How To Plan For Family Immigration With Italian Citizenship By Descent

Italy is an excellent immigration destination for families because it offers the best of locales, weather, and lifestyle for people who make it a second home. Young children can pursue high-quality education that does not cost a fortune. Adults have the ideal career and business opportunities. The country also has one of the best healthcare systems in this part of the world. Not surprisingly, thousands of Americans look forward to dual citizenship in Italy. The best part is that the country has the citizenship by descent option for aspiring immigrants. You can get in touch with the team of to understand whether you qualify for it. Here are some insights on planning for family immigration with this route.

Know about eligibility and exceptions

The first step is understanding the eligibility and exceptions because they decide whether you qualify for the Jure Sanguinis process. The good thing is that there are no generational limits for ancestral connections when applying through the descent routes. You only have to prove that your ancestor was alive after the unification of Italy in 1861. At the same time, they must have retained their citizenship until the birth of their child. You may fall under an exception if your ancestor was a woman. Italian women couldn’t pass on their citizenship rights until 1948, so you will not qualify if your ancestor gave birth before the year. In that case, you can claim through the 1948 Rule instead of Jure Sanguinis.

Complete the paperwork and process

Moving to Italy with your family requires some effort for the paperwork and process. Expect a long checklist including your ancestral documents from their local comune and naturalization records from the current residence. Getting the local documents is the tricky part because these will be decades old. The non-Italian ones have to be translated and legalized to be valid for the process. Once you have the documents, you can apply for citizenship by descent at your local consulate. The waiting time is often long, from several months to a year. But correct and complete documentation ensures completion of the process on your interview appointment.

Empower your dependents with citizenship rights

Italian citizenship by descent lets you bring your dependents as citizens, so you need not worry about family immigration. Your spouse and children get a second passport and can claim all the rights of a citizen. You only have to submit some paperwork to complete the formalities. The best thing you get in the deal is passing on the citizenship rights to your next generations. There couldn’t be a better inheritance to bequeath to your descendants than the citizenship of one of the best countries in the EU.

Family immigration with Italian citizenship by descent is doable, provided you understand the process well enough. Even better, collaborate with an expert to show the way and it becomes a breeze. They can even help you gather local documents with their connections in the country. Moreover, they can guide you about the completion of the formalities for your entire family. 

Author Bio – Emama is the lead content Writer at Submit Core. She has advanced knowledge in her stream which help her writing knowledgable content.