How to Generate Mortgage Leads with Facebook Ads?

When exploring powerful platforms where you can practice excellent marketing strategies and get new clients, Facebook is a great social platform that offers a perfect opportunity for mortgage brokers to reach out to homebuyers, renters, and homeowners.

If you are looking to grow and expand through digital marketing, Facebook is a great platform to explore. Are you a mortgage broker who wants to generate leads? We got you covered. This article will share how to generate mortgage leads with Facebook ads.

What Are Lead Ads on Facebook?

Facebook Lead Ads are a component of the Generating Leads campaign objective that enables you to acquire leads inside the Facebook interface – straightforward for you and simple for the client.

The Generating Leads campaign aim is one of Facebook’s eleven selectable campaign objectives corresponding to a distinct business consequence, such as brand awareness, video views, website traffic, or actual leads. Here are a few basics of what you should know when generating ads on Facebook.

Getting Started

Making a Facebook ad on your social media page is relatively easy; you can choose how your ads appear in terms of their content and appearance. You are also in charge of how frequently you want these ads to appear and where they appear, but that would depend on different price packages with Facebook.

Creating an Ad

When creating your ad, you can decide the ad’s contents, including the texts, pictures, videos, and “call to action” that the ad may have. As a mortgage broker, adding a call to action on your ads is a great way to generate leads and gain potential new clients.

Target Audience

You can decide your target audience when it comes to the ad you are advertising on the social platform and make a list of people to target based on age, gender, location, interests, and more. Facebook will try to guide you about how to reach a bigger audience as well as help you try to learn more about your target market.


Facebook will give suggestions of what packages they have when it comes to advertisements on their social platform, be sure to choose the package that would best fit your budget and advertisement-related needs.


You can decide where your advertisements will pop up on Facebook. The social media platform will give you options and suggestions of where you want the ad to appear, and you can check from there and specify where you want these ads to appear.


Depending on how long you want these ads to run, you can set the amount of time you would like these ads to run on Facebook. You can select the runtime of the ad, be it a week or a month; the option of how long these ads would be around the platform is entirely up to you.

How Are Facebook Ads Used To Generate Mortgage Leads?

1. Utilize Targeted Ads

Ad targeting is a fantastic feature of Facebook Ads that you should use as a mortgage broker. With targeted ads, you can directly target groups interested in the real-estate business.

Facebook Ads offer some pretty unique targeting options. For example, you can limit your target audience and choose only one that fits within your target bracket. With this, you will have a better chance of reaching an audience interested in what you are trying to offer through the ads. 

2. Consider Your Objectives

To fully utilize the ads you would place on Facebook, it is essential to thoroughly consider your objectives when it comes to the ads and what you want to achieve with them. By knowing what you want to target and achieve with your ads, you could maximize your ads on the social platform and generate a buzz with the netizens that could increase potential leads.

3. Utilize Call-To-Action Button

Facebook Ads’ ultimate objective is conversions; using call-to-action icons is one of the best direct methods for achieving this. Mortgage brokers can utilize these call-to-action icons to send potential clients to pages and application forms that involve what you are trying to advertise.

4. Images Succeed

With Facebook being an excellent platform for advertisements, it is vital to ensure that the ad you post on the forum stands out. To make your ad more eye-catching to your target audience, include graphics that catch a viewer’s attention; adding colorful visuals and texts that are straight to the point are a treat to read and is a great way to hook more leads indeed.

5. Don’t Overexpose Your Ads

While getting your ads out there, it is important to note when you are overexposing them. It is essential to modify the frequency guidelines of your ad to avoid overexposure on the platform. You can easily change how frequently your ads would appear through the ad settings.

6. Analysis of Facebook Ads

Keep an eye on how your Facebook ads mortgage leads are doing. After an advertisement is over, you’ll always want to look at how it went. You can run better promotions in the future if you look at how your campaigns turned out, allowing you to compare the different ads you ran to see which aspects work best to ensure that the next ad you are making will be a success.

7. Ad Copy Is Important

Great visuals attract viewers to your ad, but adding the proper text is crucial in hooking in new leads. Adding an excellent ad copy can surely gather new potential clients, so it is essential to ensure that your ad’s text and visuals are good.

You can use words that inspire inner feelings; for example, you can say, “feel wonderful in your new home…” to generate a positive idea and response from your target audience.


Now that you’ve learned more about maximizing your ads and generating new leads through Facebook, it is time for you to implement what you have learned and strengthen your advertising campaign. 

Advertising through Facebook is a cost-effective way to ensure your business can generate new leads and cause traffic among your target audience. Be sure to keep in mind the tips mentioned above to be able to make a great ad that can generate new leads.