How To Avoid Burnout When Studying

Study burnout is slowly becoming a norm, just like work burnout. 

Many students are now dealing with the fatigue of being in school. And this is often a result of the numerous academic workloads, pressures, and competitions students deal with regularly. But, it’s impossible to function effectively as a student when battling burnout.

Many students must realize that it’s impossible to deliver your best in school when burnt out. Taking breaks, delegating tasks, and resting should be prioritized like study time. When you’re too tired to study, rest; when you cannot take on another assignment, seek college assignment help. Doing any of these does not make you less productive; it fuels your productivity.

When not properly managed, burnout leads to illness, loss of motivation, tiredness, and irritation and impacts your studies and grades. Therefore, it’s crucial for students always to avoid burnout. Below are some helpful tips on how to overcome burnout as a student.

10 Tips To Help You Deal With Burnout In College

Always remember that burnout results from a lack of rest and not too much work. Study leads to burnout when you do not plan and prioritize rest. Here are tips on how to avoid burnout in college.

  • Evaluate your priorities

The first thing that students should always do is evaluate their priorities. Always ask yourself, “what’s most important to me?” The answer gives you clarity on where to direct your energy.

Now you know which activity should come first. It helps you schedule appropriate study time.

Evaluation enables you to stay focused on your main tasks and avoid the chance of juggling everything at once, which causes burnout. 

  • Stay organized

Organizing is essential for every student; always have a planner that schedules all your tasks. Your planner should include your daily and weekly activities. Apportioning time to various tasks will let you know how much work and time you have. 

When your daily and weekly activities are set out in a planner, you can decline or accept new tasks accordingly. But, without organizing your task, you accept to do everything and be everywhere, leading to burnout. 

  • Set realistic study goals

Now, it’s one thing to set tasks and another to set realistic ones. Most students believe they can do it all, setting impossible goals for themselves. Of course, your purpose of being in school is to study. But, make sure you’re not setting impossible standards for yourself.

There’s only so much a person can do or achieve in 24 hours – don’t get ahead of yourself. Accept that you can’t do everything at once. Take your tasks in a bit and manageable sizes to avoid burnout. 

  • Prioritize breaks & rest

Ferris Jabr’s article about the brain’s need explains that “downtime replenishes the brain’s store of attention and motivation.” The article also points out that taking breaks improves productivity and creativity and is essential for achieving the highest level of performance. Note: striking balance between rest and study helps you stay on top of your academic performance.

  • Eat healthy foods

It’s common for students to prioritize processed foods instead of healthy meals. The reason is that it allows them time to focus on studying. But, the food you eat impacts your body’s metabolism. 

Increase your intake of healthy foods to avoid burnout. They improve your energy and mental health and keep you sharp and healthy to do school work.

  • Ask for external help

Seeking academic help is not a sign of weakness but strength. As a student, there are already several institutions that you can reach out to for help. Visit the school’s designated guidance and counseling unit for counseling and career guidance. Reach out to a legitimate essay writing service to help you beat any essay assignment deadline. 

Asking for help is what makes the world go round for students. Help reduces your burden, helps you relax better, and focus on other study areas that require utmost attention.

  • Exercise regularly

As cliche as it sounds, all work without play makes you dull and prone to fatigue. Doing exercise boosts your body, mind, and mood. Making time for exercise increases your energy, sharpens your focus, and relaxes your mind and body. 

  • Practice saying “No”

It’s difficult being tired and studying. As a student juggling school and being a youth, there’s always the fear of missing out. Sometimes, the fear of missing out makes you agree to activities that deplete your energy. Mastering the art of saying no when needed helps you safeguard your energy for better tasks and activities.

  • Make time for hobbies

Saying no doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be fun. It means canceling out activities that’ll impact you and your study negatively. Once you’ve done that, move on to making time for activities outside study that you enjoy. Taking time off to study to engage in things you love helps you stay grounded when you return to studying.

  • Limit screen time

Today, nothing causes study burnout more than social media. Many students spend their entire time on social media only to realize how tired they are of studying later. Being on your phone regularly has a psychological impact on your brain. Always limit how much screen time you consume and watch study burnout disappear.


Being a student is challenging; it comes with many tasks one must prioritize. To help you stay on your game and avoid burnout, befriend and practice the above tips.