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College is a busy time, and staying in touch with your parents during college is not easy. While some may shroud their shoulders and enjoy a new sense of freedom, for others this may be an unwelcome change, since they are so used to talking to their parents daily. While you may not fall in any of the two, but rather be ‘somewhere in between’, keeping in touch with your parents is an important thing to do.
Why Should You Call Your Parents While in College
Your parents love you, and they sure do miss you. You should try to acknowledge this and think about them. Sure, college is exciting, and you need time to explore on your own, but staying in touch with the old folks does not mean you give up on that freedom. Quite on the contrary, think of your calls to your parents while in college as a report of some kind. Inform them of your achievements, that new club you’ve joined, as well any concerns you may have. There may be a generation gap, but your parents went through it all. They will be able to give you the right advice.
How to Stay in Touch with the Folks Back Home while in College
There are many ways to keep in touch with your parents while in college:
- Phone calls,
- SMS,
- Social Networks,
- Messaging apps.
Phone Your Parents While in College
Phone calls are still the most frequent way we speak with our parents. However, scheduling a phone call can be a little of a challenge. During the day, you’re at College and they are at work. In the evening, they may have time to speak to you, but those assignments aren’t going to write themselves. You may try to find a custom research paper writing service to take a bit of the load off your shoulders and spend an evening or two speaking with your folks. Don’t be fooled into thinking that your job is done, quite on contrary, all the reading and finals preparation is still on you.
Text Your Parents in the Break Time
Texting your parents may be the next best thing to phone calls. It’s a no-pressure form of communication, and you can delay it if you’re busy. You can easily go and text your parents in the morning when you have a break, and then reply to their messages in the evening, when your college schedule for the day is finally cleared. It’s a self-explanatory model, but sometimes even texting can seem like a time-waster. So, waste it. Your parents will appreciate it.
Add Your Parents to Social Networks
Social networks are a great way to stay in touch with both your friends and your family. Posting your daily life as you go along will keep them informed and in touch with you. That way, when you talk in the evening, they’ll already know what has happened to you, and you’ll just pick up the conversation without the boring day-retelling.
Use Messaging Apps To Stay in Touch With Your Parents
Another way to stay in touch with your parents during college is by messaging apps. The next best thing since melatonin was invented, they enable 24/7 communication. So, while Lets Grade It is checking your latest report, pick up your phone and talk to your folks. An Internet connection is all you need, and you can talk, send pictures, videos, and even audio messages for when your fingers are busy elsewhere.
Final Thoughts

So there you have it, four great ways to stay in touch with your old folks this school year. The biggest challenge can be making the time to do so. Follow out tips and tricks for a closer connection to your parents.
Merissa Moore
Traveling and music are Merrisa’s two big loves. She tries to combine them as she travels and learns about European history. In her time off, she likes to watch documentaries on Discovery and History Channel.
Featured Photo by Maxim Ilyahov on Unsplash