How Are the Methods of Divination Different?

Are you curious about the different methods of divination and want to know how they work? Are you interested in divination and want to learn more about it?

The field of divination is quite vast and there are many techniques to choose from. As seen on Mediumchat which is a psychic contact site, each method offers something different from both those who are practicing and those who are clients. The processes, meanings, and symbolism are all different, but they are all special in what they have to offer. Some mediums concentrate on spiritual and personal development, while others can help you resolve your love dilemmas. It may seem like a daunting task to navigate the world of divination, but once you know the different kinds out there, it can be a bit less overwhelming. 

Divination can be an enjoyable hobby or a very serious type of work which should not be taken lightly as all forms have meaning depending on what technique is being used. If you want to know more about the various methods of divination and how they differ from one another, continue reading. 


For many people, when they think of divination, they think of psychics sitting in front of a glass ball telling your future. This is what popular media represents to us on television, in movies, and more. However, this isn’t something that you should be paying attention to. There are so many different types of divination that it can be tricky to try and keep up with it all. 

This first method is called numerology. This form of divination is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. It is the relationship of numbers and events that coincide with them. This kind of divination can include birth dates, dates of important events, numbers that surround the event, and more. 

It was first used back in 500 BC but only got its name in the early 1900s. This form of divination is also said to be used in various religions regarding significant numbers. 

I Ching            

Also known as the book of changes, the next practice of divination on our list is the I Ching. This practice of divination is all about reading and understanding the patterns and cycles of your life to predict future events. 

It is an ancient Chinese practice that dates back over 5,000 years. This practice includes reading coins that are tossed on the ground which form hexagrams. These days, there is a more modern form of I Ching which only uses 3 coins, and it is usually used for those who want to predict the future. 


The next divination practice we have is runes. Dating back to the 1st century AD, this kind of divination includes its own alphabet which consists of 24 letters or characters. Typically, these are made out of wood or stone, and they are used as fortune telling or protection for the client. 

This kind of divination has always been practiced with extreme caution for many different reasons, however, it remains a very popular form of divination to this day. 

Tarot Cards       

Next up we have tarot cards. This is probably one of the most popular forms of divination that you will come across and you will find people practicing this both in-person and online. 

Many people get tarot readings to try and see what is going to happen in their future,, however, this practice is more about giving insight into how things might roll out and helping people understand what might happen. Tarot cards are a special deck of cards that consist of symbols and pictures, all of which have different meanings and when read in conjunction with each other, even more meaning can be discovered. 


Last but not least, we have astrology, which is yet another very popular form of divination. Astrology has become so incredibly popular over the past few years that even more mundane people are starting to look into it. 

Astrology is the study of the star signs in correlation to your birthdate. These different star signs can tell you so many different things about your personality, your expected future and so much more. With this practice becoming more and more popular, it is easy to find more information about it online. 

Photo by petr sidorov on Unsplash