Elevating your Day-to-Day Look

Looking your best can take serious effort. On a handful of occasions each year, this effort might well be justified. If you’re going out for a significant birthday party, a wedding, or an award show, then pulling out all of the stops might be worth the time and energy.

With that said, most days don’t demand this kind of commitment. We want to be able to throw on something that’s casual and comfortable, and we want to be able to do it quickly. If you do this the wrong way, then you might end up compromising on style. Fortunately, there are ways you can take your day-to-day ensemble up a notch or two, without too much extra effort. 

Taking pride in your appearance can help to bolster your confidence, improve your mood, and confer a range of mental health benefits. So, looking your best isn’t just about pleasing other people – it’s also about being happy and fulfilled on a daily basis.

Let’s take a look at a few steps you might take to achieve this, whatever your preferred choice of clothing might be.

Jeans and a Top

The standard casual choice for many, a good pair of jeans and a top will serve you brilliantly. Make sure that you get something that fits comfortably, and that isn’t too restrictive. You can customise your look by considering a selection of different cuts. In general, however, your jeans are going to take a visual back seat, with your top drawing the most attention. Pick out a selection of quality women’s t-shirts so that you can throw on something that captures your imagination every morning.


The great thing about a high-quality skirt is the freedom of movement it allows you while still being versatile enough to match well with a range of different body shapes. You should be able to call upon skirts of a range of different lengths and thicknesses, depending on the weather and your inclination.

By pairing different skirts with different kinds of footwear, you can end up with a look that’s very different from the one you started with. Try trainers or biker boots for some wild results.


On those days when you can’t decide what to wear, the chances are good that you end up reaching for a dress. Like skirts, these come in a whole range of styles – ranging from maxi to dungarees. Since this is just a single item, it’s important that you’re able to mix up your look with accessories and accents. Have tights available in several different colours or patterns, should you need to decide what to wear. You might also pair your dress with a quality jacket or cardigan.

Photo by Amanda Vick on Unsplash