’t tested singly. There will be lapping areas of attention. When considering your overall MCAT score thing, it’s a good idea to look at the minimal conditions for the seminaries to which you’re applying. The MCAT is administered around 25 times per time between January and September. It’s recommended that you register for your MCAT practice test date beforehand, so you can get your first pick at a position, time, and date.

In order to properly prepare for the MCAT, you should become familiar with the content covered in each section. You should also practice taking mock exams so that you can get used to the format and timing of the exam.

  • Creating Effective Study Materials

One of the most important things you can do for the MCAT prep is to create effective study materials. This means taking the time to understand what kinds of questions are likely to be asked on the test and developing a strategy for answering them.

It also means creating a study plan that fits your needs and learning style. Some students prefer to study in short, focused bursts, while others prefer to study gradually over time. There’s no right or wrong way to approach this, but it’s important to find a method that works for you.

Finally, make sure that you have a variety of resources at your disposal. This includes textbooks, practice questions, the use of online resources like Medic Mind, and even friends or classmates who are also studying for the MCAT. You should Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

  • Identifying Weaknesses to Target

Now that you know your weaknesses, it’s time to target them. But this doesn’t mean just studying more and harder. In fact, just by doing studying more and harder could do more harm than good.

What you need to do is find a way to study that works better for you. If you’re a visual learner, try using flashcards or diagrams to help you learn the material. If you’re an auditory learner, consider recording yourself reading the material aloud and listening to it while you study. And if you’re a tactile learner, try using different textures to help you remember information.

The key is here to find what works for you, and you should stick with it. You might have to experiment a little bit at first, but once you find the method that works best for you, studying will be a lot easier.

  • Staying Motivated to Maximize Productivity

It is common for students to feel unmotivated when studying for the MCAT. After all, it is a long and difficult test. However, there are ways to stay motivated and maximize productivity.

One of the ways to stay motivated is to set small goals. For example, rather than saying you will study for 10 hours straight, you can say you will study for one hour and then take a five-minute break. Once you have accomplished your goal, give yourself a pat on the back or do something you enjoy. This will help you feel accomplished and motivate you to continue studying.

Another way to stay motivated is to create a study schedule and stick to it. Set aside specific days and times for studying, and do your best to stick to that schedule. This will help you create a habit of studying, which will make it easier to stay motivated.

Finally, make sure you are taking care of yourself while you are studying. This means eating healthy foods, getting enough minimum of 7 to 8 hours of sleep, and exercising regularly. Taking care of yourself will help you feel your best and be able to focus while you are studying.

What to Do on Test Day for MCAT Success

Now that you’ve made it to test day, you want to make sure you do everything possible for MCAT success. We’ve got some tips to make sure you’re prepared for the test day.

We know test day can be stressful, but following these tips will help ensure you’re as prepared as possible.

Get a good night’s sleep: This one is important. You want to be well-rested, so you can be sharp and focused for the test.

Eat a healthy breakfast: Breakfast is one of the most important reflections of the day for a reason. You need the energy to power your brain, so make sure you have a nutritious meal.

Dress in comfortable clothing: You want to be comfortable so you can focus on the test and not what you’re wearing. Avoid anything too constricting or binding.

Be positive: You Have must confidence in yourself and in your abilities. You’ve studied hard, and you’re ready for the MCAT test.


How long does it take to prepare for MCAT?

The amount of time it takes to prepare for the MCAT will vary depending on a number of factors, including your current knowledge and understanding of the material, your study habits, and how much time you are able to dedicate to studying.

In general, most students will need to spend several months preparing for the MCAT. Some students may need more time, while others may be able to prepare in a shorter amount of time.

It’s important to create a study schedule that works for you and allows you to adequately cover all of the material that will be on the exam. This may require setting aside several hours each day to study or dedicating entire weekends to focused studying.

Ultimately, the amount of time it takes to prepare for the MCAT will depend on your individual needs and circumstances. It’s important to be realistic about how much time you will need and to create a study plan that works for you.

Are 2 months enough to study for MCAT?

It is possible to study for the MCAT in 2 months, but it may not be sufficient time for some students, depending on their current knowledge and understanding of the material.

The MCAT is a challenging exam that covers a wide range of material, including biology, chemistry, physics, and organic chemistry. In order to adequately prepare for the exam, you will need to have a strong understanding of these subjects and be able to apply your knowledge in a variety of contexts.

If you have a strong background in the subjects that are covered on the MCAT and are able to dedicate a significant amount of time to studying each day, then you may be able to prepare for the exam in 2 months. However, if you are not as familiar with the material or are not able to devote as much time to studying, then you may need more time to prepare.

Ultimately, the amount of time you will need to study for the MCAT will depend on your individual circumstances and how well you are able to learn and retain the material. It’s important to be realistic about how much time you will need and to create a study plan that works for you.

Is it hard to study for the MCAT?

Studying for the MCAT can be challenging, as it covers a wide range of subjects and requires a strong understanding of complex material. However, with dedication and hard work, it is possible to succeed on the exam.

The MCAT covers a range of subjects, including biology, chemistry, physics, and organic chemistry. In order to do well on the exam, you will need to have a strong understanding of these subjects and be able to apply your knowledge in a variety of contexts.

Additionally, the MCAT includes a critical thinking and problem-solving section, which tests your ability to analyze and interpret information. This section can be challenging for some students, as it requires them to think critically and apply their knowledge in new and unfamiliar situations.

Overall, while studying for the MCAT can be challenging, it is not impossible. By creating a study plan and sticking to it, seeking help when needed, and staying focused, you can succeed on the exam.

What is a good MCAT score?

A good MCAT score will vary depending on the schools and programs you are applying to. In general, a score of 500 or above is considered to be a good MCAT score. However, some medical schools may have a higher cut-off for their applicants. It’s a good idea to research the specific requirements of the schools and programs you are interested in to determine what a good MCAT score would be for your purposes. Keep in mind that your MCAT score is just one part of your application, and it’s important to also have a strong GPA, letters of recommendation, and other qualifications.

How long is the MCAT?

The MCAT is a long test, and it’s important to be prepared for the time commitment. The examination is split into four distinct segments: Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems, Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems, Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior, and Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills. Each of these sections contains a number of multiple-choice questions, and the entire test takes about 7 hours and 30 minutes to complete, not including breaks. It’s a good idea to pace yourself and take breaks as needed to avoid getting burnt out.


Overall, the key to studying for the MCAT is to be organized, stay focused, and take care of yourself. By following these tips, you can set yourself up for success and achieve the score you’re aiming for on the exam. When it comes down to it, succeeding on the MCAT is all about how you study. If you want to make the most of your time and effort, make sure you follow these tips:

  • Make a plan and must stick to it.
  • Take practice tests.
  • Get plenty of rest.
  • Eat healthily and stay hydrated.
  • Stay organized.
  • Take breaks.
  • Don’t stress out.

With the following steps presented in this guide and putting them into practice, you’ll be much near to getting into the school of your dreams. The MCAT takes a lot of tolerance, abidance, emotional, and intellectual power to complete.

With determination, harmonious studying, and avoiding procrastination, you’ll be suitable to achieve your desired score. Knowing How to Properly Study for the MCAT can be difficult, but by following the advice presented in this article, you’ll have the chance to achieve an excellent MCAT score.

Finally, make sure to set aside time to relax and de-stress. Studying for the MCAT can be challenging, so it’s important to take breaks and give yourself time to recharge. This will help you to stay focused on your goal and avoid burnout.