Hunger is something that is often automatically assigned as a problem in developing countries, however, it is a worldwide problem. Developed countries such as the UK and US also have a hunger problem, with upwards of 1.5 million people in the UK going hungry daily. Therefore, for an impact to be made, we must recognize that the hunger crisis is in no way a foreign concept. Many steps can be taken to help eliminate hunger both nearby and worldwide, but how can it be done?
Learning About World Hunger
The first step to alleviating hunger is educating yourself on the matter; you cannot completely understand what needs to be done if you find yourself unfamiliar with the issue at hand. Multiple charities are designed to tackle world hunger and they gather and present the important information in an accessible manner. World hunger is extremely intricate, complex, and unique to each country, so ensuring that you are well informed is vital to making a difference.
Supporting Food Banks
Whether you donate food, money, or volunteer, your support to food banks is incredibly valuable and could be the difference between someone eating or going without. Ensure that the food that you are donating is dry and has an ample shelf life as this means people without access to refrigeration will be able to benefit. If you feel overwhelmed with selecting the right foodstuffs to donate, a lot of food banks welcome donations via cash or card to replenish the food stock. However, another extremely significant donation is that of your presence, whereby you participate in the running of the foodbank and the distribution of food.

Supporting Soup Kitchens
Like food banks, the support of soup kitchens comes in many forms, whether it be through volunteering or monetary donations. Soup kitchens strive to provide the needy with a hot meal and company to enjoy it with. Monetary donations will assist the payment for their premises and the purchasing of their produce. However, volunteering would entail serving up food to the needy yourself.
Feeding Rough Sleepers
Rough sleepers do not have a place to call home and so it is likely that they have not had the opportunity to eat in a while. An offer of food or a hot drink could greatly benefit them as it might be the thing that prevents them from suffering from hunger for weeks on end.
Giving Money to Charity
Plenty of charities have been established to confront the hunger crisis both close by and worldwide, and you can donate to these today.
Several charities are influenced by religious rituals like Qurbani – but who is Qurbani compulsory on? Qurbani takes place on the 10th, 11th, and 12th days of the last month of the Islamic year. Muslims take this time as an opportunity to give someone in need a nourishing meal.
Although, eliminating world hunger should not fall solely to religious responsibility, but rather it requires the contribution of everyone worldwide.
Knowing that there is in no way a global food shortage, and yet people are still forced to go hungry, is absolutely astonishing. This is due to poor distribution that is responsible for excessive food in some areas and minimal food in others.
Eliminating the world hunger is doable if everyone pitches in and contributes in any way that they can. Any contribution, from a little donation to occasional volunteering, someone’s life will drastically improve as a result.
Having access to food is a fundamental human right, and we need to take the right steps to minimize the horrifying hunger statistics.