Five Ways to Restore Your Oral Health

Oral health issues are some of the most painful and uncomfortable experiences humans can have. We use our mouths to eat, communicate, and express our feelings, so, when things aren’t in order, this can get rather frustrating. Whether you have sensitive teeth, you are prone to tooth aches, or you simply want to improve your general oral health, this is the article for you! 

Less Sugary Foods

If you want to be kind to your teeth, the best thing you can do is to stay away from sugary foods. We’re not saying you must abstain from chocolate forever but be more conscious about what you eat or drink and how much sugar this really contains. For example, a simple can of coke has a whopping 39 grams of sugar in it. 

Flossing Everyday 

Of course, everyone knows that they have to brush their teeth every day, but did you know that flossing is just as important? Flossing can prevent bad breath, tooth decay, gum disease, and plaque build-up. Once you get into the habit it will feel like clockwork. For the best practice, make sure to curve your floss into a C-shape against your tooth until you start to feel some resistance. 

Regular Dentist Visits 

Taking your oral health seriously means visiting your dentist regularly. There are no excuses when it comes to visiting the dentist and you should be attending at least every six months. Thankfully, there are hundreds of dental hospitals in the country, so whether you need a dentist in Nolensville or New York, you should have no problem finding one. 

Replacing Your Toothbrush 

An easy way to improve your oral health is by replacing your toothbrush consistently. If you want to practice great oral hygiene, you’ll need the right tools to do so. You can usually tell when your toothbrush needs replacing just from looking at it. However, if you’re unsure, we recommend that you buy a new one or replace the head of your electronic brush once every three to four months. 

Ditching the Cigarettes 

It’s 2022, the last thing you should be ingesting is a tobacco product. We’re now fully aware of the dangers of smoking and the risk this can pose to your oral health. Apart from mouth, throat, and lung cancer, smoking can also cause gum disease. It’s best to ditch the cigarettes in their entirety and stop smoking. If you feel like you would struggle to give up smoking, you’re not alone. There are thousands of other people in your shoes. Make sure to seek out the help that you need. 

Not taking proper care of your teeth can leave you in a terrible situation health wise. Not only can you experience tooth decay and gum disease, but you could also be at risk for heart disease, diabetes, and blood clots. Even if you feel like you’ve spent years neglecting your oral health, there is no better time than the present to start changing your ways and taking action. 

Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash