How Much Does It Cost To Open A Beauty Supply Store: A Quick Look Into The Expenses

If you are going to start a beauty supply store, and wondering how to open a beauty supply store you should be aware of several factors that will affect the cost of opening such a business. Beauty supply stores sell a wide range of products, from makeup to skincare, cosmetics, and hair care. Opening a beauty store is not difficult and can be done on a small scale as long as you know how much it costs to open a beauty supply store, source the right products and maintain good record-keeping. To ensure success, you should conduct a market survey and feasibility study in the United States.


Reasons For Opening A Beauty Supply Store

Starting a beauty supply store can be a rewarding and lucrative business opportunity for those who are passionate about beauty and personal care. There are several reasons why someone may consider opening a beauty supply store, including:

  1. Growing demand for beauty products.
  2. Opportunity for entrepreneurship.
  3. Wide range of products.
  4. Strong profit margins.
  5. Ability to build relationships with customers.
  6. Multiple opportunities to get wholesale makeup supplies.

By offering a wide range of products and services, building relationships with customers, and staying ahead of trends and innovation, the store can become a successful and rewarding venture.

Estimated Cost Of Opening A Beauty Supply Store

Starting a beauty supply store is a profitable business opportunity for those who have a passion for beauty products and a sharp eye for business. However, as with any business venture, it is imperative to assess the beauty supply start-up cost. Here are some key expenses to factor into estimating the cost of opening a beauty supply store.

Store Location

The cost of leasing or buying a commercial space will be one of the biggest expenses in opening a beauty supply store. The cost will vary depending on the state, location, size, and condition of the premises. A prime retail location in a high-traffic area will be more expensive than a smaller space in a less popular area. In general, you can expect to pay anywhere from $1500 to $10 000 per month in rent.


Your beauty supply store will need to stock a wide range of products, from haircare and skincare to makeup and accessories. The cost of inventory will depend on the number of products you plan to carry and the price point of each item. To start, you should plan to invest at least $8000 in inventory.

Fixtures And Equipment

It is impossible to figure out how much it costs to open a beauty supply store without including the equipment expenses. In addition to shelves and display cases, you’ll need to invest in a cash register, credit card processing equipment, security cameras, and other essential items. You can expect to spend around $5000 on various fixtures.

Marketing & Advertising

To attract customers, you’ll need to invest in marketing. This can include everything from social media ads to flyers and promotional events. You should plan to allocate around $1000 per month for branding and advertising.

Employee Salaries

Depending on the size of your beauty supply store, you may need to hire one or more employees to help with sales and customer service. The cost of salaries will depend on the location and experience of your employees. You can expect to pay anywhere from $10 to $20 per hour, depending on the job duties and level of experience required.


Finally, you’ll need to factor in the cost of utilities, such as electricity, water, and gas, as well as other expenses like insurance and accounting services. You should plan to allocate around $2000 per month for these expenses.

Overall, the estimated cost of opening a beauty supply store can range from $50 000 to $100 000 or more. It’s important to carefully consider each of these expenses and create a detailed business plan to ensure that your beauty supply store is a success.

Financing Options For Starting A Beauty Supply Store

Opening a beauty supply store can be a lucrative business idea. Like for any other business venture, there are costs of opening a beauty supply store. Fortunately, there are various financing options available for aspiring entrepreneurs looking to open a beauty supply store:

  • Loans. There are several types of loans available, including SBA loans, traditional bank loans, and online lenders.
  • Grants. Unlike loans, they do not need to be repaid. Business owners may get various types of grants available, such as federal and state grants, private foundation grants, and small business grants.
  • Investors. Angel investors, venture capitalists, and crowdfunding investors can provide capital and expertise to help your beauty supply store grow.

When deciding which financing option to pursue, it’s essential to consider your business’s financial needs, repayment terms, and long-term goals. It’s also crucial to consult with a financial advisor or accountant to help you make an informed decision.

Final Thoughts

Based on the research done, it appears that the cost to open a beauty supply store can vary significantly depending on the scale of the business. A beauty supply store can cost anywhere from $20 000 to $100 000. Additionally, factors such as inventory, staffing, and marketing expenses can all affect the final cost of opening a beauty supply store. Ultimately, owners should carefully consider their budget and goals before starting a business. With enough planning and research, entrepreneurs can successfully open a beauty supply store that meets their goals and expectations.