How to Manage Your Mental Health in a Busy City Environment

Very often, living in a city is synonymous with allowing your mental health (and sometimes physical health too) go for a toss! This notion isn’t far from the truth, because living in urban areas has been proven to be highly stressful for most individuals. Apart from living in a city full of traffic and pollution, you also need to worry about the mental stress you’re putting yourself through with the fast-moving pace of life which usually gives you little to no time to rest. 

In this article, we’ll go through a handful of tested and proven ways that are sure to help you give your mind a chance to refresh and rejuvenate itself amidst the chaos of everyday life. Let’s get started!

Manage Your Mental Health

Accept That You Need a Break

In the hustle-culture of today, you’ll find a million videos on Youtube that tell you how to be productive 24 hours a day. While this does help you get your life together and become more responsible in a lot of ways, it also does promote a workaholic attitude which can be detrimental for your health in the long run. Very soon, you’ll realise that even when you’re not actually working, your mind wanders back to all the tasks on your to-do lists, making even your resting period a very stressful activity. The only way to get over this mentality is by accepting that no matter how many people you see around you who are constantly working overtime, you need to take care of your health first and that begins by giving both your body and mind time to rest

This could mean getting off social media, joining an art class, or even taking the time to cook yourself your favourite dish. At the end of the week, you should’ve taken at least one day off to completely relax and do the things that make you happy, even if you’re not exactly improving yourself or earning money while doing it!

Create a Work-Life Balance

It’s so easy to get absorbed in the environment around you that’s constantly telling you to keep moving, while also distracting you with so many amusements! The best way to effectively manage your mental health is by being able to work when you’re supposed to be working, and relax when it’s time to relax! 

By getting distracted by other things when you know you have a deadline coming up soon, you’re only adding to your stress and putting yourself in a position where you have to work overtime and even harder than you would have if you had just completed the task on time. Instead, be accountable and don’t let yourself mix up work and the weekends, and play during the weekdays!

Get Good Company

Living in a city by yourself can be hard. But if you ever find yourself reaching a place of darkness or desperation, don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help! Oftentimes, people have found great pleasure and comfort in the company of an animal or pet, like a dog or cat. If you feel that your anxiety or depression can only be cured by external sources, you should consider getting a psychiatric service dog. 

These dogs have been trained to help people through difficult times, whether it be anxiety, depression, stress, heartbreak, and any other emotional problem which is affecting or limiting you in any way. If you’ve got questions about how to get a psychiatric service dog, all you need to do is seek the help of a medical professional and get a certificate that states the problems you’re experiencing emotionally at the moment. This way, you’ll be able to get the right help at the right time and also end up feeling more healthy than you ever thought you could feel!

Photo by Martin Sanchez on Unsplash