Generative AI ethics: Navigating creativity and accountability

In today’s business world, generative artificial intelligence (AI) is entering the scene. It promises to transform the way companies interact with customers and drive economic growth. According to research, as many as 67% of top IT industry leaders will prioritize generative AI in the next 18 months, with a third (33%) citing it as a top priority. Companies across sectors and industries are beginning to explore how generative AI can impact every aspect of their business. In this article, we will focus on generative AI ethics, i.e., on a responsible and creative approach to harnessing the potential of generative AI. We will discover what ethical challenges companies have to face.

Creativity and generative AI

With generative AI, it becomes possible to generate new, original content based on patterns and training data. This technology can serve as a tool of inspiration, as it helps creators to explore new ideas and experiment in unfamiliar areas. 

However, it is crucial to understand that generative AI does not replace the human as a creator. We should treat this technology as a tool to work with. Man is essential as a creative leader who guides the creative process and gives the final meaning to the work. It is the human who brings intentions, emotions, social context, and deeper meaning. That is everything that gives AI-generated content artistic and human value.

The introduction of generative AI into the creative process goes along with many ethical concerns and questions. What are the boundaries between human and AI-generated creativity? How to determine the authenticity and artistic value of such works? What are the implications for the creative community and its identity? To find a balance, we need rules that align generative AI innovation with ethical values.

Generative AI Ethics: 5 Concerns


Generative AI systems can automatically create content based on human-generated texts. This has a huge impact on improving productivity, but it can have serious consequences. AI-generated content may contain offensive language or contain incorrect information or harmful tips. And as mentioned above, to minimize this risk, generative AI should be used to assist human processes, not replace them.


Data privacy breaches are an important ethical aspect of generative AI. In the context of generative AI, there is a need to protect personal data to prevent unauthorized access, use, or sharing of such information. When using generative AI to create content, it is essential to obtain clear consent from users for the use of their data. In addition, companies should ensure transparency as to the purpose and manner of processing this information. It is also important that generative AI systems meet high data security standards. Users should have the right to request the deletion of their data that was used in the training of generative models.


To generate an image or text, generative AI relies on huge databases from various sources. The data may come from an unknown source. This carries the risk of violating intellectual property rights or copyright laws. If the product of one company is based on the idea of another organization, it can bring huge financial and reputational losses. To prevent this, companies should validate the results generated by AI. In addition, they should seek clarity on legal issues related to intellectual property.


Generative AI poses the potential threat of accidentally disclosing sensitive information. For example, a medical researcher may unknowingly disclose patient data. Another example can be a consumer company that may inadvertently disclose a product strategy to a third party. The consequences of such unintentional disclosure may lead to a breach of patient or customer trust. It can also have legal consequences. Thus, companies should introduce clear guidelines and proper governance. Further, These actions will lower the risk of disclosure of sensitive information.


Generative AI can reinforce pre-existing biases. AI models learn from data that often reflects prejudices. If this data is used to train generative AI models, it can lead to the creation of content or responses that further propagate the same biases. Therefore, companies and AI developers must be aware of this phenomenon. Additionally, They should take appropriate steps to identify and reduce bias in data and models to ensure fairer and ethical results generated by AI.


To sum up, generative AI is a powerful tool for business development, but at the same time, it brings with it important ethical issues. The introduction of this technology requires the following elements:

  • Responsibility
  • Care for data privacy
  • Avoiding the propagation of prejudice

The key to success is the sustainable use of generative AI ethics, ensuring innovation and creativity while respecting social values and the common good. By introducing ethical generative AI development, we can use its potential ethically and responsibly. And this contributes to positive changes in business and society.


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash