Does THCA Flower Get You High? What You Need to Know

You’ve already heard of THC, the most famous psychoactive cannabinoid found in hemp. But do you know of its precursors effects? THCA can be psychoactive or non-psychoactive depending on how it’s used, but does THCA flower get you high? Is it a viable replacement for THC flower? Keep reading to find out!

What is THCA?

THCA, short for tetrahydrocannabinolic acid, is one of many cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. It is the acidic precursor to THC, the main psychoactive compound in cannabis that produces the high associated with marijuana use. 

In the raw cannabis plant, THCA is abundant and does not induce psychoactive effects when consumed because it does not readily pass the blood-brain barrier in its original form. 

The Effects of THCA

Despite not being intoxicating, THCA has several purported health benefits. 

Research suggests that it has anti-inflammatory properties, making it potentially useful in treating some conditions. It may also possess neuroprotective qualities, which may be beneficial in battling some diseases.

The effects of THCA are only beginning to be understood, and much of the existing research is preliminary, conducted in vitro or on animal models. 

Human studies are needed to confirm these findings and fully understand the potential of THCA as a therapeutic agent. However, the non-psychoactive nature of THCA makes it a promising candidate for medical applications where the psychoactivity of THC would be undesirable.

How Does THCA Turn into THC?

The transformation from THCA to THC is not a natural process that occurs under normal conditions. It requires the application of heat in a process known as decarboxylation, which fundamentally alters the chemical structure of THCA, dropping a carboxyl group and becoming THC.


Decarboxylation is a chemical reaction necessary to activate the psychoactive potential of the cannabinoids found in cannabis. When cannabis is smoked, vaporized, or cooked, the heat applied causes THCA to lose a carbon dioxide molecule and convert into THC.

This process is crucial for cannabis users seeking the psychoactive effects of THC, as raw and unheated cannabis contains primarily THCA, which won’t cause a high. Understanding decarboxylation is important not only for recreational users but also for medical cannabis patients who need to activate THC for its therapeutic effects. 

For example, cannabis edibles must be cooked at a controlled temperature to ensure that the THCA is converted into THC effectively, allowing users to experience the desired effects.

What is THCA Flower?

THCA flower refers to the raw, dried buds of the cannabis plant that are high in THCA and low in THC. This form of cannabis is essentially what is harvested directly from the plant, with minimal processing to maintain the integrity of its cannabinoids.

Unlike processed cannabis products, THCA flower contains cannabinoids in their acidic forms, as the drying process only minimally decarboxylates the cannabinoids. This makes THCA flower particularly appealing to those interested in the potential health benefits of raw cannabis without the psychoactive effects.

When left unheated, THCA flower offers a way to experience the non-intoxicating effects of cannabis. However, when THCA flower is subjected to heat, such as through smoking or vaporization, it quickly converts to THC, offering a different experience entirely. 

This dual potential makes THCA flower a versatile option for both recreational and medicinal users, depending on how it is used.

Does THCA Flower Get You High?

While THCA itself is non-psychoactive, the method of consumption plays a crucial role in its potential to induce a high. 

THCA flower, when consumed as is, without the application of heat, will not produce psychoactive effects. However, when it is heated—such as through smoking or vaporization—the story changes significantly.

In other words, smoking THCA flower will certainly make you high, as THCA transforms into THC when heat is applied, giving you all the psychoactive benefits of the cannabis plant. 

THCA flower

How Strong is THCA Flower?

The potency of THCA flower, when heated, can be quite significant, paralleling the strength of traditional THC-rich flowers. 

The potential potency of THCA flower largely depends on how effectively the THCA is converted into THC during the smoking or vaporizing process. Proper decarboxylation, which involves applying the right amount of heat for the correct duration, can maximize THC production, resulting in a strong psychoactive effect.

Factors that affect the potency include the specific strain of the cannabis plant, the freshness of the flower, and the method used for heating. For example, older cannabis flowers may have undergone some natural decarboxylation, potentially lowering the THCA content and thus reducing the potency of the flower when finally consumed.

User Experience

The strength and experience of consuming THCA flower can vary widely from person to person. Some users report that smoking THCA flower provides a more “clear-headed” high compared to pre-decarboxylated products, possibly due to other cannabinoids and terpenes present in the flower that influence its overall effects. 

This aspect of THCA flower might be appealing to those who prefer a less intense experience or are looking for specific therapeutic benefits from other cannabinoids and terpenes that might be diminished during extensive processing.

THC Flower vs. THCA Flower: Is There a Difference?

Yes, there is both a chemical and practical difference between THC and THCA flowers, although they may appear similar to the untrained eye.

Yes and No: The Chemical Perspective

At a chemical level, the main difference between THC and THCA flower lies in their cannabinoid profiles. THCA flower is rich in THCA, which does not cause psychoactive effects until it is decarboxylated. THC flower, on the other hand, contains a higher concentration of THC, which means it can produce effects without the need for decarboxylation.

Practical Differences and User Experience

From a practical standpoint, the user’s choice between THCA and THC flower might hinge on personal preferences for usage and the desired onset of effects. 

THCA flower allows for versatility in how it’s consumed. When used without heating, it doesn’t produce psychoactive effects, which is ideal for those interested in the potential health benefits of raw cannabis without getting high. 

Conversely, THC flower is ready to use and provides immediate psychoactive effects, making it a preferable choice for users seeking instant relief or recreational use.

Moreover, the experience of consuming THCA flower, once heated, can mirror that of consuming THC flower. However, the process of decarboxylation may also enhance or diminish certain terpenes and other cannabinoids depending on how it’s conducted, potentially altering the flavor and subtleties of the effect compared to pre-decarboxylated THC flower.

THCA Products

THCA Flower vs. Other THCA Products

When exploring the variety of cannabis products available, THCA flower is just one option among many, including vapes, concentrates, and edibles. Each product varies not only in its form but also in how it delivers THCA and THC to the user.

THCA Flower vs. THCA Vapes

THCA vapes are designed specifically for their ease of use and efficiency in delivering high levels of THC. These products typically undergo a form of decarboxylation during the ingestion process, ensuring that the THCA has been converted into THC. This means they are ready to produce psychoactive effects immediately upon consumption.

Vapes heat the cannabis oil to a controlled temperature that optimizes the conversion of THCA to THC without burning the material. This method also preserves more of the terpenes and cannabinoids, offering a potentially fuller and more nuanced experience than smoking THCA flower.

THCA Flower vs. THCA Concentrates

Concentrates are known for their high potency. They contain a much higher percentage of THC compared to flowers, whether THCA or THC, because they are extracted to concentrate the cannabinoids, often through processes that involve heat which decarboxylates the THCA.

When you dab THCA concentrate, you’re transforming high quantities of THCA into high quantities of THC, giving you more potent psychoactive effects than vapes or flower. 

THCA Flower vs. THCA Gummies

THCA gummies are a unique category. 

Unlike vapes and concentrates, THCA gummies are often produced without decarboxylation, which means they contain THCA in its original form and do not induce psychoactive effects unless they are subsequently heated (which is uncommon for edibles). 

This makes THCA gummies ideal for those seeking the benefits of THCA without the high, such as potential anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects mentioned earlier.

Consumers should be aware that the effects of consuming THCA gummies will differ significantly from those of THCA flower, vapes, or concentrates due to the lack of psychoactivity. This makes them less suitable for those seeking the traditional benefits associated with THC.

THCA Products

Final Thoughts: Does THCA Flower Get You High?

Understanding the differences between THCA and THC, and the various products available, is crucial for consumers aiming to make informed decisions about their cannabis use. 

THCA flower offers a unique combination of versatility and potential potency, making it an appealing choice for both recreational and medicinal users, depending on how it is prepared and consumed. As the cannabis industry evolves, so too does our understanding of the myriad ways its components can be used to benefit users in different ways.

In conclusion, whether THCA flower gets you high depends on how it is used. Through decarboxylation, THCA flower can indeed deliver potent psychoactive effects similar to THC flower. However, it also holds the potential for non-psychoactive use, providing a flexible option for users with varying needs and preferences.