How to Achieve Social Media Fame with Your Pet

Social media is the place to shine if you want your five-minutes of fame, and what better way to do it than with your adorable pet? This is a tried and tested method to get some quick likes, follows, and shares; there have been many influencers that shot to fame from their animal counterpart. 

But there’s a little more to it than simply posting pictures of your cat or dog. 

One of the most important aspects of this is ensuring your pet is healthy and happy. For example, a well-cared for animal will be much more animated in online content; pay attention to your pet’s health before, during, and after you put them up on social media. Insure your kitten, puppy, or other pet to make sure they can receive the right health checks and emergency care as and when they need it.

To make sure that your pet’s social media presence is as successful as possible, follow these tips:

1. Find their niche

Every pet has their own unique personality, and this is what you should be capitalizing on when posting online. Whether they’re the sassiest cat on the block or the goofiest dog around, find the angle that makes them stand out and run with it.

You should look at the animals already in that niche to get an idea of the kind of content that does well. If you can make your pet’s account both unique and relatable, you’ll be onto a winner.

2. Post regularly

If you want people to keep coming back for more, you need to be posting regularly. Whether that means once a day or a couple of times a week, make sure you’re consistent with your output.

One way to make sure you don’t miss a post is to schedule them in advance using a platform like Hootsuite which has a feature where you can schedule LinkedIn posts in advance. That way, you can batch shoot and edit your photos so that they’re all ready to go.

3. Use the right hashtags

Hashtags are essential for getting your content seen by the right people, so make sure you’re using them wisely. Do your research and find the most popular ones in your pet’s niche, as well as some more specific ones that will help you target a specific audience.

Remember to mix up the hashtags you use as well, as using the same ones all the time will make your account look spammy.

4. Engage with other accounts

In order to get people to notice your account, you need to be engaging with others in your niche. Like and comment on other people’s posts, and follow any accounts that you think would be interested in your content.

Don’t go overboard with your comments though, as people will see right through it if you’re just trying to get their attention. A genuine compliment or funny observation will go a lot further.

5. Offer something unique

There are millions of pet accounts on social media, so you need to make sure yours is offering something unique. Whether that’s behind-the-scenes insights into your pet’s life or exclusive access to new content, give people a reason to follow you.

Remember that people are much more likely to engage with an account that’s interesting and interactive, so make sure your content is engaging as well as aesthetically pleasing.

6. Use different platforms

Don’t just stick to one social media platform, as you’ll be limiting your reach by doing so. Instead, try to post on as many different platforms as possible, such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

You might need to adapt your content slightly to suit each platform, but it’s worth it if it means you’re reaching a wider audience. TikTok, as stated here, has become a popular platform for jumping spiders; their popularity has skyrocketed as more and more people buy them to keep as pets.

7. Collaborate with other pet accounts

A great way to get more followers is to collaborate with other pet accounts. This could mean doing a joint giveaway, posting a series of photos together, or even just guest-starring on each other’s stories.

Not only will this help you to reach a new audience, but it’s also a great way to make friends in the pet community.

8. Host a pet-related event

People love getting involved in events, so why not host one yourself? This could be anything from a pet-themed photo shoot to a meet-up for dog owners in your area.

Not only will this be a great way to get people interacting with your account, but it will also show that you’re a pet-lover who’s active in the community.

9. Use high-quality images

One of the most important things to remember when running a pet social media account is to use high-quality images. People love looking at cute pictures of animals, but they’ll quickly lose interest if the photos are blurry or poorly lit.

Invest in a good camera and learn how to take great photos, or hire a professional photographer to help you out. It’s worth it to make sure your account looks its best.

10. Have fun!

Running a pet social media account should be enjoyable, so make sure you’re having fun with it. If it feels like a chore, it will show in your content, and people will quickly lose interest.

Remember that you’re sharing your pet’s life with the world, so make sure the content you’re posting is something you’re proud of. If you’re having fun, it will show, and people will be drawn to your account.

Photo by Vitor Fontes on Unsplash