How to choose and wear a wig

Most women dealing with hair loss due to chemotherapy or radiation therapy often choose at least one wig and then alternate wearing the wigs with hats or scarves.  

What should I do to prepare for hair loss?

  • Make sure you really need a wig. Not all chemotherapies cause hair loss.
  • If your hair is long, consider cutting it short so the change to a wig or other head covering is less obvious.
  • Hair usually falls out 2 to 3 weeks after your first chemotherapy treatment.
  • Once it starts to fall out, consider shaving your head (use an electric razor to avoid cuts).
  • This can help you feel more in control and prevents you from waking up to find itchy hair all over your pillow.
  • If you still need something to catch your hair, you may want to purchase a hair net.
  • You may notice that some hair starts to grow back between treatments but then falls out again.

 Your new hair may be curlier or straighter, thicker or finer; or it could even have a new color. Usually, this change is short term; Over time, it is very likely that your hair will return to the way it was before treatment.

Where can I find a wig?

How to buy a wig

Look up wig stores in your area and the phone book. If you’re concerned about privacy, ask if the store has a custom service available for cancer patients who need to pick out a wig.  

If there is a cancer support group near you, you may want to ask others in the group about places to buy a wig. You can also ask your nurses or a social worker at your treatment center about options for buying a wig.

If you can’t afford a wig

So Uniwigs provide you human hair wigs for any men woman in need of a wig, anywhere in the country.

How to choose a wig

Before starting treatment

Take photos of your current hairstyle.

Save a section of hair from the top of the head, where the hair is lighter, in case you want to match your wig to your current color.

Use natural light; outdoors or near a window, to decide if a wig matches the sample.

Measure your head with hair wet or straight down.

Make sure your wig is customizable; Your head size can be up to one size smaller when you lose your hair.

Naturally vs. synthetic

Wigs can be made from natural human hair or synthetic materials. When comparing a high-quality synthetic wig, there is not much difference in the appearance of the hair.  

The downside is that they require more care and maintenance, are susceptible to weather, and may need to be taken to a stylist for re-styling or dyeing over time.

Also, consider how long you expect to have the wig and whether you prefer to have a single wig that will last a long time.

How to choose the color

The choice of color is a personal choice, but there are some general rules:

  • As we age, a lighter color tends to flatter better and provide a softer, more natural look.
  • Chemotherapy can make your face look pale. If you have black hair, consider choosing dark brown for a more flattering look.
  • If you have brown hair that is turning gray, choose a light brown wig, if possible with subtle highlights.
  • White also looks good on some people.
  • Dare to try new things! Now is your chance to experiment without having to pay for an extensive and expensive color service at a salon.

How to style your wig

  • Before combing your hair, always tuck all your hair behind your ears.
  • Bring forward only the amount of hair necessary for the wig to look natural.
  • If necessary, have a hairdresser cut the bangs and thin the volume of the wig to make it look more natural.
  • On shorter wigs, use the brush as little as possible. Instead, use your fingers and a special wig styling cream, if desired, to create and maintain a style.
  • To touch up the style, lift the hair with a comb, but remove the teeth of the comb by pulling outwards, rather than sliding the comb through the hair to the end, to prevent the wig from bulking up too much.
  • Before styling wigs on long, straight hair, always spray lightly with wig conditioner and use a wig brush, starting with the ends of the hair first.
  • For a more natural look, avoid the temptation of wanting to keep each strand in place.
  • Wear bandanas and other hair accessories just like you would your hair.

How to care for your wig

  • Let the wig dry on a portable wig stand so air can circulate through the wig without rinsing out the conditioner. The build up of conditioner with applications over time is good for the wig. Protects the fiber and extends its useful life.
  • Please note that wigs, especially synthetic ones, can take 8-12 hours to dry.
  • Wig polish, or a similar product, should be used after the wig has been washed several times to restore its original shine.
  • Wigs should always be stored in a wig holder, not in a plastic bag or box.

No more impossible hairstyle days!

Although losing hair can be a scary thing, many women enjoy trying hairstyles and colors on a wig that they would never have dared to try on their own hair. Some women buy more than one wig and change wigs depending on their mood, outfit, or occasion.

Wigs always look good, ending those days of failing to get a good hairstyle. In fact, many women continue to wear their wig(s) after their hair grows back, especially when they don’t have time to get their hair done.

Allow yourself to try new colors and styles. This may bring a smile to you and your loved ones around you (and you may even get a few compliments!).


Image Credit: Photo by DAVIDCOHEN on Unsplash