Drake Accused Of Stealing “No Face” Bars From Indie Artist Sixpathsss

Drake’s Controversial Reputation

Drake is once again the center of attention as it appears that everyone wants a piece of the iconic rapper. Despite his efforts to reshape his narrative in recent months, the label of being a “colonizer” continues to stick in the minds of some critics. This persistent image isn’t a baseless one as over the years drake has been accused of taking or stealing other rappers rapping styles. Drake is often the subject of heated discussions due to the fact that at one point he was accused of the Big Sean flow appropriation. He was accused of trying to use the Big Sean’s hashtag. This controversy has sparked endless discussions among fans and critics alike, with many questioning whether Drake’s success is partly built on the creativity of others. 

However, in 2017, the renowned late rapper XXXTentacion accused Drake of the flow of the hit song “Look at Me”, where the mentioned rapper performed. This accusation added fuel to the fire, further cementing the notion that Drake has a habit of adopting flows that aren’t originally his. The controversy surrounding this particular instance became a significant talking point within the hip-hop community, raising questions about originality and influence in the industry.

New Accusations by Sixpathsss

As we further discuss the subject, a new voice has joined the power struggle. Independent artist Sixpathsss says that Drake has once again borrowed a flow – this time, from him. This last accusation has fanned the flames of controversy around Drake’s methods and the ethics of appropriation from relative unknowns. The contention regarding whether these instances deserve to be treated as imitation or inspiration still brings out diversity of thought to this scrutiny. As these allegations accumulate, the focus rises on Drakes originality. He is constantly trying to shift how the public sees him, but this idea that he adapts other peoples ideas too much is still clinging. He continues to inspire debate on his artistic behaviors due to the very nature of the music business that called for the worst of endorsement and originality.

Drake has sought to clear himself of the controversy by rewriting what he said in light of these constant allegations.
However, the colonizer of flows image still exists even after trying to the extent which he can to change that. Both critics and fans are left realizing the extent to which individual creativity has contributed to some of Drake’s achievements or how much collaboration or fulcrum of other artists’ works have played on his greatness. The relentless argument on whether Drake is stealing flows to the ire of some fans further raises a bigger problem in the music business. However, this very thin line between tribute and copying tends to overstep on occasions which brings about arguments on the authenticity of creativity. Given the increasing number of the singers with such allegations, it is obvious that this problem is not going to be solved anytime soon. Its impact on the future standing of Drake in the social context is something that will be established later.

Accused of Stealing Bars

Following the release of his latest single, the Independent artist Sixpathsss, in an Instagram post, leveled a scandalous charge against Drake, stating that he stole his bars and featured them in the song “No Face”. To buttress his argument, Sixpathsss shared Drake’s song and the one he himself wrote and these were pretty much the same. The lines in question are quite similar which has both artists saying ‘I don’t get sleepy off no melatonin/My therapist put in a thirty-day notice.’ They followed up with ‘Cause, I keep on talkin’ ’bout beefin’ and business and money and women, there ain’t no diagnosis. Such similarities in the rhyme scheme, the flow, and the choice of words border on the pathological, raising an alarm that Drake might have been very creative in his plundering of Sixpathsss’s work.

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While there are no doubts regarding the likeness in the two tracks, the response from the followers has been very mixed. While some fans think that Drake indeed borrowed from a lesser-known artist, others have maintained that it is a plausible case of unsought likeness. The issue underscores a very live debate on different aspects of copyright such as whether or not there was infringement by Drake or justification on creation being a space that everyone can inhabit. The specific rhyme scheme and flow of these two performers form a backbone for Sixpathsss’ arguments also contribute to the further deliberations regarding the hatred towards the flow that some of these bars by Drake can be construed as inspiration rather than copypasting. This situation has once again brought to the surface the demand for the proper reasons for borrowing, especially for a person like Drake.

Continuing the Controversy

As this latest accusation gains attention, it adds another layer of complexity to already reeling of Drake’s reputation on the use of the flow and style of other musicians. As usual among Drake fans and people who work in the industry, a burning question of whether such traits are random occurrences or are premeditated continues to provide food for thoughts on the matter giving a question on how one perceives the creative undertakings of Drake. This incident with Sixpathsss is one of such complaints that have been brought up against him over the years, and in fact it usually emphasizes copyright infringement. With more artists coming forward, it is becoming very evident that these problems are far from being solved and are most likely to remain a focal point in the music industry.

Drake’s reputation as a ‘culture vulture’ was also placed under fire by the fans as they sought to cast blame on him. The comment section on Instagram was quick to attract comments with several users charging Drake with copycatism. Most fans agreed that this was certainly not the first criticism alleged against Drake, and of course revived the controversy about the rapper’s originality.

It must be emphasized, however, that Sixpathsss, the artist who accuses Drake, is not well-known figure in the industry. With a modest following, he stands to gain significant attention by claiming that Drake stole his lyrics. This situation naturally raises questions about his motives, with some skeptics pointing out the potential benefits of such a high-profile accusation. “Man has 3000 followers,” one user commented sarcastically, “but Drake knows about him and steals his bars.”

Previous Accusations Against Other Artists

It is not for the first time Sixpathsss comes up with such allegations. Earlier, he attributed some of his bars to Trippie Redd, who did no harm to the culture or the law due to false accusations. Still these lies are becoming too common with no solid evidence or any proof of punishment and it is beginning to feel like the case of “the boy who cried wolf.” So such situations are being observed is likely to end up the same here with the case involving Drake. Nonetheless, it is the drift of the allegations against Drake that seems to take the back seat as far as the song ‘No Face’ is concerned. This has baffled many people more than the fact that Drake has possibly lifted some lines from another musician.

The absence of discussion regarding the fact that some bars may have actually been lifted from Carti has been majorly on the topic of Drake being accused of snitching on other artist which in all probability suggests that such an allegation is unlikely to pick up much steam. As fans and critics continue to discuss the latest accusations against Drake, it’s clear that his reputation for borrowing from other artists remains a contentious issue. However, given Sixpathsss’ history of similar claims and the more significant attention on other aspects of “No Face,” it seems unlikely that this story will have a lasting impact. The skepticism surrounding Sixpathsss’ motives and the ongoing focus on Playboi Carti’s absence suggest that this controversy may soon fade into the background.

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