Table of Contents
Things to Think About One Year Before The Date Of The Concert
Yes, that is a good amount of time to start planning for a bigger concert which will be successful. With so many elements to take care of during events nowadays, even small wedding preparation takes 6 to 8 months. Planning a big concert is a huge project to start with. All variables will impact each other and small errors that you overlook can have a big impact on your entire event.
The first thing to decide on is why you are organizing the concert. It is a well-known fact that when you have a solid ‘Why’ as a reason, you always find a good ‘How’ solution. Is it because you want to generate some revenue? Well, that could be the obvious answer that then leads to who is your target audience, what theme should it follow, what message would you like to send, and so on.
Now that you have decided on your ‘why’s the next step is to decide, how, when, and where. You will need to figure out the best way to appeal to your target audience by the ease of location, time, and resources. Answering these first few basic questions can provide you with a clearer vision of your event. You might even end up re-designing the whole idea of the event after you have got all your answers.
Start discussing your event with people to understand what is in demand. Though you might think what you like best might work for everyone else, it might not be so. By checking out other events held previously with the same concept you too will have an idea of what it takes to make your concert successful. If you are looking for multiple artists or one large act, start booking artists who will help you accomplish your goals for the event. Once you have collected all the information on what different artists can do for you, start putting down everything in writing. Don’t just give your word for it which is not a binding contract. By writing a contract you will have a concrete agreement made and will not need to include lawyers in the future for the same deal.
8 to 10 Months Before Your Concert
So now you have a completely solid foundation of what your event will be about and it’s time to start executing your planned strategies. Knowing your budget should be the biggest puzzle to consider as the entire show depends upon it. Money will play a driving force in planning your concert. You will have to keep in mind that you will need a buffer budget too as there can always arise unexpected expenses. Be conservative when planning how much money you will need. You don’t have to spend all your budget on booking an artist but also take into consideration expenses like marketing, production, staff, food, printing and so on. Form a team who will help you estimate the cost of each element and add some extra budget on each just to be on the safer side.
The next thing to look at is the venue and the final date of the event. No amount of money or fancy elements will work in your favor if you don’t have the right location to put up your concert. Securing and booking the facility can be time-consuming. There could be a chance that the venue could be booked for other events or just not fit your budget or even worse if it just isn’t right for your target audience. Factors like ease of getting there, parking space, etc play a big role when people are deciding if they want to come for an event or now. The size of the location as well matters as one that is too big will make the concert look empty while one that is too small will appear too stuffy. Planning this early will give you a chance to be flexible with the dates and locations that work for everyone. After all, flexibility is the key to a successful event.
So at the end of this stage, you will have the main artists, location, and date finalized. Looks like you have got your act together? Well for the beginning, yes, but keep in mind that you are just only getting started now. You will have to go through connecting a lot of dots together to get ready for the concert. Prepare to delegate, and stay focused instead of overwhelming yourself. Surround yourself with a dedicated team and be responsible for them. Manage your team effectively and provide them with all your resources so they can work effectively and efficiently. Major concerts that are successful don’t have just one person running the show but a solid team that put it together in the best possible manner.
6 to 8 Months Before The Concert
The more advanced planning you do, the better and easier it will is to deal with circumstances that can arise. Now that you have a budget in place, start estimating the costs you will incur. If you are targeting an audience that does not reside in the local area you will need to get cost estimates for room rentals and travel. People are more likely to come to your concert if they can get an all-packaged deal which includes the concert pass, hotel bookings, and shuttle service if needed. The more ease you provide your guests, the more likely they are to come. You might also have to consider some insurance policy from the concert -specific companies like MFE Insurance. that cover any unexpected event during the concert.
The main element of a concert has to be the Music equipment. It should be good enough to cover all the ground on the convert venue and sounds good too. This main factor can break your event into pieces if people are not happy with it. The best way to deal with this is to hire companies which have done similar events on a large scale and can provide solutions to all the technical aspects needed for the concert. It is also advised to find one that is based in the same location so they can provide you with quick solutions. If you are planning on a concert in London then research for event equipment hire in London itself. London-based companies like On Tour Events can provide services related to sound, lighting, screens for all sizes of events be it indoor or outdoor. A well-lit stage with a good sound system, lights and so one can make sure all your guest enjoy the best of your concert
Other costs to consider are getting the place set up for food vendors and other entertainment that you would like to add to your event. All food vendors must have permission for serving food outside and follow all safety procedures and protocols. Getting a fire safety unit installed will be important too. Add in as many elements of entertainment as possible. Including local schools and universities to participate as vendors or entertainment providers will promote local participation in the event.
4 to 6 Months Before The Concert
Start with your marketing now. You can start by building a website or make a page on popular social media platforms like Facebook. Be as professional as you possibly can. Think and research how to portray your event to your target crowd. Choose the right logo, color combinations, and content so many people can relate to it. Get a team together and create a publicity plan. You can use both online and offline channels. Signages, flyers, promotional stands, etc are all examples of offline marketing you can do to promote awareness. Offers on early bird prices are a great way to confirm audience well before in advance for an event. You can also look for marketing software like Eventbrite that can help make the process easier.
The next step is to find the sponsors as you now have a full-fledged plan for the event. Prepare documents and contracts for every hire you need. Get all your contracts signed and the deal closed so you don’t have to fret about them later. Finalize the schedule of the event so everyone knows what will happen when and the guests too can organize their time accordingly. Investigate all the permits or special licenses you will need and get them ready so you don’t have any problem with the law.
Arrange security services that can ensure that the event glides through seamlessly and in a smooth manner. Ambulance services should be booked for the event so that in case there is a medical emergency, quick action can be taken. First aid kits should be kept in several locations for easy access. Emergency contact numbers for services like the fire department should be noted in case the need arises including proper signage for emergency exits.
One important aspect that is usually overlooked, is the provision of toilet facilities at the concert. Arrange portable porta potties and also provide staffing there that will ensure that it is clean. No one likes to wait in a queue to see a dirty and messy-looking toilet booth. You will also need to consider toilet facility provisions for people with disabilities.
2 to 4 Months Before The Concert
It’s time to step into full gear! Start with all the printed material and set up. Get the logos of all sponsors to make sure they are highlighted as per the order of their sponsorship amount. Send out a newsletter using Mailchimp or other resources along with radio and television Ads. You can also use influencers to promote your event. Promote promo videos on youtube.
Send out reminders to all your contact list and promote registration and participation. Confirm travel and stay plans with your guests. Finalize food vendors and make the final map of how the event should look like. These two months should be heavily concentrated on marketing. The whole event depends on that.
1 week Before The Event
Start by ticking off items from your checklist. You are getting close to the event and the majority of the event details should have been confirmed and signed off. This is the time for the final touches. Bring together your whole team and go through with them thoroughly on the master plan of the event. Go through the backup plans and emergency plans too. Ask speakers and performers to have practice sessions to test the sound system and other things. Brief all volunteers on their duties and timelines. Finalize the seating plan and the area for food, entertainment, medical services, and restrooms. Organize signages that clearly state all areas.
Lastly, make sure you have informed the press so that they will be present to cover your event.

On The Day Of The Event And After
Take a deep breath and start your day. Come in early to give final checks for signages, registration area, AV equipment, and so on. Greet the attendees, sponsors, VIPs, and others and assist everyone. Make sure all walkie-talkies are working so you are all connected. This is the time where you will have to sit back, relax and enjoy the show.
Once your event is over, you can celebrate with your colleagues. However, your job is still not done. Set up a cleaning committee that will come the next day to clean the location up and return it to the way it was. Pack and return all the equipment hired for the event to the suppliers. Gather all the receipts to check your account and compare them against your expenses.
Send a thank-you note to your guests and sponsors. Thank your volunteers too. A small thank you goes a long way. Mention the success of the event in the notes and add the necessary details to prove it when sending it to the sponsors. A press release on social media, your website, and local newspaper stating how the event was, will be a bonus that you can use for publicity for your next event. You can also conduct a post-event survey from all participants to know what they enjoyed the most and what elements need to be changed for your next event.
Featured Image Credit: Unsplash