Dog Health Problems You Should Be Aware of in 2022

As dog owners, you want nothing more than for your dog to be as happy and healthy as possible throughout its entire life. Unfortunately, this can’t always be the case, but it can definitely be prevented with the right care. There are lots of dog health problems to be aware of out there, some of which will be covered in this guide.

If you are concerned or worried about anything to do with your pet, then it is always recommended to consult with your veterinarian, who is able to provide more direct results accustomed to your dog.


Constipation in dogs is the result of a stall of faeces being passed through, usually due to a temporary health problem. It can result in uncomfortable or sometimes painful feelings for the dog when attempting to do the toilet. It can sometimes develop into Obstipation, a more serious matter to be aware of, so all forms of constipation should be taken seriously and dealt with.

Obstipation is a medical condition by which your dog cannot pass through waste at all. Common causes of constipation can come down to many things, but mainly due to ingestion or indigestible foods. Some other problems include:

  • Colitis disease
  • Fear, anxiety, and other behavioural problems
  • Digestion of foreign bodies
  • Hormonal issues
  • Sudden change in diet

Dogs usually give faeces around once a day, so if your dog is constipated, you might notice this has stopped or suddenly become less frequent. In severe cases, you may also notice your dog squatting or scooting strangely or even yelping in pain.

It’s usually treated through simple therapies and medications in common cases, but it helps to notice constipation early on.

Gum Disease

Gum disease is certainly one to be aware of as it can often start very silently and progress into a lot of pain for your dog. Around two-thirds of dogs suffer from gum disease, and most owners don’t even realise it, so it’s important to become aware of it.

It arises after your dog eats. Bacteria and other substances build up to form a sticky substance on the teeth and gums (similar to enamel). White blood cells react with this to break it down, which causes inflamed gums, destroyed tissues, and in extreme cases, loss of teeth, bone and other potential problems.

Unfortunately, dogs can’t brush their teeth like humans, so the number of gum disease cases is very high in dogs. Gum disease can be helped with various doggy dental sticks and products.

Gum disease is painful for dogs, but many are very good at covering it up, and you will rarely notice any issues. Some common things to notice are:

  • Difficulty handling their usual food
  • Bleeding gums
  • Wobbly teeth
  • Excessive blood in saliva
  • Dribble or foaming at the mouth
  • Bad breath

If you keep an eye out for these common problems and raise them with your veterinarian early, you could be doing your dog a world of favours.

To prevent this, it’s important to perform regular dental care for your dog as much as possible from when they are young. It can even be as simple as brushing their teeth daily, which may be hard with some dogs, but some enjoy the attention.


Unfortunately, obesity is another common health problem within dogs, and a lot of it comes down to lenient owners. Canine obesity affects dogs of all ages, particularly as their metabolism slows.

It is the fastest-growing health problem, with around 30-60% of dogs developing it in their lifetime.

All that is required to fix it is a healthy balanced diet, which we humans rely on.

Regularly overfeeding them, frequent treats, and not enough exercise are all the most common factors when it comes to obesity, and by improving these three factors, you can already promote a healthier lifestyle for your dog.

The impact of weight gain can be devastating for dogs and can severely dampen their quality of life. Even the slightest bit of weight gain that can be considered obese can drastically shorten their life span. The health problems that come with it are similar to humans, including heart disease and diabetes. Excessive weight can even cause problems in their joints and bones.

If you think your dog may be obese or on its way, you should consider changing the amount you feed them, cutting down on the treats, and trying to take them out more frequently for walks/runs. Vets provide further treatments, but ultimately it all stems from this.

In Summary

These are some of the most common health problems found in dogs. Constipation, gum disease, and obesity are all problems that you should be aware of and understand how to prevent before they get any worse.

As always, no one can assess your dog better than your vet, so always consult with them before making any drastic changes yourself.