How Road Design Contributes to Truck Accidents

Truck accidents are a significant concern on highways and roads across the world. Given their weight and size, trucks are far more difficult to maneuver than the average motor vehicle. Therefore, when the design of a road is adequate or flawed, the risk of accidents is significantly increased. There are several different ways in which road design can contribute to the incidence of truck accidents, and in this article, we will explore five key influential factors.

Poorly Designed Exit Ramps

Exit ramps are crucial in providing a safe way for trucks, and all other motor vehicles, to leave highways. However, exit ramps that are poorly designed can be a major contributor to truck accidents. For example, if ramps are too short, too steep, or have a sharp curve that can be difficult to maneuver, this can catch truck drivers off guard and increase the odds of an accident occurring. Since trucks require more time and distance to slow down compared to other vehicles, exit ramps must be designed to accommodate this.

Lack of Regular Maintenance

Roads, regardless of how well-designed they are, must be regularly maintained. Failure to do so can cause a significant safety concern for drivers. Potholes, cracks, uneven surfaces, and fainted lane markings can all contribute to truck accidents in various ways. Due to their size and weight, trucks are more likely to be more severely damaged as a result of road defects, leading to tire blowouts, rollover accidents, and total loss of control.  

Poor Lighting

Poorly lit roads can also create major safety concerns while driving, particularly during the early morning and late night hours and during adverse weather conditions. Inadequate lighting can cause truck drivers to miss potential hazards such as debris, sharp curves, traffic signs, pedestrians, and other vehicles. Since trucks need more time than the average vehicle to come to a stop, the ability to see the road in front of them is critical. 

Narrow Lanes

Narrow roads also present a significant challenge for truck drivers. Since trucks are usually wider than regular vehicles, trucks can struggle to fit in narrow lanes. This also leaves truck drivers with a much smaller margin of error and increases the risk of colliding with other vehicles or objects on the road. Therefore, when roads are being constructed, width must be factored in.

Lack of Road Shoulders

Road shoulders are an essential buffer for drivers, as it allows them to pull over safely in the event of an emergency. For truck drivers, the absence of a road shoulder can be particularly dangerous if the truck has a mechanical issue or failure that must be addressed. Additionally, road shoulders provide extra space for drivers to maneuver if they need to avoid obstacles or other vehicles. Thus, if there are no road shoulders or they are very small, this can severely limit the options of drivers and increase the risk of an accident occurring. 

Increased Risk of Accidents

As you can see, the design of a road can impact a driver’s ability to drive. Given the weight and size of trucks, trucks are more significantly impacted by poor road design. If you have been injured in a truck accident, it is important to seek legal representation from a Tacoma truck accident lawyer who can help you file a claim, ensure that your rights are protected, and help you recover maximum compensation for your injuries.