Finding Friendship In Church Without Traditional Denominational Divides

In the last two decades or thereabouts, there has been an unprecedented rise in the number of non-denominational churches. This has pushed the mainline churches to the sidelines. The traditional Methodist, Episcopalian, Presbyterian and other similar mainstream churches keep shrinking in size.  

Even in places such as Franklin, Tennessee, which has the highest number of churches per capita, the non-denominations seem to be taking charge. For instance, if you visit their site, you will see Generations Church having a large membership, and growing yearly, yet it is non-denominational.  

The truth is that people are leaving the traditional denominational churches. And when they leave them, they are going someplace – the nons. So what is so appealing with the nons? 

They offer many benefits, as you can see below:  

1. Experience God in your own individual way

This is the pillar upon which non-denominational churches are built. 

These churches do not have any laid down doctrine that they follow. Rather, they encourage people to find and experience God in their own individual ways. 

While people take their individual journey in the search for God, this experience brings them closer.

In this day and age, it is hard to subject people to one doctrine. In a society that has grown independent over time, it has become harder to tie them down to one doctrine. 

In any case, people experience God uniquely and individually. Even in the Bible, God used to reveal himself to people in different ways. 

The non-denominational movement encourages this individual spiritualism, rather than the doctrinal/collective one of the mainstream churches. 

2. Interact with people from all walks of life

The mainstream churches usually have memberships from the same racial background. Some even have people from the same social classes. 

The non-denominational churches are not for certain people only. They accommodate people from all backgrounds and social classes. 

This fosters better relationships among people living in the same community in a city like Franklin.  

The individual experiences of seeking God make everyone feel that he or she has something in common with the other members. Long-lasting relationships have been forged this way. 

As a result, they create a stronger bond of friendship. Besides, non-denominational members usually arrange membership around cells. 

These cells bring people together as they get to know one another better. They often meet and share experiences and ideas. 

This kind of inclusivity makes all people feel that they belong. They feel wanted and happy. By breaking down the barriers in the traditional denominational churches, there is no social grouping or racism. 

3. People are encouraged to read the bible for themselves

In the individual journey in spiritualism, the people in the non-denominational churches are encouraged to study the word of God. 

The nons outfits base all of their doctrine on the bible. Therefore, the members are supposed to make bible reading part of their routine. This helps them to forge a stronger bond with God. 

The teachings that you get from these churches can help you to pursue a deeper relationship with God. 

In the belief that everything a modern Christian needs is in the bible, people get to discover more religious liberty. They enjoy more flexibility in the way they relate with God. 

Does this mean there are no principles to follow in these churches? Not really. There are rules. 

A church is an institution, and as such, it thrives when there are rules. It is only that in most cases, they are not as strict as those of the denominational churches. 

There are regulations for how the members of these churches are supposed to carry themselves so that the presence of God stays in their life. 

4. Personal growth and development

The pursuit of personal growth and development is another thing that binds people in the non-denominational churches. The leaders encourage people to focus on their personal development, health, and growth

People are encouraged to read books on personal development, growth, motivation, relationships, and living a better life here on earth, and others. 

As a member of such a church, your daily pursuit will be holistic living. Seek more knowledge in God all the time by reading the bible, praying, fasting, and attending fellowships. 

As you grow spiritually, also pursue personal growth. The church encourages you to go after interests that will make you a better person at work, school, or home

5. They give a better shot at leadership

The leadership of the non-denominational churches has women, young people, and even seniors. People from all backgrounds make the leadership team. 

This kind of mix in the leadership makes everyone in the church feel well represented. This creates a very strong sense of belonging. 


If you would like to fellowship in a church where you feel you belong, you should join a non-denominational one. The membership in such a church is very accommodating to people from all lifestyles. 

These churches also place a heavy emphasis on personal growth. The leadership encourages members to join small groups for networking purposes.

Where the traditional denominations provide social, class, and other divides, the non-denominational churches embrace people who cannot fit in the mainstream churches.


Image Credit: Photo by Josh Eckstein on Unsplash