How to Prevent a Gambling Addiction: Simple Rules for Casual Gamblers

The rise of gambling comes with both advantages & disadvantages. You now think what are the disadvantages of online gambling? The gambling addiction is one of the biggest disadvantages that most of us want to quit. On the next, let me put your light on a short brief of gambling addiction-.

Introduction to Gambling Addiction 

This is a behavioural addiction defined by compulsive participation in gambling activities. It’s characterised as a persistent & maladaptive gambling behaviour. It led to several gambling consequences at individual & social level. This causes a multitude of negative effects on the family too. According to reports, it’s stated that family members of addictive gamblers are experiencing, domestic violence, divorces, and child abuse. So, the “Gambling Addiction” is an alarming proportion, especially with widespread popularity of online gambling. 

We’re feeling concerned for individuals & families facing abusive gambling behaviour of their partners. In concern of the same, we’ re coming with a few points to prevent gambling addiction. 

Find Alternative to Gambling 

Avoiding is a crucial way to deal with gambling addiction. But, in order to improve condition in a healthy way, you can shift focus on these mentioned options- 

  •  Physical activity (eg walking, weightlifting, team sports, yoga) 
  •  meditation 
  •  Spend more time with friends and family who aren’t playing 
  •  Volunteer in hospitals and animal shelters 
  •  Discover new hobbies 
  •  Tours & Trips

Postpone the Gambling 

Addiction has a thirst. Desire is a strong urge to achieve the desired behaviour. As a gambler, you may feel the urge to call a bookmaker, go to a casino, 5 euro deposit casino, or take other gambling-related actions. 

The thirst is intense, and while in the midst of it, it feels like it can last forever. But that’s not the case. The thirst for all food has a beginning, a middle, and an end. You can continue to recover as long as you can postpone gambling. A good way to deal with this problem is to pay attention to your thirst, how it feels, what you are thinking during your thirst, and how long it usually lasts. As you know about desire, you begin to  control it. 

Once you understand the situation, you can list some thoughts and actions to distract you from gambling. Perhaps taking a deep breath or calling a friend when a craving occurs is the best way to postpone gambling.

Look for Professional Help 

If you are playing hard, you should seek professional help as soon as possible. Professional treatment by a mental health or addiction specialist can mean the difference between living in financial uncertainty and living in financial stability. 

Professional treatments show you how to avoid gambling and hone the skills you have already learned. With the widespread use of professional counsellors and therapists, the only thing that prevents you  is your restraint. Even better, you can seek professional help while joining a support group.


Certain information helps protect you & your family members from gambling addiction. So, in case, our points help in getting rid of this abusive behaviour pattern. If anyone still has some doubts then please let us know.