How Long Does Weed or Marijuana Stay In Your System?

People who are habituated to consuming cannabis are aware that though they enjoy drinking it, they can’t get themselves out of this habit quickly. Some people aren’t even aware of the effects of cannabis and how it affects their bodily functions. Cannabis doesn’t have psychoactive or intense effects like other recreational drugs.

Cannabis remains in a person’s body for longer than people hope. People preparing for a drug test think about when and how their consumed cannabis will leave their system. Many factors affect how a person’s body reacts to cannabis. However, as not every person has the same structure, their bodies behave differently under the effect of cannabis. If a person wishes to free himself from this drug, he must understand its working mechanism.

The expected impacts of cannabis

When people use cannabis, they feel high, which is considered the most common effect. This is often known as a strange elation or a heightened sensory perception. Many users fail to understand the feeling of taking cannabis. They don’t even understand that due to the presence of the delta-9 component in cannabis, they get psychoactive effects.

When the THC or delta 9 gets into a person’s body, it starts to show its effects, which remain in their bodies for many hours. Due to this feeling, cannabis has become a prevalent and desirable recreational drug. This is also why countless people use cannabis products to soothe their anxiety or stress levels.

Cannabis doesn’t only make a user feel high but helps him relax and have a sound sleep. This is one of the reasons why people consume cannabis at night in place of the morning. Countless cannabis users report that this component aids them in fueling their creative juices besides concentrating on forming art pieces.

People who have been consuming cannabis for many years find its effects to be positive. Interestingly, most people come across little or absolutely no side effects. This aspect makes cannabis more contributing and desirable to its admiration. Similar to other drugs, a few people don’t love to use cannabis. Again, some users report having heightened nervousness when they consume cannabis. Users who become tolerant of this drug always experience its positive effects.

Some expected benefits of THC use are feelings of becoming high and going through decreased anxiety levels. A few users use cannabis for its more reflective effects, such as soothing pain. People who do not wish to depend on daily medication to relieve pain depend on cannabis products.

Many studies have created a connection between the use of cannabis and improved general health. If you believe these studies, you will find that when you use cannabis, you will have enhanced mental health, resulting in improved physical health. Nonetheless, in this matter, you need to be mindful that not every person experiences cannabis similarly.

The use of cannabis regularly

The regularity of the usage of cannabis is one of the highly influential factors determining the length of time cannabis stays in a person’s body. Here, the length of time is dependent on the method by which people consume cannabis. People who take THC as a drink or food experience its effects for a long time compared to those who smoke it.

Again, people who have hardly started using cannabis hope this component will remain in their system for between 3 and 4 days. When you consume cannabis orally, it remains in your system for nearly one week, and this time frame doesn’t apply only to first-time users but to regular users too.

Hence, when you are a new user of cannabis, you must understand that you must not schedule your drug test for the week when you have taken cannabis for the first time. Advanced users who take cannabis regularly can hope to stay in their system for nearly one week, even when they smoke it.

When you use cannabis frequently, it will remain in your body for a long time. To put it in other words, regular users of cannabis smoke it every 2nd day, four times per week. Cannabis stays in people’s bloodstream for the longest time when they become addicted to this drug. When addicted users consume cannabis orally, it sticks in their system for about a month.

How can you get cannabis out of your body?

Though there are many tips on beating a cannabis drug test, some are urban legends only. Some popular techniques for getting cannabis out of a person’s body are:

  • Washing the system – When you wash your system out, you must drink lots of liquids or water. You must urinate many times, too, before the test. Again, you can take vitamin B-12 to return the color to your urine.
  • Use drug screening agents – A few companies sell different components and herbal teas that can clean a person’s body system from the traces of cannabis. However, there is very little proof that they work. People must use some components for a long time, and their bodies naturally eliminate THC.
  • Tampering with the cannabis test – In this method, people add something to their urine to contaminate the sample. Common compounds are bleach, detergent, salt, bleach, or Visine in the urine sample.

The Result

To conclude, eliminating cannabis from a person’s body needs a remarkable amount of effort and time, particularly when a person doesn’t know where he can start. Nonetheless, the best thing is people must begin to understand how cannabis affects their system, besides how long this drug sticks around before people try to detox their bodies. This article explains every method by which you can escape from THC. It is in people’s hands to try the best solution that would cater to their needs. Again, they must choose a solution that would give them the desired result.