Distracted Driving: Negligent Driving Behaviors Leading to Car Accidents

Distracted driving and negligent driving behaviors are the leading causes of car accidents and personal injuries. Distracted driving is any activity that diverts the driver’s attention from operating the vehicle safely. Any driving behavior that puts other people’s safety on the road in danger is considered negligent. 

3 Types of Distracted Driving 

  • Visual distractions take your eyes off the road. This can include looking at a GPS, changing the radio station, or even talking to passengers. 
  • Manual distractions take your hands off the wheel. This can be as simple as fiddling with the air conditioning or reaching for a drink in the cup holder. 
  • Cognitive distractions take your mind off of driving. This can happen when you’re daydreaming, lost in thought, or even engaged in deep conversation with passengers. 

All three types of distracted driving are dangerous and increase your chances of being involved in an accident. Here are 7 major reasons why distracted driving accidents are on the rise: 

Eating and Drinking

Eating and drinking while driving is one of the most common negligent driving behaviors leading to car accidents. It is estimated that distracted driving due to eating and drinking causes up to 25% of all car accidents

The dangers of eating and drinking while driving are twofold. 

  • First, it takes the driver’s attention away from the road. 
  • Secondly, it can cause spillage, leading to loss of control of the vehicle. 

Cell Phone Use

In the United States, it is estimated that there are more than 660,000 car accidents caused by distracted driving each year. This is a problem that the widespread use of cell phones has exacerbated. Driving while distracted by a phone puts both the driver and other road users at risk.

Although many states have laws against distracted driving, the problem continues to grow. If a distracted driver has hit you in the Midwest, don’t hesitate to contact Nicolet Law Accident & Injury Lawyers for your free case evaluation. Distracted driving is a form of negligence, and you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries.  

  • Drivers should ensure they are not using their phones while driving. 
  • Passengers can help by reminding drivers to stay focused on the road. 
  • Parents can talk to their children about the dangers of distracted driving and set a good example by not using their phones while driving. 


Smoking is one of the most common negligent driving behaviors that lead to car accidents. When a driver smokes while driving, they endanger not only themselves but also the lives of their passengers and other drivers on the road.

There are many dangers associated with smoking while driving. For one, it takes the driver’s attention away from the road. This can lead to them missing important cues like stop signs or traffic lights. Additionally, smoking can cause drivers to become dizzy or lightheaded, making it difficult to focus on driving.

Finally, smoking while driving can also be a fire hazard. If a cigarette butt is not properly extinguished, it can easily start a fire in the car. This is especially dangerous if the car is involved in an accident and catches fire. 

Applying makeup

Most women have a beauty routine that includes applying makeup before they head out for the day. But did you know that putting on your lipstick or powdering your nose could be distracting while driving? 

According to a study by the Foundation for Traffic Safety, about 60% of drivers admit to engaging in at least one risky behavior while behind the wheel. And one of those behaviors is putting on makeup.

So, how can something as seemingly innocuous as applying mascara or fixing your hair be dangerous? Well, it all has to do with where your attention is focused. When you’re doing anything that takes your eyes off the road, even for a few seconds, you’re increasing your chances of being in an accident.


Both distracted and negligent driving increase the risk of accidents and injuries.  Accidents can result in physical harm, property damage, and even fatalities. Injuries can range from minor to life-threatening. 

Paying attention to the road and driving responsibly is important to avoid being involved in an accident. Put away all distractions, such as your phone, before getting behind the wheel. Obey all traffic laws and watch out for other drivers. Report reckless driving to the authorities if you see it.