How Long Does Weed Stay In Your System?

How Long Does Cannabis Stay In Your System?

THC metabolites possess a half-life of 7 days, which means every seven days, there will be a decrease in the number of metabolites by 50 percent. So, the human body will be freed from THC metabolites in nearly three to four weeks. In this aspect, it is vital to note that these numbers are dependent on several factors:

  • How much a person smokes?
  • How often does he smoke?
  • The weight of the person?

As THC is fat-soluble, cannabis turns excellent for fattening edibles, and they can be preserved in a person’s fatty lipid tissue easily. Due to this, a person’s fat cells discharge THC metabolites into his bloodstream continuously. And this isn’t an awesome thing. However, the good thing is a person can pass a drug test even when he isn’t 100 percent free of THC metabolites.

The period cannabis stay in the system

The period for which cannabis stays in your system does vary based on several factors:

  • If you smoke cannabis/marijuana/pot/weed only once, then you can test positive (+) in a urinalysis test, and it can be for nearly eight days.
  • People who smoke twice to four times weekly would test positive for nearly 18 days.
  • The cannabis test commonly labels regular cannabis users for nearly a month.
  • The heaviest users get tested positive from 45-77 days.

If you take cannabis several times a day, similar to medical marijuana patients who consume it to control pain, then your susceptibility to urine testing would stretch to a couple of months.

The methods of ingestion

Urinalysis does not test for THC. Rather, it hunts for a metabolite of THC, called THC-COOH. If this component remains present in a person’s urine, it proves that his body has processed THC only recently. However, this process has a downside as it can result in individuals testing positive for cannabis for a long time. In this process, the THC will be detectable in their urine for nearly a month regardless of how they consumed it.

CBD, THC, and other cannabinoids possess metabolic byproducts known as metabolites. These components are lipid-soluble, which results in fat deposits all through the body, and they are excreted slowly through urine with passing time.

The human body removes several waste metabolites via urine, one of which is THC-COOH, also called carboxy. To escape from things such as THC-COOH, the human body uses glucuronic acid which binds well to the metabolites before passing out of the body. Regardless of the cannabis you consume, it will result in an equal level of THC-COOH. When you take edibles, more THC becomes transferred to THC-COOH.

As the metabolism of edibles tends to be slower, the time it takes to reach the peak THC becomes delayed. Due to this, edibles become a little stronger, both in THC content and in their effects.

Some tips to pass the drug test

  • No exercise – You must avert exercise for nearly 24 hours before giving the test. It would be best to avert exercising as working out causes the levels of THC metabolite to escalate.
  • Detox drinks – Detox drinks are helpful though they help dilute a person’s urine only, which is not sufficient for passing the test. Nonetheless, detox drinks comprise creatine and B vitamins that hide the fact that a person’s urine is diluted.
  • Stream – When a person pees into the cup, he must propose the urine from the center of his urine system. It is vital because the initial and concluding parts of a person’s urine stream contain the highest levels of bad metabolites.
  • Synthetic urine – A person might also use synthetic urine; here, but they must only look for a reliable brand. Synthetic urine turns into one of the common options for people who don’t know the method of flushing marijuana.

Covering the diluted urine

If you want to dilute your urine, you will find many ways to accomplish this. In this matter, the first thing you must start with is water. Water is excellent for flushing out toxins from your system; however, you must not feel the requirement to start gulping water for many days before you begin the drug test. It will dilute your urine for now. You must drink 3 to 4 of water all through the day before taking the test. After that, you should take 1.5 to 2 liters for many hours before leaving the test.

You must be aware of your confinements and limit your water intake to 2 liters. After you drink lots of water, your urine will turn colorless. Again, it will have lower amounts of creatine too.

Does cannabis give people a hangover?

The acute impacts of cannabis last for only some hours, but THC possesses a long half-life. The half-life of a drug is meant by the time the drug takes to lessen in concentration. THC gets into the fat, and here, it settles permanently. As cannabis remains preserved in fat, it continues to stay in a person’s body for long periods, and when this fat burns, THC gets re-released into the person’s bloodstream. In this place, it can affect the internal environment.

However, it does not signify that the person will be high for long periods. In place of that, when the herb wears off, countless consumers feel a cannabis hangover. Cannabis hangovers tend to be common when people take cannabis in higher doses. For instance, when a person eats only one edible, he might feel extra unfocused or tired the following morning. Some signs of cannabis hangover are:

  • Drowsiness/grogginess/fatigue.
  • Headache.
  • Dehydration.
  • Brain fog.
  • Dry eyes.


The acute impacts of cannabis are more short-lived or less short-lived. When a person takes only some puffs of the herb, he can hope to get a mind-altering experience for wearing off after only some hours. Nonetheless, cannabis can make people feel tired and dizzy for 24 hours when they take it in heavy amounts. These spacy and drowsy effects might last for a long time in younger people.